and land including Old Park.
Old Park and Park Farm cannot be clearly associated with any manor. The earliest record of Old Park, associates it with the manor of Greenwich – a holding manor for monastic property seized by the crown following the dissolution. In 1619 an Old Park, conceivably the same place, is recorded in the Sackville manor of Allington (17), (48). It is possible that it was former monastic land acquired by the Sackvilles following the dissolution. The Park abuts outliers of the manor of Allington on three sides and clearly it would have been convenient to administer it as a tenement of that manor, although, apart from that one mention, it cannot be traced in the manorial records.
Gipp’s Farm was once part of a substantial estate held here by the Michelbourne family in 1565 ‘Jeppes Longford and Stoners croftes, messuage 106 acres; tenement halfyard or ferling; The Downe a parcel of land; messuage, halfyard and ferlinge, sometimes Wyrgars 102 acres - free £1 2s 9½d’ (30)The land encompassed what is now Bradness, Longford and Down Coppice. In addition the Michelbournes also held a substantial part of what is now Sutton Hall and Vuggles.
Free tenements are not well recorded in the court books so precise dates are sometimes uncertain, but the key tenements were all in the hands of Christopher Mansell of Newick Park by 1734 (6).
Manorial Tenements
Copyhold tenement of the manor of Barcombe:
12 pieces of land (30a) in BarcombeTA 45-50.
1734 called Breens
Probably to be associated with Bremes and Hoppers quit rent
7s 0d which was partitioned <1687 to form this and Bunces Farm P113/72 TA 39.
Two freehold tenements of the manor of Barcombe
Howells als Warrens TA 55-63
Jepps and Springells, messuageTA 82-87, 135-129, 130-133 (3).
1836 new grants
Copyhold tenement of the manor of Allington
Barcombe Littleworth 3.3.22 acres(16)
Copyhold tenement of the manor of Barcombe
3 Roods N: self E: waste S: road Barcombe Cross/PiltdownW:point
1839 new grant
Barcombe. Near Spithurst 2r 22p. / Quit rent
copy 3s 4d
free 6s 0d
free 12s 7d by apportionment
copy 15s 0d
copy 10s 0d
copy 3s 0d (3)
Owner / Tithe Apportionment 1840
James Slater / Gipps farm, 2 cottages and gardens, yards and land - 615a 1r 0p
field numbers / 45-66, 82-87, 125-151, 159, 160, 363- 373, 479-485 (1)
Land Tax1840 / Part of Broomly £5 5s 0d (not located Broomlye is partly in Newick)
Gipps Land £18 10s 0d
Park land £19 10s 0d
Park Woods £71 2s 6d (2)
P113/61 / Old Park
Possibly held of the manor of Allington but not recorded in the court books.
Old Park and Park Farm cannot be clearly associated with any manor. However from the early 18th century at least the land appears to be associated with the estate at Newick Park.
<1780-1790+ / Lady Vernon
<1800-1800+ / Lord Vernon
<1810-1810+ / The Hon Matthew Fortescue
<1800-1800+ / Mr Brook – Gipps
Mr Shashell - Broomly
<1810-1810+ / Thomas P Brook – Gipps & Breens
John Snashall- Broomly
<1820-1820+ / Stephen Godson
<1830-1840+ / James Coppard-Park Land
Edward Hamshar-Gipps & pt Broomly (2)
P113/61b /
2007 Land W: Barcombe – Newick road NE: Bunces Farm
Manorial tenement – copyhold of the manor of Barcombe
30 acres in 12 pieces of land (TA 45-51, 65, 66).
Originally part of the tenement described in 1565 as ‘a parcel called Bremes (Breenes) and Hoppers quit rent 7s 0d. The other part became Bunces Farm. The whole tenement was held by Thomas Earle in right of his wife, late the wife of John Hill.
1704 bounds N: Richard Bunce E: road Longford/ to Sharpesbridge S&W late Delves
Owners<1685 / John Crundwell
1685-1704 / Edward Crundwell son / 1685 admitted.
1704 surrender to Peter White. Heriot valued at £3 10s 0d.
1704-1728 / Peter White of Lewes gent. / 1704 admitted.
1728 deceased, heriot runt sold for £5 5s 0d.
1728-1730 / Maria White of Lewes spinster daughter / 1728 admitted by James Spray.
1730 surrender to Christopher Mansel
1730-1745 / Hon Christopher Mansell of Newick / 1730 admitted.Mortgage Maria White £256.
1738 surrender to will.
1745 CM deceased, heriot an ox.
1746-1752 / Bussy Lord Mansell brother / 1746 admitted for life by Thomas Attree attorney (then to Rev Thomas Talbot son of brother in law John Ivory Talbot Esq)
<1752 acquired Howells alias Warrens (see P113/61c below)
1752 deceased, heriot valued at £5
1752-1752 / Thomas Talbot of Collingborne Wilts / 1752 admitted by Thomas Norris attorney and recovery (estate settled) and surrender to Barbara Lady Mansell
1752-1763 / Barbara Lady Mansell / 1752 admitted by Thomas Attree.
1763 deceased, heriot cow valued at £5.
1763-1786 / Hon Louisa Barbara Vernon nee Mansell / 1763 admitted by Thomas Attree attorney.
1786 deceased.
1786-1787 / Thomas Earle of Clarendon youngest brother of Lady Mansell, mother of Louisa / 1786 admitted by John Hoper the younger and surrender to will.
1787 deceased.
1792-1792 / Right Honourable John Charles Villiers. / 1792 admitted by probate, Stephen Tutt of Chailey gent attorney.
1792 surrender to Matthew Fortesque, heriot coach horse valued at £5 5s 0d.
1792-1812 / Hon Matthew Fortescue of Kingsnympton Devon.
James Henry Slater Esq of Rogate Lodge admitted / 1792 admitted by Peter Morfee of Hurstpeirpoint gent. and surrender to will.
1812 sale to James Powell for £2000, heriot horse valued at £10 10s 0d.
1812-1819 / James Powell junior of Newick Park admitted / 1812 admitted
1819 surrender James Henry Slater for £1000, heriot horse valued at £10 10s 0d.
1819-1864 / James Henry Slater of Rogate Lodge / 1819 admitted.
1836 acquires by grant P113/61c & d below
1839 acquires by grant P113/61e below
1864-1864+ / James Henry Slater
P113/61a / 2007 Gipps Farm
Manorial tenements
Freehold of the manor of Barcombe
Jepps and Springells, messuage
1728 described as in Barcombe and Chailey. The Chailey part of the tenement was the field, an outlier of the parish of Chailey, lying west of Gipps Wood.
This tenement was formerly part of Jeppes Longford and Stoners croftes, messuage 106 acres, tenement halfyard or ferlinge.
The Downe a parcel of land, messuage, halfyard and ferlinge, sometimes Wyrgars 102 acres - Free £1 2s 9½d in the hands of John Mytchelbourne and Alyes his wife late wife of Thomas Vicary in 1565.
<1687-1702 / Stephen Snatt. / 1702 deceased.
Thomas Snatt son, Judith sister
<1728 / Peter White gent / This and Breens (above) were both in the ownership of Peter White by 1728
1728 deceased.
heriot runt sold £5 5s 0d (with the copyhold tenement above)
P113/61b / 2007 land E:Barcombe Newick road S: Gipps.
Manorial tenement –
freehold of the manor of Barcombe
Howells also Warrens1565 Howells also Goffes
1687 Warren Lands (12 acres; S: Mackerell Lane) in Barcombe
1565 / William Baker
<1671 / Edward Kilner gent / 1671 deceased. (4)
<1685 Property sold to George Kilner £3.0.0d
<1685-1685 / George Kilner / 1685 death presented
<1728 / Maria Ollive widow daughter of William Kilner brother of George.
<1729-1729 / Edward Olive gent / 1729 Edward deceased, Maria already deceased.
<1734-1745 / John Olive of Buxted gent / 1745 property alienated possibly to the Hon. Christopher Mansell of Newick
<1752 / The Hon. Christopher Mansell of Newick / merged with his other Newick Park estate land in Barcombe (above P113/61)
<1685 / George Kilner
P113/61c / Land adjacent to estate (unlocated)
Manorial tenement –
copyhold of the manor of Barcombe
3 Roods N: Self E: Waste S: road Barcombe - Piltdown W: point1836-1864 / James Henry Slater Esq, / 1836 grant admitted by John Cheesman, fine £7 15s 0d.
P113/61d / Land adjacent to estate near Town Littleworth (unlocated)
Manorial tenement –
copyhold of the manor of Allington
Littleworth 3.3.22 acres1836-1864 / James Slater / 1836 grant. Merged with P113/61
P113/61e / Land adjacent to estate near St Bartholomew’s Church (unlocated)
Manorial tenement –
copyhold of the manor of Barcombe
Near Spithurst .2r 22p1839-1964 / James Henry Slater Esq.fine 22s 6d. / 1839 grant fine 22s 6d.
merged with P113/61