“Consistent achievement happens only if you love what you are doing.”
Bart Conner

Achievement matters …

After 6 years of perseverance, Langside Primary achieved its Centenary pledge of commemorating 100 years of Learning at Langside in the form of supporting education inMalawi. Having raised a staggering £12,000 since the Centenary Year (2006), we were able to hand over a cheque to fund the construction of two classrooms for Matindi Primary in Malawi. Well done to everyone who contributed over the years.

A particular thanks goes to the terrific leadership of last year’s P7 (now S1), who started the campaign in 2006 when they were P3, and also to this year’s P7 who have done a magnificent job re-igniting the enthusiasm and commitment to our campaign across and throughout the school.

This achievement was acknowledged by James Dornan, MSP, who wrote to offer his congratulations to all involved.

The fundraising continues with the following:

Well done and thank you to:

  • Lillian in P7m who raised £82.33 at a street party by selling a variety of things with her sister and friend
  • Sara in P5g donated £22 which was to have been spent on ‘Goody Bags’ for her birthday party. All her guests agreed that Malawi was more deserving!
  • Evander in P7c who suggested the £85 left over from the Langside Tigers Rugby club fundraising should be donated to Malawi. All ‘Tigers’ agreed!

Congratulations and well done also go to Lori in P7c who has earned a place at the Glasgow School of Sport.

Once again a troupe of industrious parents delivered a great ‘Summer Fair’ to raise funds for improving the use of our playgrounds. A total of almost £2000 was raised.

Uniform matters …

By now you should have received a separate letter on uniform. Just in case you missed it, to repeat the plea!

A reminder to parents as they prepare to buy uniform for next session that our uniform is not black! This year several pupils have appeared in school wearing black skirts, trousers, jumpers and cardigans instead of grey.

Please also note that polo and sweatshirts must have the school badge. I am aware that there are cheaper unbadged alternatives in local shops but this is not uniform. The least expensive, and still very smart, option is the original uniform of a white shirt/blouse and tie.

In an effort to help parents who wish to have the polo and sweatshirt option, Academy Uniforms will hold a Uniform Shop in the Central Hall on Tuesday 19 June from 3 – 5 pm.

I thank you in anticipation of your support.

Learning & Teaching matters …

Last week Health & Wellbeing was given high profile as a whole host and wide range of health themes were the focus of learning and teaching all week. Hopefully, your child has shared some of his/her learning with you.

By now you should have received your child’s Annual Progress Report. This report also provides the opportunity for children in P4 – 7 to reflect on what they’d most like to improve/achieve next term.

After School Activities matters …

ShawlandsAcademySchool Show – “Doctor Hugh”

Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 June at 7.30 pm. Tickets are £4 each and can be bought at the door.

This is an original production by one of the drama teachers, Chris McLean, and offers a great night of entertainment as well as an opportunity for pupils to see one of the many extra curricular activities they can choose from at ShawlandsAcademy.

“ThinkScience Limited”

P4 – 7 enjoyed the highly entertaining and educational science show presented by ‘ThinkScience’ last month. They run a summer club for children aged 7 – 11. Details are available on

On Your Marks – P1–7 Holiday Club

NewlandsSouthChurch6 – 10 August 10am – 12.30 pm 2 – 3.30 pm

Sign up at

Safety matters …

A reminder to parents that there is no crossing patrol at lunchtimes.

It appears that a number of our younger children are making their way to and from school on their own.

Where parents are confident their children can do so safely, it’s always a good idea to regularly refresh/check their awareness and commitment to road safety.

Staffing matters …

We say farewell to several staff at the end of term:

  • Mrs Loftus, Pupil Support Assistant (ASN) retires this month. We all wish her a long and happy retirement
  • Mrs Sneddon leaves to take up her promotion as Depute Headteacher (DHT) at Miltonbank Primary
  • Ms Aitken leaves after the successful completion of her probationary year to take up a permanent appointment at Hillhead Primary
  • Ms McInnes, who has had a temporary contract covering Ms Journeaux’s Maternity Leave, has now been appointed as a Class Teacher, permanent contract, to Pirie Park Primary
  • Mrs Kriba starts her Maternity Leave but expects to return to work in the course of next session

We will miss them all and wish them all the best for the future.

Congratulations to Ms McLatchie who has been appointed by us as a permanent member of our team at Langside.

We also welcome three part-time staff who have been given posts at Langside by Human Resources:

Mrs Pitblado, Mrs Roschlau and Mrs Warwick will join our team in August.

In addition, Mrs Beastall, DHT, has requested a career break to coincide with the end of her current Maternity Leave. Human Resources have granted this, which means Mrs Beastall will not return to her post until August 2013. In the meantime, Mrs Elaine Cooke will be Acting DHT, with line management and departmental responsibilities for P1-2. Mrs Jackie McIver will continue her current remit or responsibility for P3 – 7.

Classification matters …

The numbers of children at various stages across the school are still such that I have no option but to re-classify the school. The restructured classes for 2012/13 will be as follows:

P1f / Mrs Fullerton / 4
P1p/r / Mrs Pitblado/Mrs Roschlau / 3
P1g / Mrs Gajree / 7

P1c / P2g/1g
P2k / Mrs Gallen
Ms Journeaux (Maternity Leave)
Mrs Kriba(Maternity Leave) / 8
P2j / P3m / Mr Morrow / 15
P2s / P3h / Mrs Hosie / 14
P3h / P4g / Mrs Gormley / 12
P3k / P4m / Mrs Miller / 11
P5g / P5s/w
P6s / Mrs Strang/Mrs Warwick
Mrs Cole
Ms Collins (Temporary Contract covering Mrs Beastall’s Maternity Leave) / 13
P6g / P7h / Ms Hendry / 18
P6m / P7m / Mrs McLatchie / 19

ASN matters …

Additional Support for Learning

Network News

Glasgow City Council has set up a tri-annual newsletter, called Network News, which is designed to support the families of children who have Additional Support Needs. An initial meeting with parents, held in December 2011, identified the following areas that they felt they would like addressed in this communication-

  • Getting regular and reliable information about what Education Services are doing about additional support for learning
  • Linking up and communicating with other parents whose children have additional support needs
  • Asking questions and receiving answers about additional support in Glasgow
  • Getting information about national and local developments relating to additional support

The parents also wished that they did not have to attend meetings, and so the Network News newsletter was created. If you are the parent of a child who has additional support needs, and feel that this is something that you would like access to, then Glasgow City Council would like to hear from you. If you would like to receive this newsletter, or would like more information on how to become involved in core groups, please contact Yvette Duffy on 0141 287 0204, or send her an e-mail () and she will add your details to the mailing list.

Holiday / Diary matters …

Tuesday / 19 June / Uniform Shop / 3 – 5 pm
Wednesday / 20 June / P7 ‘Oscars’ Leavers’ Party / 7 – 9 pm
Tuesday / 26 June / P7 Leavers’ Ceremony / 1.30 – 2.30 pm
Wednesday / 27 June / School Closes for Summer Holiday / 1pm
Wednesday / 15 August / School reopens for Pupils / 9 am
9.15 am – 12 noon for P1


CWilson - School Information – June 2012.documents/Newsletters/2011/12