ENTRY FORM: Please type your information into each field and use a separate Entry form for each dog.
RELEASE FORM: Please complete the Release form, print and sign it.
TEST RECORDING FORM: Please complete the top portion of 1 Test Recording Form (2 per page) for each Test you will be entering.
Pleaseemail your completed forms to .
(This will help with accuracy on the Judges sheets, etc)
Please mail a check made out to PWCCP and your signed Release form to
Pat Koons, Trial Secretary, 3303 Days Mill Road, York, PA 17408.
Entries open August 17, 2016 and close September 16, 2016
Registered Name:Call Name:
Registry #:Sex: Birthdate:
Owner: Handler:
State:Zip: Phone: Email:
Clinic: Introduction to Herding and Stock
If you and your dog have never seen or worked livestock, sign up for Roy Johnson’s Introduction to Herding and Stock Clinic prior to taking the Herding Capability Tests.
The AHBA Herding Capability Test (HCT) aka the “Instinct Test”
The HCT is the first test given to dogs who have NOT worked livestock at all or very little before the clinic. You can earn an HCT title by passing both the 1st and 2nd legs of the test on Sunday. You must be tested by both judges to get the title, unless you have one leg from a previous test. Any dog, mixed breed or non herding, can enter an HCT for experience or training, but cannot earn a title. Puppies under 6 months cannot qualify for the HCT title by AHBA rules.
The AHBA Junior Herding Dog (JHD) Test.
The JHD test is for experienced dogs who have worked livestock and are ready for a more advanced test. JHD is good practice before a trial and at the JHD level, any breed can earn a title.
For more information contact Pat Koons: 717-792-0321
Saturday, October 8, 2016 8:30 am
$50/dog, Limit: 25 dogs (All levels/experience welcome) Clinic and Introduction to Herding and Stock
Clinic and Introduction to Herding and Stock ☐$
Sunday, October 9, 2016 8:30 am ☐ Ducks ☐ Sheep ☐ Not Sure
$50/dog, Limit: 50 dogs (25 per judge); 40 Sheep
AM Judge: Roy Johnson ☐ HCT 1st Leg ☐ HCT 2nd Leg ☐ JHD 1st Leg ☐ JHD 2nd Leg $
PM Judge: Debbie Johnson ☐ HCT 1st Leg ☐ HCT 2nd Leg ☐ JHD 1st Leg ☐ JHD 2nd Leg $
Please make checks payable to PWCCP TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED $
In consideration for participation in an event sanctioned by the American Herding Breed Association (AHBA), sponsored by the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac (PWCCP), and held at Keepstone Farm, 412 Russell Road, Berryville, Virginia, I agree to assume all responsibility for any claim, loss or damage, ofwhatever kind or nature, whether to person or property, which may be caused at or near this event,either directly or indirectly, by me or the dog(s) I have entered in or brought to this event. I furtheragree that I will hold the AHBA, PWCCP, CCAC, the officers, directors, agents and members harmless anddefend them from any and all liability for any injury, claim, damage or loss, of whatever kind or nature,whether to person or property, caused at or near this event, directly or indirectly, by or to me or any dogI have entered in or brought to this event.
I agree to indemnify the AHBA, PWCCP, CCAC, their officers, directors, agents, or members for any loss,cost or expense, including attorney’s fees and costs, to which the AHBA, PWCCP, CCAC and their officers,directors, agents, or members might be subject as a result of any claim, suit, loss or damage caused inany way by an act or negligence on my part or on the part of any dog(s). I have entered in or broughtto the event. I acknowledge that while AHBA may provide sanctioning for this event, it does not have andit does not exercise control over the conduct of the event or those present.
I certify and represent that the dog(s) I have entered or brought to this event is/are not a hazard toother dogs, other animals, or to people. Livestock who are injured during my participation at said eventmust be paid for AT THE TIME OF INJURY, at the going market price. I will be responsible for anyveterinary service incurred due to the injury or death. My dog(s) will be on leash at all times during this event except when the instructor, or tester, tells me to remove the leash. I also acknowledge that my dog(s) are up to date on all shots.
Please print and complete this form and list the names and breeds of all dogs who will be entered or who will be with you for the above event. Then mail this Release form along with your payment toPat Koons, Trial Secretary, 3303 Days Mill Road, York, PA 17408.
For more information contact Pat Koons: 717-792-0321
Dog’s Name / Dog’s BreedName:
Email: Phone:
Signature: Date:
(Please Type in the Top portion of the Form)
Breed: / Registry & #:Reg. Name:
Birthdate: / Sex: / Breeder:
Owner’s Address:
Name of handler if other than owner:
Sponsor: Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac / Location: Berryville, VA
Indicate DATE, HCT or JHD, STOCK TYPE and JUDGE for each qualifying run.
Date: / HCT(1st leg) ☐ / Stock: / Judge: / Q ☐
Date: / HCT
(2nd leg) ☐ / Stock: / Judge: / Q ☐
Date: / JHD ☐ / Stock: / Judge: / Q ☐
Date: / JHD ☐ / Stock: / Judge: / Q ☐
(Please Type in the Top portion of the Form)
Breed: / Registry & #:Reg. Name:
Birthdate: / Sex: / Breeder:
Owner’s Address:
Name of handler if other than owner:
Sponsor: Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac / Location: Berryville, VA
Indicate DATE, HCT or JHD, STOCK TYPE and JUDGE for each qualifying run.
Date: / HCT(1st leg) ☐ / Stock: / Judge: / Q ☐
Date: / HCT
(2nd leg) ☐ / Stock: / Judge: / Q ☐
Date: / JHD ☐ / Stock: / Judge: / Q ☐
Date: / JHD ☐ / Stock: / Judge: / Q ☐