Founded 1881
Millhillians Sports Ground, Headstone Lane, Harrow, HA2 6NF
Harrow St Mary’s Cricket Club
Constitution and Rules
1/. NAME:
The Club shall be known as Harrow St Mary’s Cricket Club
The Club colours shall be dark blue and white.
3/. MOTIF:
The club motif shall be an outline shield surrounding the Harrow Lion rampant with the letters HSM entwined.
4/. AIMS:
(i) To encourage and foster the playing of the game of amateur cricket in the community through the provision of practice and playing facilities, coaching and fixtures for all playing members.
(ii) To afford to all members such benefits and privileges as it may be possible to arrange.
(iii) To ensure all members, playing and non-playing conform to the Laws of the Game and ECB and Club Codes of Conduct.
(iv) To encourage members of all categories to participate in the life of the Club through playing, social and fund-raising activities and general management.
(i) Membership of the club shall be on an equal opportunities basis and shall be open to any person regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, nationality, sexual persuasion, religion or other beliefs.
(ii) The club will ensure it is committed to a duty of care to all members by adopting and implementing the ECB Cricket Equity Policy and any future versions of the policy.
(iii) There shall be five classes of membership of the club; the Management Committee shall determine the subscription of each. The Club will have an equitable pricing policy and will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
(a) Student Player Membership, open to those over the age of 17 and in engaged in full time education (proof required when registering)
(b) Social Family Membership
(c) Adult Player Family Membership. This consists of one Adult playing membership, plus partner, and all children eligible to play colts’ cricket.
(d) Colt (junior) Membership (under the age of 18.) A junior member’s membership includes his or her non-playing parents/guardians and siblings.
(e) Vice Presidency/Life Vice Presidency given to members in recognition of their long term service/ outstanding contribution to the club.
All positions in the club whether ordinary members, committee members or honorary positions are subject to HSMCC’s disciplinary code. The Club empowers the Management Committee to withdraw applications for membership from anyone in breach of the club’s disciplinary code.
All prospective members must complete the club’s standard membership/application form. This will include disclosure of any relevant medical conditions which could cause health problems while involved in cricket (e.g. asthma, epilepsy, diabetes). Medical information will only be given out to those persons responsible for a team for the necessary well being of players in the event of an emergency.
(iv) The Management Committee shall have the power to remove from the list of members of the club, any member whose conduct shall be deemed objectionable, endangers the future of the club or who wilfully violates any rule of the club.
(v) The club has a duty of care to all its members, to ensure their safety and welfare when engaged in cricket and related activities. The club will adhere to the “Safe Hands” policy of the England & Wales Cricket Board (or its successor bodies) with regards to duty of care, child protection and codes of conduct for coaches, match officials and other volunteers involved in the organisation of club activities.
(i) The management of the Club shall be invested in a Management Committee elected by members at the Annual General Meeting. There will be two sub committees reporting to the management committee (under the terms of reference laid down by the management committee), 1 – Cricket Committee, 2 - Colts Committee (details of which are dealt with under section 7)
(ii) The Officers of Management Committee shall consist of the following:
(a) Chairman
(b) Secretary
(c) Treasurer
(d) Colts Chairman
(e) Child Protection/Safety Officer
(f) Director Of Cricket
(g) Development Officer
(h) Club Captain
(i) Membership Secretary
(j) Ground and Facilities Manager
(k) Bar Manager
(l) Social and Fundraising Secretary
(iii) The Officers of the Cricket Committee shall consist of the following:
(a) Director Of Cricket (Chair)
(b) Membership Secretary
(c) Fixture Secretary
(d) Ground & Facilities Officer
(e) Development Secretary
(f) Colts Chairman
(g) Captains of All XI’s
(iv) Election periods are 2 years for Chairman, Secretary, Fixture Secretary and Treasurer (to be staggered so that only half of the above retire each year) and 1 year for all other posts. NB. Director of Cricket, Vice Captains and the colts committee are all posts appointed by the management committee, and are not up for election at the AGM.
(v) The Management Committee shall meet at least at 2-monthly intervals throughout the year and at any additional time that may be required. Minutes are to be taken at each meeting and circulated to all members of the Management Committee prior to the next meeting along with an agenda of business to be discussed at that meeting.
(vi) The Sub Committees shall meet at least at quarterly intervals throughout the year and minutes of the meetings shall be sent to the secretary of the management committee.
(vii) The financial and administrative year of the club shall be from 1 October until 30 September in the following year.
(viii) The Management Committee will draw up a Health & Safety policy for the section. Management of Health & Safety during all Club activities will be in accordance with this policy.
(ix) The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt members on to the committee and sub committees, but such co-opted members shall not be entitled to vote. Co-opted members may be non Club members invited to advise on specialist subjects.
(x) The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees. The terms of reference of these committees shall be determined by the Management Committee.
(xi) The Management Committee shall appoint the members of the Colts Sub Committee at the beginning of the administrative and financial year.
(xii) Captains shall choose their own Vice Captains and pass their decisions on to be ratified by the Management Committee.
(xiii) The Selection Committee shall be made up of the Director of Cricket and the Captains and Vice Captains of all elevens and work within the rules set out by the Management Committee.
(xiv) Property, etc.
i. The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules [and all surplus income or profits are to be re-invested in the Club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.]
ii. The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, away-match expenses, post match refreshments and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Corporation Tax Act 2010.
iii. The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:
1. sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment;
2. employ members (though not for playing) and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the Committee without the person concerned being present;
3. pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and guests; and
4. indemnify the Committee and members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club (but only to the extent of its assets).
iv. The Committee will have due regard to the law on disability discrimination and the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.
(i) The Colts Section Management Sub-Committee shall consist of the following:
a. Chairman
b. Secretary
c. Colts Coordinator
d. Child Protection/Welfare Officer
e. Managers of each age group
f. Director of Cricket
(ii) Minutes of Colts Sub-Committee meetings shall be forwarded to the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Management Committee.
(iii) The Colts Sub-Committee shall meet at least quarterly throughout the year and at any other times deemed necessary. Minutes of each meeting shall be taken and circulated to all members of the Colts Sub-Committee prior to the next meeting along with an agenda of business to be discussed at that meeting.
(iv) The Colts Sub-Committee is responsible for running all areas of Youth Cricket within the Club.
(v) The Colts Chairman shall be responsible for chairing the Colts Sub-Committee meetings and representing the views of the Colts Sub-Committee on the Management Committee.
(vi) The Colts Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence, plus notice, agenda, and minutes of Colts Sub-Committee meetings.
(vii) The Colts Coordinator shall be responsible for all administrative tasks in support of the team managers including:
(b) Collection of Annual Subscriptions and monies to be passed on to the Membership Secretary and Treasurer
(c) Coordinating attendance of training courses by coaches.
(d) Publishing fixture lists, training times and any other appropriate details to be given to members.
(viii) Colts Team Managers shall be responsible for:
(a) Leading and planning the coaching sessions of their respective age group.
(b) Selecting the appropriate team to represent the club and notifying the players.
(c) Collecting match fees and organising all other match day issues.
(d) Supporting other managers in helping with coaching of their age groups where required.
(i) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be held as soon as possible after the club year but not later than the end of the January immediately following the end of the administrative and financial year.
(ii) At least 14 days notice shall be given of the AGM in writing to all club members accompanied by the Agenda and any appropriate papers signifying the business to be transacted, which shall include:
(e) Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM and any matters arising there from.
(f) Chairman’s Report.
(g) Secretary’s Report.
(h) Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts (including notification of Annual Subscription and Match fees).
(i) Development Officer’s Report.
(j) Captains’ Reports.
(k) Colts Chairman’s Report.
(l) Election of Officers.
(m) Election of Captains.
(n) Election of Vice Presidents.
(o) Election of Arbiters.
(p) Election of Trustee
(q) Any Other Business.
(i) An Extraordinary Meeting may be called by a simple majority vote of the full Management Committee, or on receipt of a request in writing (setting out the proposed business) signed by at least 10 members of the Club.
(ii) The Extraordinary meeting shall then be convened by the secretary giving at least 7 days notice in writing to all club members specifying the business to be transacted.
10/. VOTING:
(i) At all meetings of the club including Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings each member aged 16 or over shall be entitled to one vote.
(ii) At all meetings decisions shall be made by a simple majority. In the event of an equal vote the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
(iii) Voting at all meetings shall be by a show of hands except where the Management Committee or meeting Chairman decides voting shall be by ballot.
(i) The quorum at Annual/Extraordinary General Meetings shall be 12 members.
(ii) The quorum at Management and Sub-Committee Meetings shall be 5 members of the appropriate committee.
(i) The Secretary should be responsible for all correspondence, the notice, agenda and minutes of Annual, Extraordinary and Management Committee meetings.
(ii) Minutes of the aforementioned meetings shall be presented for confirmation at the following meeting (minutes should also be taken of Sub Committee Meetings and circulated to the secretary).
(i) The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters including receipt of monies, payments, banking and the production of an Annual Statement of Accounts and Annual Report.
(ii) The Treasurer shall also be responsible for producing an up to date account of the financial position as required by the Management Committee.
(iii) The Treasurer shall ensure the agreed insurance policy is in place.
(i) The Annual Subscription shall be determined at the time of the AGM. Subscription rates will be set at levels necessary for running the activities of the Club. Colts, Student and Family memberships will be offered at discounted rates compared to Adult Membership.
(ii) A bona fide member of the Club shall be deemed as such upon payment of the appropriate Annual Subscription by the date stipulated at the time of the AGM or by Management Committee recorded decision.
(iii) A list of members in all categories shall be maintained by the Membership Secretary on behalf of the Management Committee.
(i) Any Member authorised to collect monies for or on behalf of the Club shall pay such monies to the Treasurer within 21 days of such collection or within 21 days following a specific event
(ii) All monies held by the club will be used to support cricket. Surpluses will be re-invested into the club. Assets or monies will not be distributed to Members except for the purposes of reimbursing legitimate expenses incurred in the course of carrying out section activities.
(i) No person shall be eligible to take part in the business of the Club unless the appropriate Annual Subscription has been paid by the date specified at the AGM, or membership agreed by the Management Committee
(ii) No person shall be eligible for selection for any team unless his/her subscription has been paid by the date specified at the time of the AGM.
17. Discipline and Appeals
(i)All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be lodged in writing with the Secretary.
(iii) The Committee shall appoint a Disciplinary sub-committee who will meet to hear complaints within 7 days of a complaint being lodged. Any member requested to attend a Disciplinary sub-committee shall be entitled to be accompanied by a friend or other representative and to call witnesses. The Committee (or its sub-committee) has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action, including the termination of membership.