March 8, 2017
Chairman Victoria Nicholson called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag at 6:30pm. The following members attended; Larry Feeser, Verna Feeser, Ronald Groft, Mario Iocco, Victoria Nicholson, Township Engineer Terry Myers and Secretary Beverly Shriver.
Motion on previous meeting minutes: Larry Feeser second by Ronald Groft motioned to approve February 8, 2017 meeting minutes as written. 5 Aye Votes
Public Comments Non-Agenda Issues:
Ed Mort reported the Lawrence Sketch Plan is on hold for now.
Plans with Representation:
Cedar L. & Suzanne E. Eckert Final Subdivision Plan: Ed Mort P.E. /Group Hanover Inc. was present on behalf of the owners. Mort brought revised plans showing the Township Engineer’s signature block added. Myers understood the previous subdivision plan in 2008 basically said the sole purpose of this plan was to enlarge an existing (2C) lot of Adams,Plonk& Redding that was to be originally added to the adjacent parcel on the other side. That did not happen so this subdivision plan was null and void. That is why they needed to do this subdivision plan to create that lot again before Eckert could buy it. The lot didn’t have an on-lot perc and probe for it. They want to take that parcel now and attach it to another parcel that Eckert owns and attach those two lots together with Eckert’s existing lot and make one large deed described as one. Eckert wants to make sure the plan looks ok and then get a formal sales agreement. The lot was never approved as a building lot; it was only approved as an add-on lot.
The Township is satisfied with the plan but Eckert must be the owner of 2C. Eckert will purchase the lot and bring the deed to the Township and sign the plan. Then the plan can be approved and signed by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. The Township will only be recording the plan. The Township wants to see the combined deed to make sure this situation never happens again. Then Eckert’s will have to record the deed.
Taking the recommendation of the Township Engineer; Mario Iocco second by Larry Feeser motioned to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant conditional approval with these outstanding issues: 1. Show deed with Eckert as the owner of the lot 2. Show consolidated deedafter transfer takes place; Eckert to Eckert (3 lots as 1) 3. Owner’s notarized signature needs put on the plan. 5 Aye Votes
Larry Feeser second by Mario Iocco motioned to adjourn the meeting. 5Aye Votes Meeting adjourned at 7:05P.M.