Dear Parent/Carer,

P7 Visit to Dounans Centre

As you know, we leave for Dounans Outdoor Centre on Monday 13th March. I hope the following information will be helpful.

The cost for the trip is £220 less £30 deposit (already paid). Please pay the balance of £190 by Monday 6th March. The preferred method of payment is online via Payments for Schools. If you need help to access this, please do not hesitate to ask.

Departure/ Return Times

Pupils should arrive at the school at 8:55 am for a prompt departure at 9.30am. Please gather in the gym hall. Parents are welcome to stay and wave the children off. We expect pupils to arrive back at school between 2:30 and 3pm on Friday 17th March. Children should be collected and taken home at this time where possible.


The teachers leading the residential trip and will contact the school confirming their arrival at the Centre. We will also endeavour to give regular updates via our Twitter page: @ThornliebankPS. The leader will have a mobile phone and a list of parents’ phone numbers. Should there be a problem they will contact you. The school will be in daily contact with Dounans Centre and can deal with any enquiries you may have. However, If you need to get an urgent message to your child, the office number at Dounans is 01877 382291.


Full board catering is included in the cost. On arrival, lunch will be provided at the centre at 12.30pm but children may wish to take a small snack with them for mid-morning. Chewing gum and anything containing nuts should be avoided. Eating will not be permitted in the dorms, so please avoid sending food or drinks in your child’s luggage.

Pocket Money

Small souvenirs and mementoes will be for sale at Dounans, and children are permitted to bring £5 each to spend.

Electrical Appliances

Dounans has a special ethos based on building relationships and teamwork. The centre does not allow electrical or battery operated appliances. Please support us by ensuring that your child does not bring ipods, radios, games machines or mobile phones with them. Parents should be aware that mobile phones are not permitted on any residential trips and it is very important that this rule is adhered to. Books or magazines are a good idea for bedtime.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of your child is paramount. Please speak to him/her about the importance of sensible behaviour and following the instructions of adults. Good behaviour will allow everyone to get the most from the trip.

Consent Forms/ Medicine/ Dietary Requirements

Please complete the consent forms and return them to the school office as soon as possible. If your child requires medication, please complete the Administrations of Medicines form. Please ensure that the medicine is handed to staff on arrival at school, prior to boarding the bus. All medicines should have the child’s name clearly marked on the container. Any medication which may possibly be required during the trip e.g. inhalers, should be taken on board as hand luggage and clearly marked with your child’s name. Children who are prone to travel sickness and who take medicine for this should take the necessary dosage on Monday morning before they leave the house and take the necessary dosage for the return trip with them to take on Friday morning.


Dounans can provide specialised clothing for activities but if you have your own waterproofs and wellies please bring them in your suitcase. Warm clothing can also be provided but most children prefer to wear their own. Denim jeans are not suitable for outdoor activities. Please see the packing list, as recommended by the centre. Please mark everything with your child’s name/ school. We would encourage you to involve your child in packing their own suitcase as this will help with the identification of their belongings and when repacking on Friday morning.

I am sure everyone will have a most enjoyable time! If you have any further questions, please get in touch.

Gayle McDonald

Principal Teacher

Daily Routine

The timetable for each day will vary, but here is a broad outline of what to expect:

8:30 / Breakfast
9:15 / Tutors meet pupils to discuss the day’s activities. Activities start.
12:30 / Lunch
1:30 / Afternoon activities start, with groups gathering in the meeting room.
4:30 / Dinner
6:00 / Evening activities start.
7:30 / Teacher time
8:30 / Supper, followed by bed at an agreed time.


The pupils will take part in a wide range of activities over the course of the week, working in groups of up to 12. The groups will be made up of pupils from Thornliebank Primary, Giffnock Primary and Braidbar Primary.

Here are some examples of the activities on offer at Dounans. You can find out more by visiting the Scottish Outdoor Education Centre website:



Raft building

Tree climbing

Pole climbing

Burn scramble

Crate climb

Night walk

Outdoor exploration

The pupils will also have a session on resilience from Brian Costello, a motivational coach from an organisation called Headstrong.

Primary 7 Residential Trip


13th – 17th March 2017

Scottish Outdoor Education Centre

Aberfoyle, Stirling, FK8 3UT