TransBlue Processing Agreement

Business Legal Name: / Business DBA Name:
Mailing/Billing Address: / Location Address:
City/State/Zip: / City/State/Zip:
( ) / Phone:
( )
( ) / Fax:
( )
Contact: / Length of Ownership: / Contact: / Type of Business:

Ownership Information

Type of Ownership:
ÿ Sole Prop. ÿ Partnership ÿ Corporation ÿ Other: ______/ Date Incorporated:
/ 9 Digit Fed EIN Tax #
Owner / Partner / Officer Name: / Title:
/ % Of Ownership:
Home Address:
/ City/State/Zip:
Social Security #: (Not needed if EIN Provided)
/ Home Phone:
( ) / Personal Guaranty that this information is correct?
ÿ Yes ÿ No

Terminal Information NOTE – Standard terminals require a regular analog phone line to complete transactions

Terminal Type/Model:
/ *Choose Quick Keys (Pre-set Amounts) in Increments of $5, or $10
*Maximum amount decided by Merchant - Can be as high as $500
(Do not have to go as high as $500…Can choose lower amount as Max)
Pre-set Dollar Amounts / Convenience Fee Information
Enter 8 amounts in
increments of 5 or 10 / / Surcharge Amount:
$ ______

Maximum Amount $______*NOTE - Maximum dollar amount must be at least $40 – Lowest preset quick key amount can be as low as $5

Number needed to get outside line? ______Time Zone: ______

(If you have to dial a '9', or some other number for outside line) Please Write In: Hawaiian, Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern

Merchant understands and agrees that pricing cannot be guaranteed due to banking industry market conditions which could cause mandatory price increases in the future. Merchant agrees to hold Distributor(s) providing physical equipment harmless, blameless, and free of all legal liability for funds processing services, equipment functionality, and optional Maintenance Program which are the Responsibility of un-related third party companies, not the Distributor(s). The term for transaction processing services is 3 years, provided by POB ATM and is automatically renewed each year thereafter unless Tech Support is notified in writing within 30 days of anniversary date of signing this Processing Agreement or date noted next to signature below. During any transaction processing services term, Merchant agrees not to switch to any other POB service provider(s) for transaction processing services.
Signature: ______Print Name: ______DATE: ______

*Signature acknowledges acceptance of Terms written in this entire Processing Agreement – Merchant agrees to not sign this Processing Agreement if not willing to accept these Terms.
*Merchant agrees to be solely responsible for following and abiding by applicable industry regulations, local / state / federal laws relating to offering this service to the general Public.
*It is recommended that the Merchant / Business Owner obtain business insurance coverage that pays for all financial costs / losses that could occur due to data breaches / hacking


TID Monthly $12.95, Monthly Minimum $39.99, ETF $695.00, One time Terminal Setup/Encryption Fee $169.00 Wireless Terminal agreement (If Applicable) User of wireless terminal service (authorized signer below) agrees to hold service provider(s), and equipment provider(s) free of all legal and financial responsibility for reliability of wireless service connectivity which may not work in all areas and/or the area there the end user is needing it to work due to limitations of the network of third party wireless service provider(s). The following applies to wireless terminals in addition to the above. Monthly Fee per Sim Card 5 Megabytes $19.99 (each additional Meg. of data $5.00) # Of Units: ______Transaction Fee: $.35, One time Wireless Activation Fee $285.00, Will be debited from bank account above by Internet Now LTD or its affiliate via ACH.

______hereby authorizes TransBlue LLC or affiliate initiate Print Your Name (Authorized signer of bank account only) ACH debits.

Signature: ______Date: ______

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