Computer and Information Science
/ Teachers: Miss Y. Nieuwenhuis
Office: room 109

This course introduces students to computer science concepts, and provides a basis for general knowledge or further study in the field. Students develop problem solving skills and strategies by developing software solutions to a range of problems. Students learn about the stages in software design, and gain understanding and practice with the fundamental programming constructs of sequence, selection, and repetition. These concepts are presented in two broader contexts: students learn more about computers in general (functions of computer components; the relationship among networks, operating systems, and application software and their uses), and the importance of computers in society.

Major Units of Study
1. The Problem Solver
2 . Foundations of Programming I (variables, selection)
3 . Foundations of Programming II (loops, graphics, arrays)
4. Software Development Process and Project
5. Advanced / Related Topics / Integrated Strands
1. Teamwork
2. Computer hardware, software, networks
3 . Computers in Society /Careers
3. User Interfaces Design
4. Program design /programming style
5 . Program testing / debugging techniques


Ongoing Assessment and Evaluation 70%
Assessment and Evaluation will be based on the provincial curriculum expectations and the achievement levels, and weighted according to the chart shown at right. Assessment vehicles include written and on-line tests, on-line debugging exercises, written assignments, class presentations, and programming assignments.
/ Assessment Categories
Knowledge and Understanding / 20%
Thinking & Inquiry / 20%
Communication / 20%
Application / 40%
Summative Evaluation 30%
Culminating activities will take place near the end of the semester (in class), and assess achievement in all four categories. Assessments will include a written test, on-line performance tasks, and an individual program design. Portions of the final project may also be included as part of the summative evaluation.

Enrichment Work
Periodically, more advanced / challenging work may be offered to well motivated students. This work will be chosen by the teacher to be consistent with the course learning objectives, and will be evaluated accordingly.

Access to Computers and Software
Each student will be provided with a password to an account on the school's server. Students are not expected to acquire software for personal use at home. Sufficient time is provided in class for most students to complete the computer based portion of their work at school (where the teacher can observe the student's work in progress). For those students who require extra time, additional lab access is provided in a supervised lab every day at lunch. Extra lab time and extra help will be provided before and after school (hours will be posted on the class website).
Use of school computers is a privilege, not a right. Appropriate use is detailed in the school's Computer and Internet Use agreement. This applies to class, lunch, and after school access. Students in violation of this agreement may have their computer access privileges suspended or permanently revoked.

Lates & absences
Punctuality and regular attendance are critical for success. A class website is maintained that lists current work and due dates. It is the students’ responsibility to check the class website for missed work when they are absent, and notify the teacher in advance of any planned absences.