MLK 2006
Packet by Chris Romero
1. During his student days, this author wrote a satire for the university newspaper entitled “The Philosophy of Umbrellas” and a scientific work called “On a New Form of Intermittent Light for Lighthouses,” and earned the nickname Velvet Jacket. He defends slothfulness in “An Apology for Idlers,” and makes “A Plea for Gas Lamps” in another work. G.K. Chesterton wrote a book on him, and his major work features such characters as Israel Hands, Ben Gunn, and Dr. Livesey. The writer of The Weir of Hermiston and The Master of Ballantrae, FTP, name this Scottish author of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Kidnapped, and Treasure Island.
Answer: Robert Louis Stevenson
2. A 20-carbon molecule with two aromatic rings, it was introduced to Europe in the 17th century, and synthetically created by Robert Woodward and William Doering in 1944. Once labeled Cortex Peruanus, it was intimately associated with the Jesuits as a medicine, and supposedly cured Charles II of ague. Its natural form, obtained from the cinchona tree, is beginning to be used again today as a response to certain resistant strains of Plasmodium virus. FTP, name this alkaloid most noted for treating malaria.
Answer: quinine (accept cinchona bark before it is mentioned)
3. One exception to it passed four years later was Web-Pomerene Act, which diluted its application outside the borders of the United States. The Capper-Volstead Act exempted farmer cooperatives from the provisions of this legislation, whose second section outlawed price discrimination but whose section 6 explicitly grants labor unions the right to boycott and strike. The 1976 Hart-Scott-Rodino Improvements Act amended its provisions and required federal approval. Passed one year after the Underwood-Simmons Tariff, it was accompanied by an act creating the FTC.FTP, name this 1914 anti-trust legislation that supplemented the 1890 Sherman Act.
Answer: Clayton Antitrust Act
4. A work by Otto Neurath was a refutation of this man’s ideas, like those that appear in his chapter “The Meaning of Numbers,” where he suggests that even math is subject to uncertainty.He espoused his so-called “physiogmatic” approach rejecting strict scientific method. Some of his later work includes Man and Technics and he wrote his first volume, Form and Actuality, during a time in which he was deeply affected by the Agadir crisis which he believed marked the end of an era. He categorized cultures into eight ideal types like Magian, Apollinian, and Brahmanic and suggested that each society goes through seasons. Believing 1920's western Europe to be a “Faustian culture” at winter, FTP, name this proto-Nazi German thinker and author of Decline of the West.
Answer: Oswald Spengler
5. In the 18th century, Mrs. Hooker of Rottingdean received an award for her investigations of this type of artwork. Max Doerner’s The Materials of the Artist gave details for its use, which had been known since the time of the ancient Egyptians, as evidenced by mummy portraits in the Fayum.Georgia O’Keefe introduced Doerner’s book to her friend Arthur Dove, whose experimentation with this medium resulted in works like Sunrise IV andMorning. Used most notably by Jasper Johns in works like Three Flags, David Siqueiros and Diego Rivera attempted to use a blow torch to quicken the process. FTP, name this painting technique in which pigments are mixed with hot wax.
Answer: encaustic
6. People have written about its occurrence in 4th century China, and a later example of it is the 1566 Beeldenstorm in the seventeen provinces of the Netherlands. Given some credence by Canon 36 of the 305 CE Synod of Elvira, its roots are often traced to a dubious edict of Caliph Yazid II and early heretical groups like the Paulicians and other Armenians. It drew two immediate letters of condemnation from Popes Gregory II and Gregory III, and was revived in 813 CE after being ended for a time by Irene, long after the destruction of the Chalce gate in 726 CEby Leo III. FTP, name this period in Byzantine history named for the term given to the destruction of religious images.
Answer: Iconoclasm
7. British physicist Sidney Chapman was the first to describe the photochemical reactions which give rise to it, and it was originally discovered in 1913 by Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson. Its base concentration is measured in units of 2.7 times 10 to the 16 molecules per square centimeter, and its particles circulate slowly via the Brewer-Dobson cycle, between the tropics where it is known to be highest and the poles where it is known to be lowest. Formed via an Oxygen-Oxygen cycle that is ironically catalyzed by UV light, FTP, name this sub-layer of the Earth's stratosphere, the depletion of which is of concern.
Answer: Ozone Layer
8. The title character’s wife tries to get him to place his two daughters in a convent, but instead he tries to coerce his elder daughter into marrying Thomas, who tries to impress her by quoting long memorized speeches. The maidservant Toinette tells the title character that he must cut off his arm, and his brother Beralde assists Toinette in helping Angelique to marry the man she loves. That man pretends to be a teacher, during which time he must quietly pay witness to a meeting between Angelique and the oaf Thomas, who is only desirable as a son-in-law because of his intended profession. Playing the title role of Argan, this play’s author collapsed on stage and died in 1673. FTP, name this Moliere play with a title referring to somebody who thinks that he or she is always sick.
Answer: The Imaginary Invalid (or The Hypochondriac)
9. His only ballet was The Lure and his Opus 52 was a prelude and scherzo for military band entitled Hammersmith. His many choral works include King Estmere, The Cloud Messenger, and the more famous Mystic Trumpeter. He played for a time in the White Viennese Band and was good friends with the wealthy Balfour Gardiner, who arranged a private performance for him. His time in Algeria influenced his orchestral suite Beni Mora, and he set Whitman’s Dirge for 2 Veterans to music upon a suggestion of Thomas Maxwell. Composer of the operas The Wandering Scholar and At the Boar’s Head, FTP, name this Englishman best known for Savitri, The Perfect Fool, and of course, The Planets.
Answer: Gustav Theodore Holst
10. Kevin Constantine coached this relatively young team to its first playoff berth. Goalies who have played for them include Wade Flaherty, Chris Terreri and, at the very end of his career, Kelly Hrudey [RUDY]. Some players who began their career on this team include Pat Falloon, Ray Whitney, Jeff Friesen, Sandis Ozolinsh, and Arturs Irbe [er-BAY]. Their current team sees emerging talent Jonathan Cheechoo and Marcel Goc [GOCH] coached by Ron Wilson, but probably their most iconic player was Owen Nolan. Currently led by goaltender Evgeni Nabokov, FTP, name this NHL team that plays its home games in a place known as the Sharktank.
Answer: San Jose Sharks (prompt on Sharks only after “Sharktank”)
11. The author uses this metaphor to represent intricacy and aestheticism in chapters like “Debtor to the Ages and the World” and “The Circle of Human Feelings,” and opposes it to concepts of honor and tradition in chapters like “Self-Discipline” and “Taking One’s Proper Station.” It appears along with another metaphor in the title of the noted study that comes with a forward written by Ezra Vogel. This object serves to represent the “steadfast concern with beauty” evident in the culture under study, as opposed to their “stoic readiness to die,” for example, by the bushido code or hara-kiri. Paired with “the sword” in the title of a study by Ruth Benedict, FTP, name this flower that is the traditional crest of the Japanese emperor.
Answer: chrysanthemum(accept “The Chrysanthemum and the Sword” before object)
12. The ability to overcome Coulomb force repulsion was one critique of the earliest discoverer of this process, Arthur Eddington. In its fifth and final step, alpha particles are formed by the joining of two helium-3 nuclei. Those helium nuclei are formed from deuterium which itself is formed after the transmutation of one of the namesake subatomic particles into a neutron during the second step. It is from that second step that the expulsion of theoretically detectable neutrinos is expected, and it is believed that these neutrinos oscillate. The counter part to the (*) Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen reaction which occurs in larger stars, FTP, name this nuclear process which provides the power of our sun, a reaction involving two positively charged subatomic particles.
Answer: proton-proton fusion (accept just fusion until after *)
13. A lecture delivered by Dr. Joanny Moulin linked parts of this poem with the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and Heraclitus. The poem’s third line refers to “trout that swim” and a pair of parenthesis in the eighth line asks, “who knows how?” It talks of all things “counter, original, spare [and] strange,” and unstressed syllables in the lines are known as “outriders” or “hangers” by the principles of the poet’s unique metrical system. The poem ends by saying that “he fathers-forth whose beauty is past change,” commanding the reader to “praise him.” A work of sprung rhythm that talks of “skies of couple-colour,” FTP, name this 1877 devotional poem that begins with the proclamation, “Glory be to God for dappled things,” probably the most famous of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
Answer: “Pied Beauty”
14. This country saw a 1962 coup attempt by Prime Minister Mamadou Dia, and two of its more famous statesmen are Lamine Gueye and Blaise Diagne, who founded the Republican Socialist Party while under colonial domination in 1919. The Casamance separatist movement was a major concern of its second president Abdou Diouf. Its more famous first president forged an alliance with the SudaneseRepublic known as the Mali Federation and, along with fellow student Aime Cesaire, developed the concept of negritude and authored several collections of poetry. FTP, name this African country first led by Leopold Senghor.
Answer: Senegal
15. The Homfly and Jones ones are useful knots invariants, and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem states that the minimal one for a linear transformation divides its characteristic one. In one variable they always form a principle ideal domain, but in multiple variables they are just unique factorization domains. The Rodrigues Formula is used to find a type of them, and they could be defined as the formal power series of finite degree, or the rational functions with unit denominator. FTP, name these mathematical expressions, examples of which include (three x cubed plus four x) and (x squared minus 1).
Answer: polynomials
16. It begins by promising an upheaval, but the author will not be so insane as those who believe that they have “an earthenware head or are nothing but pumpkins.” This work distinguishes between innate, factitious, and adventitious ideas and goes on to assert that it is impossible to imagine a chiliagon, or a polygon with a thousand sides. The sensory problems presented by a melting ball of wax are considered, and a “malignant demon” is posited in place of God, but it concludes that even an evil genius cannot alter the truth that “cogito ergo sum”. FTP, name this masterpiece published after Discourse on Method by René Descartes.
Answer: Meditationson First Philosophy
17. Aimé Felix Delmarle was the only Frenchman associated with this general movement, sharing a studio with one of its founders and writing a scandalous piece “against Montmartre” in the Paris-Journal. Valentine de Saint-Point wrote a manifesto on woman’s role in this movement, brushing against the misogyny of its leading figures, as did the English-born Mina Loy. The most important woman associated with it was Benedetta Cappa, whose canvas Scorched Summits of Solitude exemplifies it. She married the man who published its manifesto on the front-page of Le Figaro, Filippo Marinetti. Also featuring Giacomo Balla, FTP, name this Italian-based art and literature movement dedicated to technology and progress, including Umberto Boccioni.
Answer: Futurism (or Futurists)
18. Samuel Johnson said of this character that “such a man excels in general principles, but fails in the particular application.” He first speaks in order to grant a request by saying “He hath, my lord, wrung from me my slow leave.” As a result, he tells his son that “the wind sits in the shoulder of your sail.” Later, he dismisses lovers’ vows as mere “springes to catch woodcocks,” and advises his daughter to “think yourself a baby.” He sends Reynaldo on a spying mission and, in another act of trickery, hides behind a tapestry, leading to his death. The speaker of such memorable lines as “neither a borrower nor a lender be,” FTP, name this Lord Chamberlain, the father of Laertes and Ophelia in Hamlet.
Answer: Polonius
19. When it is doped by inserting potassium or cesium into its cavity, it becomes an incredibly powerful organic superconductor. Its discovery began at the University of Sussex when cyanopolyynes were noted in the atmosphere of stars by Harold Kroto. He contacted Robert Curl at RiceUniversity, setting up an experiment using a stream of helium to carry ejected fragments of atoms onto a mass spectrometer. It is hypothesized as a cure for AIDS because it could potentially fit into a nonpolar pocket, blocking an HIV reproduction enzyme. Important in the discovery of nanotubes, FTP, name this molecule that won Richard Smalley a Nobel Prize consisting of 32 interlocking rings, a spherical allotrope of carbon, often called buckyballs.
Answer: buckminsterfullerene or buckyballs before mentioned (prompt on fullerenes)
20. This was the stated aim of the Grito de Yara, a document drawn up in 1868, which resulted in a conflict ended by the Treaty of El Zanjón. The conflict featured the Virginius Affair, where a ship carrying supplies to an army fighting for this was intercepted by another ship, the Tornado. This conflict, the Ten Years’ War, was instigated by Carlos Manuél de Cespedes. Years later, Valeriano “Butcher” Weyler was called in to prevent it from happening, and the campaign for it was led by Jose Martí. FTP, name this event that finally did happen in 1901 after the Spanish-American War when Tomás Palma became the president in Havana.
Answer: independence of Cuba (accept equivalents)
1. It takes place via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway and culminates in the production of two molecules of pyruvate.FTPE:
A. Name this biochemical process, initially catalyzed by hexokinase.
Answer: glycolysis
B. Glycolysis takes place in this clear jelly-like material that fills cells.
Answer: cytoplasm
C. The most important regulatory enzyme of glycolysis is this monosaccharide complex, which is the major rate-limiting step in the reaction.
Answer: phosphofructokinase-1 (or PFK)
2. When it was submitted, this question had a theme. It doesn’t anymore. It’s just random philosophers. Name them anyway, FTPE.
A. This American Transcendentalist philosopher is known for a polemic against the Mexican War called Civil Disobedience and Walden.
Answer: Henry David Thoreau
B. Along with Wilhelm von Humboldt, this German proposed a theory of Linguistic Relativity typically credited to Sapir and Whorf. He is known as the originator of the concept of Volk and he wrote Essays on the Origin of Language.
Answer: Johann Gottfried Herder
C. An anecdote claims that the Cold War began when this guy went to meet Anna Akhmatova in Leningrad. He wrote the essays “Historical Inevitability” and “Two Concepts of Liberty”
Answer: Isaiah Berlin
3. “Boss” Priest leaves town entrusting his 11-year old grandson Lucius and his beautiful new Winton Flyer to the care of a white hired man, Boon Hogganbeck. FTPE:
A. Name this 1962 novel.
Answer: The Reivers
B. Name the author of The Reivers, a quite famous Southern author known for creating Yoknapatawpha county and writing stuff like The Sound and the Fury.
Answer: William Faulkner
C. This novel picks up the story of TempleDrake who marries Gowan Stevens but her servant Nancy Manningoe kills her youngest child.
Answer: Requiem for a Nun
4. Stuff about ancient China, FTPE.
A. This man united China under the Ch’in Dynasty, proclaiming himself emperor in 221 B.C. and taking a name meaning “the first exalted emperor,” and buried himself with a crapload of terra-cotta soldiers.
Answer: Ch’in Shih Huang-Ti
B. This usurper took over in 9 BC, interrupting the Han Dynasty and establishing the Hsin Dynasty, until he was killed by the Red Eyebrows.
Answer: Wang Mang
C. The chief eunuch to Shih Huang-Ti, he conspired with advisor Li Ssu among others to seize power after Shih’s death, but failed.