P&Z Mtg. Final Minutes
Members: Larry Amodt
Chris Downard
Daniel Snyder
Kim Spendlove
Others: Lee Ballard, Town Council Planning and Zoning Liaison
Kenny Cornelius
Adele Pincock
1. Call to Order.
Acting Chair Chris Downard called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. Review with Possible Approval of a Sign at the Entrance of Sierra Bella – Kenny Cornelius.
Mr. Cornelius stated that currently the Town allows eight square feet of signage lettering where presently he had 13. The Town’s signage regulations were reviewed. The Commission discussed various alternatives including the possibility of the sign being lit and the sign being part of the fence. The Commission agreed that the sign can be considered part of the fence.
Commissioner Downard liked the proposed design but acknowledged that it does not comply with the size requirements of the ordinance. The only other option was to amend the ordinance or modify the lettering requirement. Mr. Cornelius complained that an eight square-foot sign is very restrictive. Adele Pincock pointed out that sometimes it is not known how a particular ordinance will work until an actual application is submitted. She suggested that perhaps the ordinance should be amended to make the design standards different for subdivisions and businesses. The visibility of the sign was discussed.
In response to a question raised by Mr. Cornelius, the process and standards involved in amending the ordinance were reviewed. Verbiage modifications were made to the ordinance. Larry Amodt commented that according to the ordinance, the applicant can have several signs. Chris Downard could see no way for the applicant to modify the sign without changing the ordinance. He questioned whether Mr. Cornelius would be able to get the support necessary to amend it. Mr. Cornelius commented that allowing a larger sign would improve the subdivision.
Larry Amodt stated that the Commission can approve conditions and regulations relative to the request. It was determined that the proposed sign exceeds the ordinance limit by five square feet. The options were to either deny the applicant’s request or seek an amendment to the ordinance. Larry Amodt indicated that there are problems with the sign ordinance and stated that several people in Town aren’t happy with it. Dan Snyder considered the proposed sign to be a luxury. Commissioner Amodt thought it would be beneficial for paramedics to be able to see the sign. A second design presented by the applicant was thought by the Commission to be better than the original. Mr. Cornelius thought it would be best to approve a smaller sign and then let the developers determine whether to pursue an amendment to the sign ordinance.
Kim Spendlove moved to approve the sign for Sierra Bella Estates subject to the following:
1. The sign must be tied to a rail fence on a rock as part of the fence.
2. The standards of the sign ordinance must be met with lettering not to exceed eight square feet.
Dan Snyder seconded the motion. Vote on motion: Larry Amodt-Aye, Chris Downard-Aye, Dan Snyder-Aye, Kim Spendlove-Aye. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Review with Possible Approval of the Minutes of the September 9, 2009, and November 11, 2009, Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings.
The minutes were reviewed and modified.
Kim Spendlove moved to approve the minutes of September 9, 2009, and November 11, 2009, as amended. Dan Snyder seconded the motion. Vote on motion: Larry Amodt-Aye, Chris Downard-Aye, Dan Snyder-Aye, Kim Spendlove-Aye. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Commission Comments.
Dan Snyder recalled a previous discussion about removing cell towers as a conditional use from the Agricultural Zone and wondered if that was something the Commission wanted to consider. Larry Amodt indicated that the Council had a previous discussion about utilities and cell towers. He recommended clarification be obtained.
Commissioner Amodt stated that previously he was given credit for writing the sign ordinance when he did not. He clarified that Adele Pincock and Elissa Black wrote it.
Kim Spendlove asked about the potential for another member to be appointed to the Commission. It was noted that the Mayor was provided with a list of potential candidates.
6. Adjourn Planning and Zoning Meeting.
Chris Downard moved to adjourn. Kim Spendlove seconded the motion. Vote on motion: Larry Amodt-Aye, Chris Downard-Aye, Dan Snyder-Aye, Kim Spendlove-Aye. The motion passed unanimously.
The Planning Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Karri Olds
Town Clerk
Approved: ______