Overview of Parental Leave Entitlements at UWA
- Primary Caregiver
- Non-primary Caregiver
- University Obligations to all Employees
1. Primary Caregiver: entitlement descriptions
1.1 Mostongoingandfixedtermstaffwith1-5yearscontinuousservice:
Parental Leave (variationsapplytostaffemployedundertheChildcareStaffAgreement)
- Upto104weeksunpaidparental
- leavewhichmaybecomprisedof:
- 26weekspaidparentalleaveatfullpay,or52weeksathalfpay
- Otherpaidleave:annual,longservice,purchasedleave
- Unpaidleave
Parental Leave (variationsapplytostaffemployedundertheChildcareStaffAgreement)
- Upto104weeksunpaidparental
- leavewhichmaybecomprisedof:
- 36weekspaidparentalleaveatfullpay,or72weeksathalfpay
- Otherpaidleave:annual,longservice,purchasedleave
- Unpaidleave
Parental Leave (variationsapplytostaffemployedundertheChildcareStaffAgreement)
- Upto104weeksunpaidparentalleavewhichmaybecomprisedof:
- Paidleave:annual,longservice,purchasedleave
- Unpaid leave
1.4 Academic staff may elect to deposit up to 50% of the monetary value of their paid parental leave into an approved University account to assist in re-establishing their career. Their paid parental leave will be reduced by an equivalent amount.
1.5 Employee Obligations
Application for parental leave: Employee to give at least ten weeks’ notice in writing of period of parental leave, along with a medical certificate confirming pregnancy and estimated date of birth or placement of an adopted child. A copy of the child’s birth certificate must be supplied ASAP after the birth or placement of the child.
Variation of Application:Six weeks’ notice of intention to reduce or extend period of leave.
Return to Work: Must confirm their intention to return to work not less than six weeks prior to the expiration of parental leave. A medical certificate certifying fitness to return to work must be provided if returning within six weeks after the birth of the child.
1.6Working while on Parental Leave
During unpaid parental leave you may undertake occasional casual work. Check eligibility with the Family Assistance Office if you are receiving assistance payments.During paid parental leave you may undertake a fractional appointment but fractional appointment plus paid leave must not exceed 1.0 FTE.
1.7 Returning to work
Return to the same position, or a position equivalent in pay, conditions and status commensurate with the employee’s abilities in the substantive position immediately prior to commencing parental leave.
To return on a part-time or job-share basis to substantive position or to a different position of the same classification level at a minimum of 50% of the previous FTE but no less than 0.4 FTE.
To revert to full-time work at the same classification level within two years of returning to work.
To be eligible for second and subsequent paid parental leave an employee must return to work on each occasion:
for a qualifying period of at least 12 months continuous service, and at 50% or more of the fraction of employment the employee held prior to commencing parental leave, provided that the return fraction is no less than 0.4 FTE.
2. Non-Primary Caregiver: who has entitlement and entitlement description
2.1 Most ongoing and fixed term staff with more than 12 months continuous service:
Partner Leave
- Up to 2 weeks paid partner leave and 1 week unpaid partner leave
- Can be taken in a block of two weeks, or, as a minimum of one day at a time for up two weeks
- Must be taken within three months after the birth or adoption of the child
May take other paid leave such as annual, long service, or purchased leave.
May later become primary caregiver and may be eligible for Parental Leave as primary caregiver.
2.2 Most ongoing and fixed term staff with less than 12 months continuous service:
Partner Leave
- Up to 3 weeks unpaid partner leave
- Can be taken in a block of two weeks, or as a minimum of one day at a time for up two weeks in total
- Must be taken within three months after the birth or adoption of the child
3. University Obligations to all Employees
To comply with legislation the University shall not terminate employment of an employee on the grounds of their application for parental leave or their absence on parental leave.
The University shall not directly or indirectly discriminate against an employee on the grounds of pregnancy or family responsibilities.
The University shall inform the employee of any decision to introduce major change likely to impact on the employee’s position.
The University shall inform any replacement employee of the temporary nature of their employment and the entitlement of the employee on parental leave to return to that position.