/ Ovid Technologies, Inc.Links@Ovid
Users Guide
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW...... 3
ABSTRACT...... 8
BUY NOW...... 15
EDRS Full Text...... 17
FULL TEXT...... 21
Links@Ovid now connects you to a wide range of information resources from Ovid bibliographic databases. This powerful enhancement to the Ovid Gateway product allows you to choose from among an array of links that bring full text to your desktop.
Links@Ovid functions by establishing a conduit to your institution’s full text journal subscriptions, using the same familiar Ovid bibliographic search tools. The links you see displayed with an Ovid citation depend on the following factors:
- Links configuration at your Ovid site,
- Electronic availability of full text,
- Configuration of the remote publisher’s site.
In fact, it is likely that you, as a user located at “Institution A”, might discover an Ovid citation with one set of links while another user, located at “Institution B” may find the same citation displayed with a different set of links.
While Links@Ovid provides a pathway to external electronic resources, your institution’s librarian administrator, and the various external providers set the parameters for making resources available to you and determining the actual formats in which the full text is presented to you. For example, the formats available to you may include HTML or PDF, or both, depending on the publisher’s offerings and the way your links have been configured.
General Characteristics of Links@Ovid
Delivers the following links:
- Ovid Full Text, with accompanying Buy Now link to Ovid’s PayPerView service
- Full Text to external providers of electronic journal full text
- Catalog Holdings to your institution’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
- Document Delivery to your institution’s document ordering service
Displays “linked-to” content in a separate window where the article is available through a login account or IP validation
/ Ovid has no control over the availability or usability of non-Ovid sites. However, if you find an external site is consistently unavailable,notify your site administrator.
Understanding the Individual Link Options
Links@Ovid features the same link types found in the original Ovid Gateway product, along with some dynamic enhancements for broadening the scope of your linking capability. When you search Ovid’s bibliographic databases, you are likely to see any of the following link scenarios in the Ovid Titles display. Each presents a different source of full text, depending on your institution’s subscribed journals. An Ovid citation might have any combination of links shown below, but it depends on (1.) your institution’s subscriptions; and (2.) how your administrator sets up Links@Ovid.
Scenario / Ovid Titles Display1 / Abstract / Complete Reference / / Document Delivery / Catalog Holding
2 / Abstract / Complete Reference / / Document Delivery / Catalog Holding
3 / Abstract / Complete Reference / Document Delivery / Catalog Holdings /
A brief description of each link type appears in the table displayed on the next page. Descriptions that are more detailed are provided in subsequent pages and should include enough information to make you comfortable with the link choices available to you.
List of Link Options Available Using Links@Ovid
Link Name / Description1 / Abstract / Displays a synopsis of the article.
2 / Complete Reference / Provides a listing of all pertinent references associated with the citation.
3 / Table of Contents / Shows the location of the article within the context of the printed version of the journal.
4 / Article Review/Topic Review / Associated with citations in the EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) databases.
5 / Ovid Full Text / Gives you access to the full text article maintained by Ovid.
6 / Buy Now / Lets you make an online purchase of a Journal@Ovid article directly using a credit card.
7 / EDRS Full Text / Provides read-only links to ERIC EDRS documents.
Full Text PDF / Supplied by CINAHL and links from selected citations to PDF Full Text. This is read-only.
9 / Chemical Images / Provides a read-only link to chemical structure images (gif) in the following Ovid databases:
R&D Insight
R&D Focus
Patent Focus
10 / Full Text / Gives you access to the full text of a journal located at a remote publisher’s web site.
11 / Document Delivery / Lets your institution maintain a link to a document delivery service or Inter-Library Loan (ILL).
12 / Catalog Holdings / Leads you to the resources maintained by your institution’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC).
13 / External Link Resolver / Defines a single link that takes you to a non-Ovid OpenURL link server.
Available with Ovid LinkSolver
Internet Resources / Leads you to unlimited resources on the worldwide web. Your scope may be limited by the customization choices made by your institution’s librarian administrator.
Navigation Between Ovid and External Providers
One of the primary functions of Links@Ovid is to allow you access to external resources as part of the bibliographic searching process. When you have finished using such a resource, you can easily return to Ovid with minimal interruption of your workflow.
There are two ways to return to Ovid:
/ Click this icon to return to your previous Ovid session. Please note that an “Ovid Session” expires after 15minutes of inactivity. Thereafter, you will have to login again./ Click Alt+Tab to switch between Ovid and an External Provider.
Use the flowchart below to guide yourself through a typical Links@Ovid scenario that opens a gateway to your institution’s scholarly resources.
Linking Ovid to External Full Text
At the Ovid Site //
At the External Site /
Yes /
/ Yes
The Abstract link summarizes article information. An abstract can be a brief statement or a comprehensive digest of the research and findings described in the full text article.
Complete Reference
The Complete Reference link displays all bibliographic data that is used to identify an article. Besides detailed identifying codes and data, the Complete Reference may include hyperlinks to pertinent information related to the journal article. For example, author links take you to other articles written by that author while keyword links (e.g., MeSH Subject Heading) take you to related articles classified under other topics that may expand your search of the bibliographic database.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents link is available in the Journals@Ovid database and in some bibliographic databases (e.g., Current Contents). The Table of Contents displays a list of articles for a specific issue.
Article Review/Topic Review
Article Review
The Article Review link is associated with citations in the EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) databases. The Article Review uses an outline format to describe methodologies used by researchers to conduct their studies. With each review, you see a high-level outline of topics (e.g., Abstract, Commentary, and References, etc.) including hyperlinks that lead directly to the details.
Quick Steps (Please refer to the Ovid Gateway User Guide for comprehensive instructions)
- Click the Article Review link.
- Survey the outline and click the desired topical hyperlink to move to the related text.
- Click to return to the outline the outline to select your next topic.
Topic Review
Like the Article Review link, the Topic Review link appears for citations found within the EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) databases. The Cochrane Database conducts systematic reviews of topical research studies and delivers the critical information in outline format with hyperlinks to the details.
Quick Steps (Please refer to the Ovid Gateway User Guide for comprehensive instructions)
- Click the Topic Review link.
- Survey the outline and click the desired topical hyperlink to move to the related text.
- Click to return to the outline to select your next topic.
Ovid Full Text
Ovid Full Text links to Journals@Ovid, Ovid’s flagship product, an aggregated online database of over 800 premier journals. This link lets you view an article online as it appears in the printed version of the journal, including charts, images, and cited references. And because the Journals@Ovid database is fully searchable, when you do a search in Journals@Ovid, you are searching every word in every journal article, including caption text!
Within the article, users can easily navigate throughout the text using convenient Outline highlighting important section links. Contextual links within the body of the article take you directly to the appropriate references. The Full Text Navigation box appears adjacent to the Outline of every Full Text document you display. It allows you to choose the way you display, print, save, or email your Full Text documents. It also facilitates your movement between Full Text options by tracking a history of links you follow, and providing links to abstracts and complete references of the Full Text documents you view.
The ability to use reference links to take you from a Journals@Ovid article reference to other sources is among the hallmark features of this product. From Journals@Ovid cited references, you can link to Ovid Full Text available through your institution, as well as abstracts and citations in relevant bibliographic databases. Besides the availability of text display, graphics appear in context as placeholders or thumbnails (miniaturized images) in full text articles. These act as links to the corresponding full-size graphics.
You can access Ovid Full Text links from several different points, including:
Ovid bibliographic databases – Titles display, Complete Reference display, Table of Contents display
Reference links in a Journals@Ovid article, and
External sources such as PUBMED and CrossRef.
HTML Version
The initial display is always in HTML format. From the Full Text Manager, you may have the option to select the PDF format.
Full Text Manager
PDF Version
Quick Steps (Please refer to the Ovid Gateway User Guide for comprehensive instructions)
- Click Ovid Full Text to link to the full text journal article
- Choose a format. You can view the article in the default display format. Alternatively, if available, you can display the article as a PDF by clicking on that option located in the Full Text Manager located in the lower right side of the screen.
Buy Now (via PayPerView Account)
The Buy Now link supplements your Journals@Ovid collection by providing you immediate access to Journals@Ovid articles for which your institution has not subscribed.
/ Your librarian administrator controls the availability of the Ovid Buy Now link at your site.Buy Now lets you use the familiar “shopping cart” approach to select from Journals@Ovid articles available for individual purchase via credit card. Upon payment, your order is processed immediately thereby making your article(s) available to read online, download, or save on your computer for a period of 24 hours following purchase. In addition, your article is delivered to your email account, and accessible via “My Ovid” at
/ Prior to displaying the ”Buy Now” link, Ovid determines whether your institution has an electronic subscription to an article through Ovid or from an external source. Therefore, the Buy Now link is not available for all citations.Quick Steps (Please refer to the Buy Now User Guide for comprehensive instructions)
- Click the Buy Now link to open the Login window.
- Login by entering your email address and your password. (Note: If you are a first time user of Buy Now, enter your email address and select a password).
- Follow the screen instructions to place your order and submit your credit card payment.
- Await processing and view your article.
/ After purchasing an article, the “Buy Now” link continues to be displayed as an “active” link, whereby on subsequent access, within the 24-hour period, you can still click on it to retrieve your article during your current Ovid search session.
EDRS FullText
EDRS is the acronym for the ERIC Document Reproduction Service. The EDRS Full Text link provides access to full text documents located on ERIC, the national education database sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. This site contains over a million citations related to education information.
Excerpt of Read-Only Full Text Document from EDRS
CINAHL supplies Ovid customers with a direct link to PDF full text from selected citations. These PDF displays are read-only.
Sample Search Results from CINAHL Database
Sample Citation
Excerpt from Complete Reference Noting Availability of PDF
Chemical Images
Ovid gives you access to five separate databases from which you can access read-only image (gif) files of chemical structures. Available databases include:
Derwent Drug File (DERD)
Pharmaprojects (PHAZ)
R & D Insight
R & D Focus
Patent Focus
The following example displays a citation listing within the Derwent Drug File (DERD) database.
Sample Citation from the Derwent Drug File Database
A click on link for citation 2, Accession Number 16295, Drug Name: SC 964 takes you to new screen displaying the chemical structure of the cited drug.
Full Text
The Full Text link takes you to the target publisher’s web site where the article text resides. Clicking on this link opens a separate window. The display you see depends upon the number of sources for Full Text. If there is only one source of electronic full text, clicking on the Full Text link takes you directly to the article’s text at the publisher’s website. Alternatively, if your administrator has identified either multiple sources, or multiple formats for the article, you will see another page where you can select your desired source and/or format.
/ The publisher or aggregator controls access and authentication for full text access external to Ovid.Quick Steps (Please refer to the Ovid Gateway User Guide for comprehensive instructions)
- Click the Full Text link.
- Await opening of the external publisher’s window displaying journal article. Note: If an interim window is displayed, follow the screen instructions to make your selection, or return to Ovid.
/ When returning to “Ovid Searching”, it is recommended that you close the second window thereby allowing you to view subsequent full text links without having to type Alt+Tab.
Document Delivery
The Document Delivery link lets you identify and generate order requests to a document delivery service for items selected during your search of the database. There are two document delivery models – the “Shopping Cart” model and the “Individual Order” model.
Model 1 --“Individual Order”
The Individual Order model is newly available with Links@Ovid. Your librarian/administrator can configure the system to check for any institutional-subscribed content first, and display the Document Delivery button only if no locally held or electronic resources are available.
Quick Steps
- Click listed under your selected citation.
- Complete the Personal Information form and proceed to the Order Source Form.
Model 2 -- “Shopping Cart”
The Shopping Cart model is the traditional way of accessing your institution’s Document Delivery Service. From the Ovid Search results set, you select an article(s) from the titles display, the click in the Citation Manager.
Quick Steps
- Select the citation by clicking the adjacent “checkbox”. Repeat this for each citation you desire.
- Go to the Citation Manager to specify order and click to display the Personal Information Form.
- Complete the Personal Information for and proceed to the Order Source Form.
- Submit your order.
Catalog Holdings
The Catalog Holdings feature opens the door to your institution’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) where you can obtain locally held, print resources, including unpublished works, books, and unique holdings, etc. The Catalog Holdings link is attached to every bibliographic citation, and links you to your OPAC where you can determine if a print version is available to you.
View Local Message Broadcasts
In addition, your librarian administrator may embed customized static holdings messages that refer you to local holdings. Using Ovid’s Online Journal Coding Utility (OJCODES), your librarian administrator can flag titles of locally held print copies with messages indicating their location and coverage in your library network.
Title Displays with Static Messages