Sponsored by Kamloops Heritage Railway Society, Canadian National Railways Historical Association and the Canadian Northern Society


19 June - Kamloops

⃝ 10:00 KHRS Shop Guided Tour / Steam-up of #2141 (From City Centre Victoria St, take 10th Ave north under CPR underpass, turn left to 7th Ave, turn right. Turn left on gravel lane before crossing track, drive west under Red Bridge, park on right).

12:00 Lunch (you’re on your own)

13:00 Train consist moves to Lorne Street Station platform

⃝ 13:30 Opening Presentation / Ticketed Passengers board Special Excursion Train

14:00Train departs Lorne Street Station

Last Spike re-enactment

Photo run-by

Re-board train, train proceeds to Kamloops Jct. and returns to Kamloops

16:00 Train arrivesback at Lorne Street Station / Passengers disembark

16:30 Free time: displays set up in Lorne Street Station; Kelly’s Caboose open for extended hours (models, railroadiana, antiques); or just enjoy the sights of Kamloops

⃝19:00 Evening Mealand Dinner Presentation - BYOF (Buy Your Own Food) atthe Gateway Travel Centre, CN Caboose and Denny’s Restaurant are located 10 minutes east of Kamloops on Highway 1. Take Kokanee Way Exit to 175 Kokanee Way, can’t miss all the 18 wheelers. Gateway 250 573 3027

(Depending on numbers - location to be finalized at registration)

20:15Keynote Speaker – Barrie Sanford, Brookmere, B.C.

Informal Slide Presentations to follow: (NOTE: participants should bring their slides in a Kodak carousel tray that holds up to 80 slides, or a thumb drive with up to 80 images. We will have both a Kodak projector and a laptop and computer projector).

⃝ 23:00 Night Photography Session - #2141 led by Jeff Robertson with special lightingat CN Lorne Street Station platform. (NOTE: For best results participants should bring a camera capable of taking time exposures with a cable release and a tripod.)

20 June–Kamloops

⃝ 08:00 Meet at KHRS Shops (address above)

08:15 Depart KHRS Shopsby private (car-pooled) vehicles for railfan tour of the scenic Thompson Canyon between Ashcroft and Spences Bridge, including what is believed to be the location of the last spike 13 January 1915 near Basque BC.

16:00Return to Kamloops KHRS Shops

18:00If there is enough interest we will organize informal Bar B Q at a convenient location (BYOF).


We require a modest CDN$25.00 non-refundable registration fee – per person - to defray some of the expenses for the celebration. This assures you of handouts, a guided tour of the KHRS shops, steam-up of #2141, a train ticket, dinner presentation, participation in a night photo shoot, and guided railfan tour of the Basque area. You are still responsible to organize and pay for your own transportation, lodging and meals.


In order to get an accurate count of the attendance for each specific activity, please show number of participants for each of the circled events (above) related to those activities that you intend to be participant(s) and provide the following contact information with your remittance:

Name ______

(Insert the names of everyone in your party)


Phone (Home)______

Phone (Mobile)______

Number of Participants:

Jun 19th: Shop Tour ____ Train Tickets _____ Dinner _____ Night Photo Shoot ____

Slide Evening: Do you plan on bringing slides ____or images on a thumb drive? ____

Jun 20th: Railfan Tour_____ BBQ_____

Any Special requirements?______

Please remit the non-refundable CDN$25.00 per person registration fee (cheque or Interac Transfer) and requested information via email or postby 15 May, 2015 to:

CNoPR Last Spike Centenary Celebration C/OLes Kozma

228 Warwick Road, Edmonton, AB

T5X 4P9 (780) 405-4021

cheques should be made payable to Les Kozma


Registrants may pick up their train ticketsand registration packets on 19 June, beginning at 09:00, at the KRHS Shops, near the CN Lorne Street Station in Kamloops. Train tickets that are unclaimed by 13:00 will be made available to the general public on a first-come-first-served basis.

Please note that times are approximate but represent the earliest that a particular activity will commence. In the event of mechanical or other issues, we reserve the right to change portions of the program to suit, including the use of alternate motive power.