North WarwickshireLEADER Project 2015-2020

Name of potential project or
working title
Brief description of project
Partners or potential partners
Other relevant information including estimate of project cost, potential sources of match funding and timescales.
Contact details for further information
Email/phone number

North Warwickshire and Hinckley & Bosworth LEADER Project 2015-2020

1. What is LEADER?

LEADER is a source of European funding that will support the development of rural areas over the period up to 2020. North Warwickshire and Hinckley and Bosworth borough councils are bidding jointly to be part of the programme. The essence of LEADER is that rural development is most effective when decided and implemented at local level.

The programme’s focus is to be on delivering jobs and growth in rural areas through:

  • Support for micro and small enterprises; and farm diversification
  • Support for increasing farm productivity
  • Support for rural tourism
  • Support for increasing forestry productivity
  • Provision of rural services
  • Support for cultural and heritage activity

Localecon Associates have been appointed by the North Warwickshire Local Action Group to complete a LEADER Local Development Strategy and business plan. We would like to identify potential projects which could be developed for grant funding if the bid is successful.

2. Ideas for projects?

If you have any ideas for projects, please complete the pro forma, with basic information about the project and contact details of the lead person/group. All responses will be kept confidential.

3. What are the criteria for a project?

  1. It must add value – i.e. not being delivered already.
  2. It must benefit a wide range of people – not just one small group.
  3. It must be clear in what it hopes to achieve
  4. It must be linked to improving, in the near future or longer term,the prospects for jobs in the local economy.

4. Examples of potential project areas

The following are examples based on guidance provided by the European Commission and UK government departments. Many other project areas, related to the broad measures listed here may be eligible. If you’d like to discuss your idea with us, our contact details are at the end of this document.

Support for micro and small enterprises and farm diversification

Grants for business start ups.

Construction/establishment of workshops, factories, premises and facilities

Purchase of equipment (not consumables)

Processing and marketing of products.

Support for increasing farm productivity

Investments to support animal health and welfare improvements

Improving the overall performance and sustainability of the agricultural holding

Processing, marketing and/or development of agricultural products

Modernisation or adaption of agriculture and forestry including access to farm and forest land and the supply and saving of energy and water.

Support for rural tourism

Accommodation upgrades – based on an understanding of the market in the local area.

Use of IT and e-booking systems

Support for new shops, catering services, restaurants and cafes or extension of existing services linked to supply chain development

Investments in green infrastructure – cycle ways, paths, and linking this to other offers

Signage and interpretation – linked with local food and drink and the natural/built environment

Visitor attractions and promotion, including product development and interpretation for visitors

Support for events and festivals

Support for increasing forestry productivity

New forestry technologies, processing, mobilising and marketing of products

Supporting the development of wood fuel supply chains & provision of woodland advisory services

Provision of rural services

Plans for the development of municipalities and villages in rural areas and their rural services

Creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small scale infrastructure, including investments in renewable energy

Setting up, improvement or expansion of essential rural services for the local community

Support for cultural and heritage activity

Enhancement, restoration and upgrading of the cultural and natural heritage of villages, and rural landscapes and high nature value sites

Conservation of small scale built heritage

Enhancement of cultural and community activities and investments to enhance venues providing cultural and heritage activity

Support for events linked to cultural activity

For further information, please contact either:

Emma McKay or Rachel Stevens at North Warwickshire Borough Council on01827719356

or, email: .

Angela Baines or Rick Ball at Localecon on 07976 438710/ 0777 1847217

Please return completed proformas by 18thJuly 2014 by email to Emma McKay or by post to:
Emma McKay NWBC, The Council House, South St, Atherstone, CV9 1DE.

If you would like an electronic version of the proforma please email Emma McKay.