Resource ConsentsUnit
Application for Road or
Right of Way Name
Section 319(j), Local Government Act 1974
Email to: ; or
Deliver to: Christchurch City Council, 53 Hereford Street, Christchurch; or
Send to: Christchurch City Council, PO Box 73014, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8154.
For enquiries phone: (03) 941 8999
This form is to be used for requests for naming of proposed new roads and rights of way, naming an existing right of way, or to change the name of an existing right of way.
Tick relevant box: Road Right of Way Combination
Address (of subdivision or location of right of way):
Attach a plan of the right of way or subdivision.
Name (Consultant or Applicant):
Phone: Fax: Email:
Existing right of way name (if applicable):
Proposed road or right of way names (refer notes on page 2):
Proposed Names (Use additional pages if necessary)Attach a detailed background for each of the proposed names
Nameplates(for payment of Nameplate fees, refer to section 6 below) / $394Posts and Brackets (including placement) / $185
NOTE: For new subdivisions staff time will also be charged as part of the final fee.
Customers can use internet banking to pay resource consent fees after lodgement of an application. Please note that all payments will be credited to our account on the next business day. Any payment made without your details below may take some time to be lodged against the correct account. Our details are:
Bank:Bank of New Zealand
Account Name:Christchurch City Council
Account Number:02 0800 0044765 03
The information that will help us identify your payment:
Particulars:Name of Customer
Code:Customer Number (All this information is available on the invoice)
Reference:Invoice No
(i)Where an existing right of way is to be named, all residents on the right of way must consent to the proposed name.
(ii)Nameplates: For new subdivisions, payment must be made before issue of the S224 RMA (completion) Certificate. Allow a minimum of five weeks for nameplate manufacture and one week for placement.
(iii)The number and placement of nameplates must be discussed with the Subdivision Officer. There may be a suitable power pole or lamp standard that the nameplate may be affixed to, in which case, the post fee may not be required.
(iv)Proposed names must be in compliance with the Council’s Naming of Roads & Right of Way Policy set out below.
(v)Rights of way must be formed and sealed and serve a minimum of five dwellings as a pre-requisite for naming.
NAMING OF ROADS & RIGHTS OF WAY POLICY(Adopted by the Council on 2 November 1993)
- Proposed names are to be submitted with the application for subdivision consent.
- Reference is to be made to a current street list of Christchurch when selecting names, to avoid duplication.
- The developer or consultant is to consult with the Subdivision Officer (Road Names) before submission, for an initial check on names.
- To avoid repeating the process, several names should be submitted for each proposed road or right of way in case of rejection. The names are to be listed in order of preference.
- A background to the names, their origins and their link with the area is to be supplied.
- Where more than one road is being created in a subdivision, a common theme is recommended for the names.
- Names are to be chosen in proportion to the length of the road. Long names on short cul-de-sacs can be very difficult to display on a map.
- Where a road or right of way name is requested to be changed, a minimum of 85% of residents and owners must give their consent to the change.
- All new private rights of way and access lots to be named shall be called “______LANE”.
- All new residential complexes of sufficient size to warrant the allocation of a name shall be called “______COURTS”.
- Where a street nameplate is required, the standard Council nameplate shall be erected.
- When a development company has erected its own ornamental nameplate or post, in addition to the Council nameplate, and that ornamental nameplate or post is damaged or stolen, then the Council shall not be responsible for the repair or replacement of that nameplate or post.
- Personal names are to be discouraged, unless the name submitted has an historical connection with the property being subdivided or is that of a well known local identity, or prominent Cantabrian or New Zealander.
- It is the Council’s prerogative to name streets and the Council may refuse to approve names considered unsuitable for any other reason.
Contact: Bob Pritchard
Subdivision Officer, Resource Consents Unit
Email: , Direct Dial: 941 8644
PRIVACY ACT 1993The personal information requested in the form is being collected by the Resource Consents Unit of the Christchurch City Council so that we can process your application. This information is required by the Resource Management Act 1991, and will be held by the Council. You may ask to check and correct any of this personal information if you wish. The personal information forms part of a public document and may be made available on request to parties within and outside the Council.
Updated: 1 July 20141 of 2Form P-052