Pacific Palms Public School

Minutes of P & C. Meeting

Date: Monday 15th May, 2017

1.0  Welcome, Attendance, Apologies

1.1  Meeting Opened: 7pm

Present: Mel Merchant, Mylee Cheers, Jodie Dries, Jackie Banks, Jess Pike, Petra Richter, Bec Gleeson, Georgina Woods

Apologies: Susan Rodger

2.0  Agenda: Omissions/Alterations/Matters for General Business

2.1  Alteration to the Agenda – NIL

2.2  Matters for General Business: Refer to Section 9

Welcome – Mylee

1.  Welcome new attendees.

2.  Recent activities

Disco Term 1 – Was a great success. We had a number of parent and teacher volunteers which contributed to the Disco being a huge hit once again with children loving the music, glow sticks and dressing up with their friends. I was approached by a couple of year 4 & 5 girls the next Day asking if the next theme could be “Disney”. Something we can look at for the next time. We also had tattoos on offer for the younger kids. This is something else we could have for all ages at the next disco as the children seemed quite keen.

Mother's Day Raffle - fabulous prizes donated. Over $500 raised. Thanks to:

·  Petra/Enjo.

·  Stacy Pratten/Voucher.

·  Lynsey/Healthy Mummy Hamper.

·  Naomi/The Natural Deodorant company for their natural products

·  Deb Lawson/Aristocut for arrange of hair products

·  Lee-Ann Bramble/discounted body shop products

·  Donna Smithson/Avon products

·  The amazing volunteers.

·  Petra and her family – recycled materials whales keepsakes

We raised $109 for the Foster Women’s Shelter.

3.  Upcoming events

Breakfast Club – From 31st May. Parent/grandparents volunteers are needed to help out with the breakfast club which will run for 10 weeks on Wednesday mornings in our canteen. It is about an hour so if you know of anyone that can help out please see Amy Dorfling or email her on . Susan Rodger has kindly asked if anyone from the View Club is available to help out with Breakfast Club. We look forward to seeing some community faces.

Walk to School Day is also on Wednesday 31st May .

Art Festival – 9th – 11th June. We have decided to ask one stage to help out with cakes and slice this year for the Friday Opening night. More info to come. In the next couple of weeks will be asking for helpers to go on a door roster for the Art Festival for the Saturday & Sunday. This is a fabulous community event, one which give back directly to our school every year. This year is more special than most as the Art Festival is celebrating their 25th anniversary. Our Green Team will be asked to help out by collecting some feature sticks to add to the decorations.

Athletics Carnival – 14th June. No luck with Nothin Fancy Coffee Cart as they are booked. I will approach 2 other coffee carts to see if they are interested/available in coming and serving coffee at the Athletics carnival & for our Fete.

Fete Friday 20th October 3pm onwards.

We are on our way in organizing our school Fete. Rides are booked in and things are in motion. Our fete committee met last week just to go through ideas, jobs to do, roles & responsibilities etc. Please feel free to bring any ideas to the next meeting or contact Mylee on with your suggestions.

Acceptance of the President’s Report as Tabled

Moved: Mel Merchant Seconded: Bec Gleeson

3.0  Minutes of Previous P & C Meeting

3.1  Business Arising - Nil.

Acceptance of the Minutes of the P & C Meeting held on 27th March, 2017.

Moved: Mel Merchant Seconded: Bec Gleeson

4.0  Correspondence

4.1  Inwards tabled – Media Release from Federation of P&C Ass. NSW – Radical Plans to Revamp School Infrastructure, Media Release – Gonski 2.0 Must Not Renege on Gonski 1.0, Commonwealth Bank is now listing our school in a drop down list of schools participating in the banking program, Midcoast Waste Services has launched a Community Grants Program focusing on waste reduction (email), Term 2 Regional P&C Meeting to be held at noon, 27th May at Taree West Public School – focusing on canteen matters (email), Fundraising catalogues, Term 2 Parent and Citizen magazine.

4.2  Outwards Tabled – Thank you letters to Deborah Lawson, Lee-Ann Bramble, Stacey Pratten, Donna Smithson, Petra Richter, Naomi Freuden, Lynsey Nercessian for their contributions and donations to the Mother’s Day Stall.

Acceptance of the correspondence inwards & outwards as tabled.

Moved: Mylee Cheers Seconded: Georgina Woods

5.0  Finance Reports – see monthly report attachment.

Acceptance of the Financial Reports

Moved: Selina Brookes Seconded: Georgina Woods

6.0  Principals Report – Mel Merchant – see tabled attachmentts

Bump It Up Strategy - BIU – continuing to focus on raising the profile of Numeracy and Reading and moving more students into the top two bands in NAPLAN. Katrina & Lyn are leading the project and taking part in a number of professional learning opportunities off site this term. Focus areas include: Explicit teaching, differentiated learning to cater for all student reaching their potential, visible learning goals, questioning, assessment, working mathematically, LaST support.

The Premier’s Implementation Team visit went VERY well, see feedback from Gabi Carrigan, Director of the Premier’s Implementation Unit.

“Hi Melissa

On behalf of the DPC Premier’s Implementation Unit (PIU) I would like to say a big thank you to you and your team for making the time to meet with the Premier’s Implementation Unit today.

The commitment and engagement from all of you was phenomenal. You have a fantastic school and have made great progress on the Premier’s Priority. We left Pacific Palms PS with a wealth of information and insight to support the continued work on the Premier’s Priority and importantly the positive impact your school is making for children and the broader community. We were very impressed with the commitment, the passion, the thinking and the implementation of the variety of initiatives that you have underway. Please pass on our thanks to your whole team and reach out at any time.

Thank you so much for the presentation you emailed over. Please stay in touch if you have any further questions or comments on the Premier’s Priority.

Kind regards,


NAPLAN went well – personal best from all students, great work.

What’s ON!

Premier’s Reading Challenge, Premier’s Sporting Challenge, Life Ed Van, Walk to school _ active wear gold coin Stewart house, Enlighten, Boys, Yr 6 Science day, Breakfast program, Arts Festival, GRIP, staff PL, soccer gala day, netball, Athletics Carnival, Mufti day supporting Asthma June 30th. Book Club to begin this term.

LMBR – new software system in the office for all we do with money, budgets, ordering, rolls, parent information, attendance etc.

Parent Online Portal - Payment of accounts.

Parents will now able to pay for all voluntary contributions, school fees, excursions, sport and extra curricula activities online. All you need to do is go to our website

Ethics Classes – have started and going well.

Casual teachers – we finding it difficult to cover classes.

School Facebook page is going well.

Mother’s Day stall – thank you what a great day!

P & C fundraising ideas: 1. Drums for music classes 2. Technology hall projector

Attendance Policy - tabled

Enrolment Policy – tabled

Annual School Report for 2016. It highlights our successes and achievements over the past year and outlines the way forward with our planning for 2017 to meet our target measures. I am very proud of our school’s continued commitment towards school excellence. On the website – recently updates, thanks Dom for the beautiful photos.

Uniform Committee volunteers to finalise the uniform policy and decide about replacing the blue shirt and perhaps adding a dress. Lyn, Jackie, Georgina, Selina & Mylee.

Mr and Mrs Ryan leaving

Mr and Mrs Ryan have made the difficult decision to move further north to be closer to family and will therefore be leaving our wonderful school. It is with mixed emotions that I announce that Mr Rod Ryan has been successful in being appointed as Assistant Principal at Pottsville Public School. Congratulations Rod, our loss is their gain! This position will commence in Term 3. This will give us Term 2 to say goodbye. Farewell assembly on Thursday 29th June.

The procedure for replacing Mr Ryan will take some time. As this is a permanent Assistant Principal (AP) teaching position an open advertisement for merit selection will take place. This includes a written application to specific selection criteria, appointment of a trained selection panel, short listing, and interview process following departmental processes to confirm a suitable candidate. We are hoping that this will take place in the coming weeks and an appointment is made before the end of term.

Acceptance of the Principal’s Report as tabled.

Moved: Jess Pike Seconded: Selina Brookes

7.0  Canteen report – Jackie Medlock

Jackie needs volunteers for the Athletics carnival.

The school has been asked to cater some school meetings, but Jackie has had to decline due to a lack of volunteers. Perhaps in the future we may be able to accommodate these meetings. We also need some volunteers for this Thursday and Friday in the canteen. Mel Merchant to send out a push on Skoolbag.

The next meal deal will probably be the last day of term ( 30h June), to coincide with the national fundraiser for asthma – wear your pyjamas to school day.

Uniforms – Jackie continues to collect samples. The new committee will decide on a replacement shirt and whether or not a dress is introduced for the girls. Georgina Woods and Selina Brookes to join the existing committee members to make a decision this term.

Acceptance of the Canteen Report as tabled.

Moved: Selina Brookes Seconded: Petra Richter

9.0 General Business

We have had our first fete committee meeting. We are thinking of introducing a new stall this year – jam jar tombola. Jars are filled with items (such as hair clips, balls, jokes, stickers, craft items, wrapped sweets etc). They are placed on a grid numbered 1-6. Children roll a dice and win the jar on the corresponding number. Parents will be asked to donate their filled jars in term 3. We will still do the chocolate wheel, but give away voucher (to replace ‘Bucket of Stuff’

10.0  Meeting Closed – 8:30PM

Next meeting – 1PM 19th June, 2017 at school.