Spring seminar:Saturday 20 April 2013
The Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History, OxfordBrookesUniversity, and the Manchester Wesley Research Centre have worked in partnership for several years, andhave established a bi-annual seminar series to take place in spring [Oxford] and autumn [Manchester]. These seminars will be an opportunity for established and emerging students of Methodist Studies to present the findings of their research and scholarship. We conceive Methodist Studies broadly and aim to provide opportunities for students of history, theology, literature, art, material culture and other fields related to Methodism.
9.30am / Registration and coffee10.00am / Welcome and introduction
Prof Bill Gibson
Director, Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History
10.05am / Panel – research
Dr.Ric Berman
Aspiration and alienation: the betterment of the lower middling urban class.
Visiting Research Fellow, OxfordBrookesUniversity.
Dr. Sarah Lloyd
‘A testimony under my own hand’: identity, belonging and rejection in the Methodist practice of ticketing.
Centre for Regional and Local History, University of Hertfordshire.
Linda Ryan
Oxford and Wesley: educational influences.
PhD candidate, History, OxfordBrookesUniversity.
Dr Peter Forsaith
Research Fellow, Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History.
12.00noon / Launch – The Ashgate Research Companion to World Methodism
Prof Bill Gibson
Editorial comments
Director, Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History
12.30pm / Lunch
1.30pm / Panel of contributors
Revd. Dr. Brian Beck
World Methodism since 1939: change and continuity
Past President and former Secretary of the British Methodist Conference.
2.10pm / Prof Ted Campbell
Sorting Out Issues of Methodism and Social Change in the Eighteenth Century.
Associate Professor of Church History, Southern MethodistUniversity,Dallas. Texas.
2.50pm / Revd. Margaret Jones
Methodism and (not only) Women
Supernumerary minister and former Team Leader in the Formation in Ministry office, BritishMethodistChurch.
Book sales, signing, tea
3.45pm / Discussion
Chair Revd. Dr Martin Wellings
Superintendent Minister, Oxford Methodist Circuit
4.15pm / Summary
Seminar closes
Room AG09
The Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History
Harcourt Hill campus
Oxford OX2 9AT
Jo Middleton
Administrator: Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History
01865 488455,