JETAA AGM 2018 Minutes – AGM 2018

JET Alumni Association Vic/Tas/SA

Minutes of Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2018
held on Saturday February 10th at Izakaya Chuji, Melbourne at 6:00 pm.


Maia Martucci, Jayka Bugay, David Shafir, Emma Libbis, George Mattar, Thomas Drzewucki, Sharon McNally, Rebecca Centeno, Rachel Stivicic, Trevor Talbot, Gemma Fisher, Sam Ferguson, Erwin Zonneveld, Katherine Pickhaver, Eliza Nicoll, William Blakeley, Katie Munroe, Max Branchflower, T'ai


Daniel Lim

  1. Welcome and 2017 events report – RC (2017-18 President)

RC delivered welcome address and an overall rundown of events from the previous year.

Key points:

-A number of successful events & activities held in 20167, including: quarterly dinners, Big Bento Lunch, Trivia Night, Japan Box Hill Festival, pre-departure orientation, MIFF, welcome back lunch, Mornington Peninsula trip, Sake Workshop & Bonenkai

-More than $1,800 raised for the Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund during the Big Bento Lunch (in March)

-Maia and Cat attended Oceania Conference in Wellington, New Zealand in October, key theme “sustainability”, ideas discussed & shared between Oceania chapters and CLAIR.

-Looking forward to this year’s events and activities across all 3 parts of our chapter

  1. Report from Tasmania sub-chapter – Rachel Stivicic

Tasmania reported with a list of key events and highlights from 2017 and their aims for this coming year:

-Key events held in 2017 include AGM, Izakaya visit, AJSV event, September visit to Japanese restaurants, Info sessions (which 30 people attended), and the Bonenkai.

-2018 AGM was held last weekend. Kate is the new TAS rep.

-They are planning to host a soba night soon at Kellington Festival with 20 soba chefs and a Japanese Opera singer.

  1. Report from South Australia sub-chapter – Cat Dunn

South Australia reported with their aims for this coming year:

-The sub-chapter has been working with a new support team structure for the past year – 3 SA members take care of different responsibilities for their group

-Events held in 2016 included a networking night, dinners including with the new JETs, Japanese Festival with a kakigori machine, JET information sessions, and a Bonenkai.

-They will have their AGM later this month.

-The SA chapter will focus this year on a variety of things including prepping official on boarding documents, a better committee structure, and recruiting non-alumni "helpers."

  1. Treasurer’s report – Thomas Drzewucki
  1. Nominations of JETAA Victoria Committee 2018

RC officially let go 2017-18 Committee. Nominations & voting opened for 2018-19 committee.

Nominations for Positions First Seconded


Nominated: Maia Martucci1. RC 2. GF


Nominated: Jayka Bugay1. MM 2. EL


Nominated:Trevor Talbot1. JB 2. GF


Nominated:Thomas Drzewucki1. RC 2. GF

e)Events Co-ordinator

Nominated: George Mattar1. GM 2. JB


Nominated:Daniel Jong1. DJ 2. GF

g)Sub-chapter Liaison

Nominated: Jayka Bugay and Maia Martucci1. RC 2. JB

h)Employment Officer


i)WebmasterFirst Round: Second Round:

Nominated: Daniel JongVotes. 5Votes. 7

Nominated: Amon BradshawVotes. 5Votes. 8

Nominated: Cat DunnVotes. 2

Abstained. 7 Abstained. 4

Successful Nominee: Amon Bradshaw

j)South Australia Rep
Nominated: Cat DunnVoted on at SA AGM

k)Tasmania Rep

Nominated: Kate ?????Voted on at Tas AGM

l)General committee members

William Blakeley, Katie Munro, Sharon McNally, Eliza Nicoll

Congratulations to the successful nominees and welcome to the new committee of 2018.

  1. Next Meeting: February 2017 (TBC)

Meeting closed at 8.15 PM.

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