3rd September 2008

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Girls’ Trust for Educational Excellence and Enterprise

Consultation on forming a Joint Trust for Kendrick School and Reading Girls’ School

Kendrick School and Reading Girls’ School are considering forming a Joint Trust for the two schools. Schools with a Trust or Joint Trust are a new government initiative, first outlined in the 2005 White Paper ‘High Standards, Better Schools For All.’ The paper set out the Government’s vision for all schools to have greater autonomy, a strong ethos and positive working relationships with parents, children, the local community and other schools, all within a framework of local accountability.

We are writing to seek your views regarding this important proposal, which will:

·  Build on the standards that have been achieved in both schools in the past few years.

·  Build on the strong relationships we have with external organisations which provide further opportunities for the students.

·  Increase the provision of resources and accommodation in both schools now and in the future.

·  Secure funding for major projects, such as Kendrick School’s Sixth Form Centre.

This proposal is of great importance to both our schools and your views are extremely important to us. Please take advantage of the consultation meetings we have set up for you to discuss the proposal with us. We enclose a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ booklet and a consultation questionnaire. Please complete the questionnaire and post it back to us at the school or complete the on-line questionnaire by October 6th 2008 so that the Governing Bodies can take your views into account in their decision making process. The details of the consultation meetings and website addresses can be found at the end of this letter.

The Joint Trust Proposal

Schools with a Joint Trust remain part of the Local Authority system but are supported by a charitable trust (the Joint Trust). The Governing Body of each school will continue to run each school and be responsible for its performance and continue to operate as it does at present. Each school will maintain their own admissions arrangements as bound by the School Admissions Code.

In addition the Government’s regulations for Trust Schools require that Governing Bodies are re-constituted with the Trust having the right to appoint governors. We have determined that the Joint Trust will be entitled to appoint two governors to each Governing Body; at least a third of governors will continue to be parents elected by our parents.

The energy and expertise on gaining the support of a charitable trust will enhance our leadership, direction and resources. The Joint Trust will be established with existing external partners, who are already working with each school and these will work alongside the two Governing Bodies.

Our Proposed Joint Trust: Girls’ Trust for Educational Excellence and Enterprise

We are passionate about providing excellent education for all our students in a safe and healthy environment, where girls and staff can share a love of learning and enjoy satisfaction in their achievements. We already enjoy strong partnerships with a range of external organisations. The Joint Trust will build on existing relationships, enable us to formalise what we already do and offer a stronger voice to our partners. In turn this will raise standards and extend the provision of courses, qualifications and work related learning. Sustained long-term collaboration with others and our continuing pursuit of excellence and enterprise are fundamental to this initiative.

Our Vision for ‘Girls’ Trust for Educational Excellence and Enterprise’

Our vision for the schools is to:

·  Provide excellent education in a healthy and safe environment.

·  Continue to raise standards by improving the quality of teaching and learning, extending opportunities to share good practice and develop our chosen specialisms in: mathematics, science, languages and business and enterprise.

·  Extend and develop the quality of leadership by consolidating and strengthening existing partnerships and extending the capacity of leadership within the schools and the community.

·  Develop business acumen by increasing personalised learning and choice, accessing a wider variety of learning pathways and a more flexible curriculum.

·  Increase the provision of resources and accommodation in both schools, which will adapt to their future educational needs.

Our proposed Joint Trust Partners and why we have chosen these organisations

The following organisations are our proposed partners. We have chosen these partners because we feel they will further strengthen and enhance the schools’ existing specialisms in mathematics, science, languages and business and enterprise. These partners offer a range of skills and expertise that will support us in delivering our vision, and all have a shared interest in education for girls and young women of all abilities. Their knowledge of our community and access to networks within the community will be of great benefit in strengthening collaboration within business and academia and raising standards.

·  Microsoft Ltd which has provided resources, expertise and technical support to staff, students and the wider community and which will provide opportunities to gain business expertise and an insight into ICT development and technology for the future.

·  Lloyds TSB Bank Plc which has provided business expertise and leadership and which will help us strengthen business acumen and provide more relevant work related experiences.

·  John Lewis Plc which has provided work experience placements and work related learning opportunities for students and which will be a centre for excellence in enterprise and business.

·  Royal Holloway University of London which has provided opportunities to share science enriching programmes and which will develop and offer exciting opportunities to promote and encourage women in science and physics in particular.

·  Thames Valley University which has provided additional opportunities to expand post 16 education for young women in Reading and which will broaden the diverse range of fulfilling and enriching courses available to our students and the wider community.

·  Central Berkshire Education Business Partnership which has provided support in developing and offering work related opportunities and enterprise to the students and staff and which will provide further guidance and experiences to help students make the best possible decisions on their futures and direction in life.

·  Reading Borough Council Local Authority which has supported major capital projects to enhance the provision of accommodation for both schools and which will continue to support the growth and development of both schools in order to provide the best possible facilities and experiences for our students.

What are the benefits for the schools and the students?

We hope to improve the school experience for all our pupils by sharing the love of learning and enjoying satisfaction in their achievements. Our Trust Partners share this commitment and will help us to make it a reality for all our pupils. We will benefit from Trust Partners' experience and ideas to:

·  Enhance and enrich the quality of teaching and learning.

·  Raise attainment through the benefits of shared practice and new learning opportunities.

·  Enhance personalised learning through a wider more flexible curriculum provision.

·  Provide new facilities for post 16 education.

·  Increase the number of female students progressing to further and higher education.

·  Raise the aspirations and confidence of girls and young women.

·  Provide additional funding opportunities and sources by acquiring charitable status.

Existing projects will continue, and the new relationship will make it easier to plan for the long-term.

What are the implications of a Joint Trust?

We believe there are few.

·  Each school will continue to be funded by the Local Authority on the same basis as other maintained schools.

·  All land and buildings owned by the two schools will transfer to the ownership of the Joint Trust. However, the Joint Trust must hold these assets for the purposes for which they were required and a lease will be granted from the Joint Trust to each governing body in respect of their sites to safeguard their interests. Any disposal of the site will further require the approval of the Local Authority.

·  Staff will continue to be employed by each school as at present. The Trust does not employ staff and does not have any control over staffing issues in the schools.

·  Each Governing Body will determine the curriculum separately, ensuring that the obligations of the National Curriculum are satisfied.

Consultation process

We wish to consider the views of parents, staff, students and members of the local community. The governors of both schools will review all the comments and will decide whether to go ahead, and if necessary to amend the proposals to reflect your suggestions and concerns. There will be an opportunity to comment on the formal proposals in the next few weeks before a final decision is made by the Governing Bodies. More information can be found from the following organisations: Specialist Schools and Academies Trust at www.ssatrust.org.uk/trustschools ; Foundation and Aided Schools National Association at www.fasna.org.uk/index.htm ; Kendrick School at www.kendrick.reading.sch.uk/trust; or Reading Girls’ School at www.readinggirls.reading.sch.uk/trust.

Please let us know what you think of our proposal. All comments must be received by Monday 6th October 2008. There are a number of ways in which you can do this:

1.  There will be a series of opportunities for discussion at Kendrick School and at Reading Girls’ School to discuss the proposals with the senior leadership teams, governors and representatives of the schools’ partners.

Kendrick School on 17th September 2008. These will take place at 09:00 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00pm, and 7:00 pm.

Reading Girls’ School on 25th September 2008. These will take place at 09:00 am, 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 7:00 pm

2.  Email Kendrick School or Reading Girls’ School with your views or completed electronic questionnaire at or

3.  Send back the consultation questionnaire or your written comments (you can access an electronic questionnaire at www.kendrick.reading.sch.uk/trust or

www.readinggirls.reading.sch.uk/trust and submit on line (if you wish).

You may attend a meeting at either school.

We value your opinions and look forward to considering your response.

Yours faithfully

Allan Currall Peter Kayes

Chair of Governors, Kendrick School Chair of Governors, Reading Girls’ School

Enc. Consultation questionnaire and Frequently Asked Questions booklet