Table of Contents

Introduction and Assessment Methods / 1
Programme Schedule / 2
Definitions of Key Skills
III.1Improving Own Learning & Performance / 3
III.2Problem Solving / 4
III.3Working with Others / 5
III.4Communication Skills / 6
Assessing Own Performance / 7-10
Asking for Feedback / 11-14
Reflecting on Own Performance / 15
Setting Development Goals / 16
Keeping Track on Progress / 17-18
Statement of Achievements / 19
Presenting Achievements to Employers / 20
How to Collect Evidence for a Portfolio / 21
Portfolio of Evidence / 22-23
XII.1Improving Own Learning and Performance / 24-25
XII.2Problem Solving / 26-27
XII.3Working with Others / 28-29
XII.4Communication Skills / 30-31
Learning Report / 32

I. Introduction and Assessment Methods


Four key skills will be covered in this year’s Key Skills Programme. These are:

(1)Improving Own Learning and Performance

(2)Problem Solving

(3)Working with Others

(4)Communication Skills

You will be trained to apply the skills in an engineering project[1] as well as during your daily course of work. Please compile a portfolio of evidence upon completion of the programme on how you have made use of these skills in your engineering project and during your daily course of work.

Goals of the Programme

To help you

  1. improve your key skills while fulfilling requirements for the Inter-disciplinary Design Project,
  2. understand how to transfer these skills to other situations and life in general, and
  3. use evidences of key skills in application letter writing and interview.

What Can You Expect

During the four sessions, you will have opportunities to

  1. be aware of the four key skills
  2. assess your own performance
  3. seek feedback from your group mates and project supervisors
  4. reflect on your own performance
  5. set development goals
  6. improve yourself actively
  7. present evidence of learning process and achievement

The trainerwill work closely with you to help you learn and acquire key skills through the above process.

Assessment& Coursework

At the end of the workshop, you will need to submit: (a) course booklet with completed worksheets, and (b) portfolio of evidence with an abstract (not more than 200 words) of how you applied the 4 key skills.

You will be assessed by your actual improvement on key skills as evidenced by portfolios submitted and behavior/attitude in class. Each of these elements accounts for 50% of the total mark.

Your portfolio will be judged according to the

  1. overall presentation of subject materials;
  2. depth and breath of key skills standard tackled; and
  3. complexity of issue with which you assess your performance.

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II. Programme Schedule

Key Skills in Inter-disciplinary Design Project

Civil and Structural Engineering III 2009-2010

Date / Time / Venue* / Topic / Group
9 Sept / 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. / MW411 / Improving Own Learning & Performance / 1
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. / MW411 / Improving Own Learning & Performance / 2
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. / MW411 / Improving Own Learning & Performance / 3
16 Sept / 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. / MW411 / Problem Solving / 1
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. / MW411 / Problem Solving / 2
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. / MW411 / Problem Solving / 3
30 Sept / 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. / MW411 / Working with Others / 1
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. / MW411 / Working with Others / 2
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. / MW411 / Working with Others / 3
7 Oct / 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. / MW411 / Communication Skills / 1
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. / MW411 / Communication Skills / 2
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. / MW411 / Communication Skills / 3
4 Nov / 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. / MW411 / Improving Own Learning & Performance / 4
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. / MW411 / Improving Own Learning & Performance / 5
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. / MW411 / Improving Own Learning & Performance / 6
11 Nov / 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. / MW411 / Problem Solving / 4
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. / MW411 / Problem Solving / 5
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. / MW411 / Problem Solving / 6
18 Nov / 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. / MW411 / Working with Others / 4
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. / MW411 / Working with Others / 5
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. / MW411 / Working with Others / 6
25 Nov / 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. / MW411 / Communication Skills / 4
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. / MW411 / Communication Skills / 5
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. / MW411 / Communication Skills / 6

* Key:MWC – Meng Wah Complex

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III.1 Definition of Key Skills*

(Improving Own Learning and Performance)

In agreeing targets,
use various sources of information to identify ways to achieve what you want to do (e.g. in your learning, personal life, career);
identify factors that might affect your plans (e.g. financial, health and safety, available opportunities, motivation, other commitments);
agree (e.g. with tutor, trainer, careers adviser, mentor) targets which clearly say what you want to achieve, are measurable and achievable over an extended period of time (e.g. about 3 months);
identify action points for each target, with timescales, and identify the support you will need (e.g. teaching, coaching, guidance), including arrangements for reviewing progress;
predict difficulties which may occur and identify alternative courses of action.
In using your plan,
prioritise action to achieve your targets;
deal with any difficulties in order to complete tasks and meet deadlines;
make revisions to your plan to take into account changed circumstances;
seek and actively use feedback and support from relevant sources (e.g. tutor, trainer, colleagues, mentor, manuals) to help you meet targets;
select and use different ways of learning, including :
studying a complex subject (e.g. in teaching or training sessions, tutorials);
learning through a complex practical activity (e.g. demonstrations, problem solving tasks);
independent learning (e.g. use of written or IT-based distance-learning materials);
use methods that suit different learning styles (e.g. visual, verbal, auditory, physical) and adapt approaches to meet new demands. / In reviewing progress and achievements,
provide information on the quality of your learning and performance, including what you have learned (e.g. knowledge of subjects, skills, including key skills, about your personal qualities, interests) and how you have learned (e.g. methods that have suited your learning styles);
identify the factors that have affected the outcome (e.g. the usefulness of feedback and support, the situations in which you learned, how you felt about your learning problems you met);
identify the targets you have met;
seek information from relevant sources (e.g. tutors, colleagues, line manager, careers adviser, mentor) to establish evidence of your achievements (e.g. examples of work, statements from those who have seen your work, records, reports, certificates, awards) including examples of how you have used your learning to meet new demands;
present your own views and listen to the views of others to agree on ways to further improve your performance (e.g. quality of your work, ways of learning, in your career).
These definitions are quoted from the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, United Kingdom

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(Problem Solving)

In exploring problems and options,
YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO : / In planning and implementing options,
recognise when a problem exists (e.g. identify a gap between an existingsituation and what is desirable);
select and use different methods for exploring the problem, including dividing it into sub-problems, and analyse its features (e.g. investigate how others are affected, compare with similar problems, check variations from time to time or place to place, take different viewpoints);
agree on how to show success in solving the problem (e.g. consult others about the quality of product or service they expect, compare with similar situations that are satisfactory, consult manuals or specialists);
select and use a variety of methods to come up with different ways of tackling the problem (e.g. visual or written methods, discussions with others, an analysis involving calculations, by producing 3D models, borrowing solutions from similar problems, drawing on your imagination and creativity);
compare the main features of each possible option, including risk factors (e.g. by carrying out a cost/benefit analysis);
justify the option you select to take forward (e.g. in terms of the factors involved or available evidence, risks and benefits; the effectiveness of solutions to similar problems). / plan how to carry out your chosen option (e.g. use techniques such as flowchart, time-line, identify possible difficulties and ways to overcome them) and obtain agreement to go ahead from an appropriate person (e.g. tutor, line manager);
implement your plan (e.g. use your specialist knowledge, ensure resources are available when needed, keep track of progress, ensure others are kept informed), using support and feedback
from others (e.g. specialists, your line manager others affected by the problem);
review progress (e.g. against the steps identified in a flowchart or time-line, resource allocation) and revise your approach as necessary (e.g. if you identify a better method, need to respond to unforeseen opportunities or difficulties).
In checking, describing results and reviewing approach,
identify possible methods for checking if the problem has been solved (e.g. draw on tests used for similar problems, own knowledge and experience, refer to manuals);
agree (e.g. with your line manager, a specialist) on the methods to use;
apply these methods (e.g. test, observe, measure, sample, inspect, ask others) and draw conclusions;
describe the results (e.g. the extent to which the problem was solved, others were satisfied);
review each stage of your approach to problem solving (e.g. choice of option, how you followed and adapted your plan, use of resources, any side-effects of your actions);
identify alternative methods and options and predict if they would have been more effective.

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III.3 Definition of Key Skills*

(Working with Others)

In planning work,
YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO : / In working towards agreed objectives,
Work with others (e.g. one-to-one with a colleague, in a group or team) to plan complex work :
offer your own suggestions and show you are listening to others’ views, in order to agree realistic objectives for working together (e.g. group, team or organisational objectives);
identify the resources, timescales and action needed to achieve the objectives (e.g. break down the work into manageable tasks, prioritise work and set deadlines to produce products, provide customer service, organise an event);
agree responsibilities, including ways in which different roles could contribute to a successful outcome (e.g. personal qualities, skills, knowledge needed for team leader, teamworker, resource coordinator, specialist roles); based on appropriate evidence;
agree suitable working arrangements with those involved (e.g. where you will work, health and safety requirements methods for keeping each other informed of progress). / meet your responsibilities effectively and efficiently:
obtain and make best use of resources (e.g. materials, tools, equipment), including support from others (e.g. colleagues, supervisor, tutor, trade union representative, health and safety officer);
organise and pace your work to meet deadlines and produce the quality of work required;
work in a way that is safe for you and others (e.g. take prompt action to avoid accidents, health risks);
seek to establish and maintain co-operative working relationships (e.g. find out what will motivate people to work together, take a leading role in anticipating the needs of others for information or support, act assertively to protect your own rights, and those of others, take action to avoid discrimination, deal with harassment) over an extended period of time (e.g. 3 months);
reach agreement on ways to overcome any difficulties, including how to resolve conflict in an amicable way;
exchange information on the extent to which your own work is meeting expected timescales and quality, and show initiative in obtaining progress reports from others;
agree and make changes that are necessary to achieve objectives (e.g. to improve efficiency, motivate others).
In reviewing work,
agree on the extent to which work with others has been successful and objectives have been met;
identify factors that have influenced the outcome (e.g. to do with planning, resources, team motivation, changes beyond your control);
agree ways to improving work with others in the future (e.g. to improve team motivation, ability to take on different roles, planning skills ).

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III.4 Definition of Key Skills*

(Communication Skills)

In discussions,
YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO : / In reading and synthesising information,
vary how and when you participate to suit your purpose (e.g. to present a complicated line of reasoning or argument, explain events, express opinions and ideas) and the situation (e.g. formality, nature of the group);
listen and respond sensitively (e.g. acknowledge gender and cultural aspects, how others might be feeling) and develop points and ideas;
make openings to encourage others to contribute (e.g. invite others to speak, ask follow-up questions to encourage people to develop points).
In making a presentation,
prepare the presentation to suit your purpose (e.g. present an argument in a debate, findings from an investigation, outcomes from a design brief);
match your language and style to suit the complexity of the subject, the formality of the situation and the needs of the audience (e.g. confidently use standard English, precisely use vocabulary);
structure what you say (e.g. help listeners follow the sequence of main points, ideas);
use techniques to engage the audience, including images (e.g. give examples to illustrate complex points, relate what is said to audience experience, vary tone of voice, use images, such as charts, pictures and models to illustrate points). / find and skim read extended documents, such as text books, secondary sources, articles and reports, to identify relevant material (e.g. to extend thinking around a subject, obtain evidence, opinions and ideas);
scan and read the material to find the specific information you need;
use appropriate sources of reference to help you understand complex lines of reasoning and information from text and images (e.g. consult databases and other texts, ask others for clarification);
compare accounts and recognise opinion and possible bias (e.g. identify the writer’s intentions by the way meaning and information is conveyed);
synthesise the information you have obtained for a purpose (e.g. present your own interpretation of the subject in a way that brings information together in a coherent form for a report or presentation).

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IV. Assessing Own Performance

Key Skills
/ Own Assessment on ability to
(5 being very good at and 1 being least good at) / Please explain and provide evidence
Improving Own Learning and Performance
agree on targets and plan how these will be met / 1 2 3 4 5
use the plan, seek feedback and support from others, and help meet targets / 1 2 3 4 5
review progress and establish evidence of achievement / 1 2 3 4 5

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Problem Solving
explore problems, compare different ways of solving them and select options / 1 2 3 4 5
plan and implement options / 1 2 3 4 5
apply agreed methods for checking problems that have been solved, and review approaches to tackling problems / 1 2 3 4 5

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Working with Others
plan work, agree on objectives, responsibilities and working arrangements / 1 2 3 4 5
seek to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships / 1 2 3 4 5
review work and agree ways of improving future collaborative work / 1 2 3 4 5

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Communication Skills
contribute to a group discussion about a complex subject / 1 2 3 4 5
make a presentation about a complex subject / 1 2 3 4 5
read and synthesize information / 1 2 3 4 5

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V. Asking for Feedback

Key Skills / Peer Assessment on Your Ability
(5 being very good at and 1 being least good at) / Please describe a situation where your peer has observed you applying the skill(s)
Improving Own Learning and Performance
agree on targets and plan how these will be met / 1 2 3 4 5
use the plan, seek feedback and support from others, and help meet targets / 1 2 3 4 5
review progress and establish evidence of achievement / 1 2 3 4 5

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Problem Solving
explore problems, compare different ways of solving them and select options / 1 2 3 4 5
plan and implement options / 1 2 3 4 5
apply agreed methods for checking problems that have been solved, and review approaches to tackling problems / 1 2 3 4 5

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Working with Others
plan work, agree on objectives, responsibilities and working arrangements / 1 2 3 4 5
seek to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships / 1 2 3 4 5
review work and agree ways of improving future collaborative work / 1 2 3 4 5

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Communication Skills
contribute to a group discussion about a complex subject / 1 2 3 4 5
make a presentation about a complex subject / 1 2 3 4 5
read and synthesize information / 1 2 3 4 5

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VI. Reflecting on Own Performance

You should now have a fair and accurate assessment of your performance, as you and others see it. List below your own strengths and improvement areas.

My Strengths

Key Skills / Evidence
(from your own assessment and your peer's observation)
Improving Own Learning and Performance
* Agree on targets and plan how these will be met
Problem Solving
* Explore problems, compare different ways of solving them and select options
Working with Others
* Seek to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships
Communication Skills
* Contribute to a group discussion about a complex subject

My Improvement Areas

Key Skills / Evidence
(from your own assessment and your peer's observation)
Improving Own Learning and Performance
* Review progress and establish evidence of achievement
Problem Solving
* Plan and implement options
Working with Others
* Review work and agree ways of improving future collaborative work
Communication Skills
* Read and synthesize information

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VII. Setting Development Goals

Key Skills
Improvement areas
(choose at least 3) / At the end of the Programme,
I wish to be able to
/ Resources that I will use to achieve this goal include /
Action plan
(I will do what by when) /

I will review progress

(by how and by when)
Improving Own Learning and Performance / Review progress and establishevidence of their achievement
Problem Solving
/ Plan and implement options
Working with Others / Review work and agree waysof improving future collaborative work
Communication Skills / Read and synthesizeinformation

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VIII. Keeping Track on Progress

Summary of Actions Taken