Tambrey Primary School P&C Meeting Minutes
Date:2 June, 2015
Present: Maxine Trainer, Troy Withers, Nicole Storey,Sue-Ann Scobie, Aaron Bruce, Kylie Miller, Anne-Marie Horn, Ceanne England, Anrie Oosthuizen,Amy Pilkington, Bianca Gibbs, Briony Aston
Apologies:Stuart Dale, Darren & Lyn Gillon,Stacey Oxley
Meeting opened:7.30pm
Action Required / Person Responsible / Due date1. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:
Accepted by: Amy Pilkington
Seconded by: Maxine Trainer
Stuart has had a few people offer assistance with materials for playground equipment, and will keep working at getting some of the ideas made. / Kylie Miller on behalf of Stuart Dale
In Correspondence
Westpac Bank Statements
ATO payment
WACSSO – P&C Training / Out Correspondence
P&C Post – May 2015 / Anne-Marie Horn
4.1 Presidents Report
Firstly, apologies for my absence, it wasn’t planned but an opportunity arose for some family time away from Karratha, so we have disappeared this morning.
The fun run has been and gone. I sent off the prize requests this morning, so am hoping they get back here before the end of term to be dispersed. I was extremely happy with the parent support, the teacher’s participation and the student’s response on the day, and with fundraising. We managed to raise considerably more money this year than the last couple, $14,000 to $15,000; which I think is a reflection on how well the school is travelling.
I have attached a rough estimate of how much each class raised, the number of students participating and how much we should approximately expect back to class. In this evenings general business I would ask the P&C members to make a decision as to how to disperse these funds. I would like to see them go straight back to the classroom teachers, so that they can purchase things and the kids can see where their fundraising dollars go. This I think would make them most happy and also reward them for pushing the fundraising as hard as they obviously did.
It would be remiss of me not to thank Briony Aston before she leaves town, and if she is present tonight, my apologies Briony, but hope to see you upon my return. Briony has done more time on the P&C than me, and has done a heap of work and fundraising over the years that has made my job a lot easier and has been very much appreciated. Thank you and all the best in Darwin.
With no further events for this term planned, and only two minor events next term (athletics carnival and learning journey), we probably need to start thinking of other ways to raise some more funds to pay for the fan in the undercover area. Open to suggestions, and happy to work through any possibilities with anyone who has any ideas before the next meeting. / Prewritten by Stuart Dale
4.2 Treasurer’s Report
Main Account $ 51,720.23
Library Account $ 138.02
Canteen Account $ 7,292.61 / Stuart Dale / Anne-Marie Horn
4.3 Uniform Shop Report
No news. / Maxine Trainer
4.4 Canteen Report
Last day for canteen operation for Term 2 will be Wednesday 24 June. Anne-Marie will be a leave. A draft version on Term 3 menu was passed around. Everyone was happy with the new specials and new selection of recess items. Canteen will open Term 3 Wednesday 22 July. Anne-Marie has offered the canteen to the P&C for a fundraising event ie. Hot dog day. / Anne-Marie Horn
4.5 Principal’s Report
I am very proud of the students, staff and parents of our school. There is a very positive atmosphere in classrooms, out in the playground and in the wider community. This is a credit to each and every one who calls Tambrey “My School,” and you should all take a bow. There is always room for improvement and I encourage everyone to reach for the stars, remember our motto – With Excellence and Equity, and wear our uniform with pride.
Year Three and Five students recently completed their NAPLAN assessments. While it will be interesting to see their results later in the year, from all reports everyone tried their best to demonstrate their achievement against what they are expected to know of the Australian Curriculum. As well as individual student results, we get valuable whole school data that helps guide our planning at all levels; strategic, operational and classroom. It is what it is and I am very glad that the hype that can sometimes surround NAPLAN has been kept to a minimum with children simply encouraged to do their best and reminded that everyone shines in unique and special ways.
Book fair and National Simultaneous Storytime
Library and Information Week was held last week which included The Book Fair and National Simultaneous Storytime. Our special guest readers of the hilarious The Brothers Quibble by Aaron Blabey include Mayor Peter Long, Daphne Trevurza from the Smith Family and yours truly. Thank go to Ashlen Taylor our library officer who has coordinated these events.
A huge thank you to Ashlen in particular for organising this event. The book fair takings were close to $4 000 and the commission was close to $1 000.
Fun run and National Walk Safely to School Day
The P&C Fun Run fundraiser coincided with National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday 22 May. There was a great turn out of parents and friends.
A huge thank you to Stuart in particular for the P&C support of this fundraiser. The total raised is close to $10 000!
Cross-County postponement
Due to waterlogged Pindan and possible showers, the decision was made to postpone the cross-country event until this Friday 5 June. While it was disappointing to have to postpone, in the interests of health and safety, it was a necessary one. I appreciate everyone’s understanding.
Student Reports
Student reports will be sent home in the last week of school this term. Our teachers invest a great deal of time and effort into providing very detailed reports outlining your child’s progress. At Tambrey, we value both academic and social development. When reading your child’s report parents should consider all of this information. Our reports show academic progress against what is expected for students at this time of the year; the social information outlines your child’s efforts and attitudes towards school - this is very important information. Be sure to discuss your child’s report with them as this shows your interest in their education and also gives a great opportunity to offer praise and support.
I am very pleased to acknowledge the successful efforts of our school staff to work collaboratively with families to improve student attendance. Mrs Kerry Mallard, Mrs Latoyia Geary and Mrs Di Hall are to be commended. Congratulations to those students and families who have improved their attendance this term. Keep it up. Every day at school matters.
School Security
We often see evidence of vandalism of our school on Monday mornings. This is very disappointing. Presence on school grounds after hours without permission is trespassing. It is against the law. The vandalism is costing us money that we could better spend on education. No one should be playing on school equipment, traveling through or loitering on school grounds after hours. If you do notice people on school grounds out of school hours please do not approach them. Instead, please call the local Police or Education Security on 9264 4632 and they will call security patrols to investigate.
Staff changes
John Balfour is soon to join the team in the role of education assistant supporting the Yr 3-6 students as risk.
With Briony Aston’s last day this year with us last week, we welcome Anna-Marie Oosthuizen to kindy while a staffing process is being run.
Please let the school know in writing if you child/ren will be absent from school for holidays that don’t fall in the designated school holiday period. / Troy Withers
WACSSO P&C Training Sessions
WACSSO have sent information to Tambrey P&C regarding training sessions being held in the Pilbara. Anne-Marie has emailed all the details to all members. There is two training sessions, giving flexibility for members to attend either session. Monday 22 June 6.30pm – 9 at Dampier PS and Tuesday 23 June 9am -11.30 at Baynton West PS. Anne-Marie will be attending the Monday session at Dampier PS, Troy has also stated that he will be attending this session also. Members need to RSVP if they would like to attend either.
Fun Run Money/Funds
After some discussion the present members at the meeting agreed unanimously that all funds raised will go towards the whole school. Teachers will be asked to collaborate together with either there corresponding Year teachers or work in Blocks or as a whole school. Sport and Science area to put in requests also. Troy and Stuart will talk regarding the teacher request form. The forms will be sent to teachers and then to be returned to Troy. Troy will look at what is being requested, and see what the school can fulfil from their budget and what can be asked from the P&C.
Fundraising Ideas
- Briony suggested a Xmas Raffle. Ask each class to donate a particular item to make up raffle baskets.
- Kylie mentioned raffling off a staff carpark bay where the winner will be able to park and do drop off / pickup from that bay. Troy said there isn’t enough staff parking bays as it is, and believe it might cause some friction with staff.
- Sue-Ann suggested having a drink stand at markets or events. Asking parents to donate cans of soft drink and selling them at these events. No out of pocket expense for P&C, all profit. Anne-Marie said that idea would be great for the upcoming P&C events; faction carnival, learning journey and disco. Anne-Marie said we needed to find when all the markets are all on and what the cost is to hold a store.
- Ceanne suggested doing the moonrise cinema catering.
- Amy suggested that Harvey Norman are looking for people to run the sausage sizzle. This is a community event and held out of school hours where working weekday parents can help and also get the students involved.
- Xmas wrapping in shopping centre. Not many schools offer to do this service. More profitable when the ‘post n pack’ period is happening.
- Kylie suggested a food festival at Tambrey. Offering a variety of food staffs instead of having a fate.
Year 6 fundraiser will be happening on Saturday 20 June, 2015. Tickets are $15 each and $120 for table of 8. Bianca has applied for liquor license; which has been approved. Apex will run the bar. Silent auction happening. Funds raised will be going towards extra activity at camp, graduation and disco after graduation, graduation present and end of year pool party. BYO food, beef and gravy rolls will be available to be purchased on the night. No BYO alcohol. A range of alcohol and soft drinks will be available on the night. Ceanne has offered to donate rolls for the night. Tickets sales begin June 3.
Stationary Supply 2016
Maxine asked the P&C if we would like to use OfficeMax as preferred supplier for 2016 stationary supplier. Tambrey will not be getting the free delivery this year. Troy asked if there was anyone local we could use. Anne-Marie said that we could approach Office National for new quotes. Committee members agreed not to use newsagency over previous history. Maxine passed previous year’s lists and OfficeMax handbook to Troy for him to pass onto teachers for amendments.
New Ovens
With the remaining money left from the 2014 Year 6/7 fundraising, Briony and Bianca would like to purchase 5 new ovens for the school. They will also provide a cooking pack for each block. Aaron Bruce has offered to look at the installation of the new ovens.
Meeting closed at: 8.43pm / Anne-Marie Horn
Kylie Miller / Stuart Dale
Bianca Gibbs
Maxine Trainer
Briony Aston / Bianca Gibbs
6. NEXT MEETING: 4 August, 2015 at 7.30pm
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