Supporting Information for:
System-DependentDensity-Based Empirical Dispersion Correction
Overcoming Systematic Errors for Hydrocarbon Reaction Energies
Stephan N. Steinmann1, Matthew D. Wodrich1,2 and Clémence Corminboeuf1*
1Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design, Institut des Sciences et Ingénierie Chimiques, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
2Current address: School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland
* Corresponding author:
To be published inTheoretical Chemistry Accounts
This supporting information was prepared on September 22, 2010 andcontains15 pages.
Table S1: Electronic energy of the bond-separation equation for cyclohexane.
Figure S1:Electronic energy of the bond-separation equation for cyclohexane.
TableS2: Experimental BSE values, thermal corrections (B3LYP/6-311+G*) and CCSD(T)/CBS reference values for chains, rings and cages.
Table S3: Mean absolute deviations over chains, rings, cages, IDHC and all together for all methods tested compared to experimental reference values.
Table S4: Mean absolute deviations over chains, rings, cages, IDHC and all together for all methods tested compared to CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Figure S2:Performance for standard functionals compared to CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Figure S3:Performance for “modern” functionals compared to CCSD(T)/CBS reference values
Figure S4:Performance for dispersion corrected functionals compared to CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Figure S5:Correlations of “standard” and “modern” functionals between the methane interaction energy and the mean absolute deviations for the four test sets using CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Figure S6:Correlations of “standard” semi-local and hybrid density functionals between the methane interaction energy and the mean absolute deviations for the four test sets using CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Geometries used
Table S5: All reaction electronic reaction energies.
For one particular case, cyclohexane, we tested composite methodsdesigned to match experiment closely. Interestingly, methods like G3 or CBS-QB3 agree better with experiment than with CCSD(T)/CBS (see Table S1 and Figure S1). Apparently, the empirically designed schemes (composite methods and dDXDM) try to account for some, as for now unidentified, effects absent in CCSD(T)/CBS. Note, that the difference is unlikely to be the use of a single (the lowest lying) conformer, since CCSD(T)/CBS already underestimates the BSE.
Table S1 Electronic energy of the bond-separation equation for cyclohexane, derived from experiment by subtracting B3LYP/6-311G* thermal corrections, three different CCSD(T)/CBS estimates (MP2/(aug-cc-pVTZ, aug-cc-pVQZ)+ΔCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ; MP2/(aug-cc-pVTZ, aug-cc-pVQZ)+ΔCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ; CCSD-F12b/(VDZ-F12,VTZ-F12)[1]+Δ(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ) and eight composite methods for which E=E(0K)-ZPE).
Method / electronic BSE/(kcal mol-1)E(exp-B3LYP_thermal) / 12.63
CCSD-F12/VTZ-F12+(T)/AVTZ / 10.64
CCSD(T)/CBS / 10.53
CCSD(T)/CBS(TZ) / 10.44
CCSD-F12b/CBS+(T)/AVTZ / 10.62
G2 / 13.06
G2MP2 / 12.76
G3 / 12.43
G3B3 / 12.32
G4 / 12.67
G4MP2 / 12.48
CBS-QB3 / 11.97
CBS-4M / 11.76
Figure S1. Electronic energy of the bond-separation equation for cyclohexane, derived from experiment by subtracting B3LYP/6-311G* thermal corrections are compared to three different CCSD(T)/CBS estimates (MP2/(aug-cc-pVTZ, aug-cc-pVQZ)+ΔCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ; MP2/(aug-cc-pVTZ, aug-cc-pVQZ)+ΔCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ; CCSD-F12b/(VDZ-F12,VTZ-F12)[1]+Δ(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ) and eight composite methods for which E=E(0K)-ZPE).
Estimated CCSD(T)/CBS values were obtained by extrapolating df-MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ, df-MP2/aug-cc-pVQZ values and adding ΔCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ (i.e., CCSD(T)-MP2). All these computations were performed with Molpro 2009.1.[2]
Table S2. Experimental BSE values, thermal corrections (B3LYP/6-311+G*) and CCSD(T)/CBS reference values for chains, rings and cages.
Exp/(kcal mol-1) / Thermal correction/hartree / CCSD(T)/CBS
/(kcal mol-1)
CH4 / 0.04835
C2H6 / 0.07874
H1 / 13.85 / 0.19657 / 9.809
H2 / 13.02 / 0.19700 / 9.557
H3 / 15.71 / 0.19633 / 11.248
H4 / 12.38 / 0.19711 / 8.925
H5 / 11.32 / 0.19744 / 8.646
H6 / 14.10 / 0.22720 / 10.834
H7 / 17.51 / 0.22618 / 12.851
H8 / 15.81 / 0.22662 / 11.774
H9 / 18.50 / 0.22594 / 13.402
H10 / 16.83 / 0.22638 / 10.833
H11 / 18.17 / 0.22548 / 12.818
H12 / 17.38 / 0.22620 / 12.010
H13 / 15.17 / 0.22673 / 11.091
H14 / 14.55 / 0.22683 / 10.024
H15 / 21.05 / 0.25465 / 14.781
R1 / 7.51 / 0.14615 / 2.342
R2 / 16.53 / 0.17613 / 10.535
R3 / 12.60 / 0.17528 / 6.286
R4 / 21.94 / 0.20524 / 14.777
R5 / 18.00 / 0.20421 / 10.523
R6 / 16.88 / 0.20447 / 10.028
R7 / 15.91 / 0.20466 / 8.931
R8 / 17.62 / 0.20452 / 10.389
R9 / 17.42 / 0.20444 / 9.729
R10 / 28.92 / 0.27207 / 19.013
R11 / 19.54 / 0.27353 / 9.505
R12 / 25.34 / 0.27254 / 15.019
R13 / 37.78 / 0.27253 / 25.893
R14 / 34.69 / 0.27273 / 23.231
R15 / 42.13 / 0.33215 / 27.723
R16 / 35.00 / 0.35389 / 25.208
C1 / 42.10 / 0.25117 / 27.545
C2 / 57.98 / 0.30794 / 39.448
C3 / 49.38 / 0.30898 / 32.306
C4 / 69.38 / 0.36535 / 51.290
C5 / 67.73 / 0.32421 / 47.036
Table S3. Mean absolute deviations (MADs) over chains, rings, cages, IDHC and all together for all methods tested. Basis set: cc-pVTZ, geometries and thermal corrections: B3LYP/6-311+G*; experimental reference values.
Chains / Rings / Cages / IDHC / AllPBE-dDXDM / 0.39 / 0.75 / 1.25 / 1.57 / 0.80
PBE0-dDXDM / 0.79 / 0.84 / 1.36 / 1.24 / 0.94
B3LYP-dDXMD / 1.25 / 1.12 / 1.35 / 1.70 / 1.28
BP86-dDXDM / 1.30 / 0.74 / 1.61 / 2.46 / 1.29
B2LYP-dDXDM / 1.76 / 1.67 / 1.91 / 0.59 / 1.58
BHHLYP-dDXDM / 1.39 / 2.10 / 3.10 / 0.90 / 1.79
BLYP-dDXDM / 1.99 / 1.42 / 1.77 / 3.64 / 1.98
B2PLYP-D / 1.60 / 2.97 / 4.65 / 1.60 / 2.48
HF-dDXDM / 3.58 / 2.94 / 3.24 / 1.59 / 3.01
SVWN5 / 0.77 / 4.15 / 10.20 / 2.00 / 3.36
B97-D / 2.05 / 3.50 / 7.58 / 3.37 / 3.45
LC-S-VV09 / 0.39 / 3.16 / 12.11 / 5.57 / 3.58
LC-S-vdW-DF-04 / 2.49 / 2.17 / 6.54 / 10.53 / 4.00
LC-BLYP0.33 / 3.17 / 5.82 / 12.90 / 4.00 / 5.46
M06-2X / 3.60 / 6.19 / 13.45 / 2.23 / 5.56
rPW86-VV09 / 5.14 / 4.35 / 8.19 / 9.24 / 5.79
MCY3 / 4.67 / 6.05 / 12.38 / 5.62 / 6.25
revPBE-vdW-DF-04 / 5.29 / 5.58 / 13.10 / 8.36 / 6.77
LC-PBE / 5.31 / 6.49 / 11.59 / 8.33 / 6.94
rCAMB3LYP / 4.91 / 7.64 / 16.46 / 6.00 / 7.48
LC-BLYP0.5 / 5.14 / 7.92 / 16.80 / 6.71 / 7.81
LC-ωPBE / 7.42 / 8.34 / 16.27 / 8.87 / 9.03
LC-ωPBEh / 7.89 / 9.11 / 19.19 / 9.17 / 9.88
HFPBE / 7.73 / 10.32 / 19.53 / 10.37 / 10.50
CAMB3LYP / 7.58 / 9.84 / 21.68 / 11.94 / 10.74
PBE0 / 8.08 / 10.06 / 21.74 / 11.01 / 10.88
PBE / 8.02 / 9.62 / 22.21 / 12.27 / 10.92
HSE06 / 7.96 / 10.19 / 22.47 / 11.42 / 11.03
HFLYP / 7.49 / 11.90 / 24.79 / 9.50 / 11.52
BP86 / 9.27 / 10.10 / 22.01 / 14.59 / 11.86
BHHLYP / 9.44 / 12.34 / 26.89 / 15.44 / 13.48
B3LYP / 10.14 / 12.25 / 27.28 / 17.70 / 14.07
BLYP / 11.05 / 12.56 / 28.48 / 20.62 / 15.07
MCY2 / 10.81 / 11.60 / 24.76 / 30.67 / 15.61
HF / 12.49 / 14.73 / 31.12 / 22.16 / 16.94
Table S4. Mean absolute deviations (MADs) over chains, rings, cages, IDHC and all together for all methods tested. Basis set: cc-pVTZ, geometries B3LYP/6-311+G*; CCSD(T)/CBS reference values without thermal corrections.
Method / Chains / Rings / Cages / IDHC / AllB2PLYP-D / 0.26 / 0.65 / 0.80 / 1.60 / 0.66
BHHLYP-dDXDM / 0.47 / 0.90 / 0.76 / 0.90 / 0.73
B2LYP-dDXDM / 0.22 / 1.43 / 2.97 / 0.59 / 1.06
B3LYP-dDXDM / 0.61 / 1.62 / 3.44 / 1.70 / 1.48
B97-D / 0.25 / 1.26 / 3.73 / 3.37 / 1.49
PBE0-dDXDM / 1.07 / 1.66 / 2.90 / 1.24 / 1.53
BLYP-dDXDM / 0.33 / 1.77 / 3.95 / 3.64 / 1.78
SVWN5 / 1.08 / 1.75 / 6.35 / 2.00 / 2.09
BP86-dDXDM / 0.56 / 2.55 / 5.43 / 2.46 / 2.17
PBE-dDXDM / 1.49 / 2.55 / 3.76 / 1.57 / 2.18
HF-dDXDM / 1.72 / 2.38 / 3.90 / 1.59 / 2.21
LCBLYP0.33 / 1.31 / 3.41 / 9.05 / 4.00 / 3.42
M06-2X / 1.74 / 3.78 / 9.59 / 2.23 / 3.52
rPW86-VV09 / 3.28 / 1.95 / 4.33 / 9.24 / 3.75
MCY3 / 2.82 / 3.64 / 8.52 / 5.62 / 4.21
revPBE-vdW-DF-04 / 3.44 / 3.17 / 9.24 / 8.36 / 4.73
LC-PBE / 3.46 / 4.09 / 7.73 / 8.33 / 4.90
rCAMB3LYP / 3.05 / 5.23 / 12.60 / 6.00 / 5.44
LC-S-VV09 / 2.02 / 5.57 / 15.96 / 5.57 / 5.54
LC-BLYP0.5 / 3.29 / 5.51 / 12.95 / 6.71 / 5.77
LC-S-vdW-DF-04 / 4.34 / 4.38 / 10.39 / 10.53 / 5.96
LC-ωPBE / 5.56 / 5.94 / 12.41 / 8.87 / 6.99
LC-ωPBEh / 6.03 / 6.70 / 15.33 / 9.17 / 7.84
HFPBE / 5.87 / 7.91 / 15.67 / 10.37 / 8.46
CAMB3LYP / 5.73 / 7.43 / 17.82 / 11.94 / 8.70
PBE0 / 6.22 / 7.65 / 17.88 / 11.01 / 8.84
PBE / 6.17 / 7.21 / 18.36 / 12.27 / 8.89
HSE06 / 6.10 / 7.78 / 18.62 / 11.42 / 8.99
HFLYP / 5.64 / 9.49 / 20.93 / 9.50 / 9.48
BP86 / 7.41 / 7.69 / 18.15 / 14.59 / 9.82
BHHLYP / 7.58 / 9.93 / 23.03 / 15.44 / 11.44
B3LYP / 8.29 / 9.84 / 23.43 / 17.70 / 12.03
BLYP / 9.19 / 10.15 / 24.63 / 20.62 / 13.03
MCY2 / 8.96 / 9.20 / 20.91 / 30.67 / 13.57
HF / 10.64 / 12.32 / 27.26 / 22.16 / 14.90
Figure S2. Performance for standard functionals: Mean absolute deviations for bond separation energies over hydrocarbon chains, rings and cages and for reaction energies of the test set “intramolecular dispersion interactions” (IDHC) using the cc-pVTZ basis set and CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Figure S3 Performance for “modern” functionals: Mean absolute deviations for bond separation energies over hydrocarbon chains, rings and cages and for reaction energies of the test set “intramolecular dispersion interactions” (IDHC) using the cc-pVTZ basis set and CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Figure S4. Performance for dispersion corrected functionals: Mean absolute deviations for bond separation energies over hydrocarbon chains, rings and cages and for reaction energies of the test set “intramolecular dispersion interactions” (IDHC) using the cc-pVTZ basis set and CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Figure S5. Correlations of “standard” and “modern” functionals between the methane interaction energy (a at equilibrium distance and b at 2.4 Å) and the mean absolute deviations for, bond separation energies over hydrocarbon chains, rings and cages and for reaction energies of the test set “intramolecular dispersion interactions” (IDHC) using CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Figure S6. Correlations of “standard” semi-local and hybrid density functionals between the methane interaction energy and the mean absolute deviations for, bond separation energies over hydrocarbon chains, rings and cages and for reaction energies of the test set “intramolecular dispersion interactions” (IDHC) using CCSD(T)/CBS reference values.
Geometry for R14 (B3LYP/6-311+G*; all the others are taken from ref [3]):
C -0.06057 0.77306 0.68794
C 0.06058 -0.77306 0.68794
C -0.76142 -1.41360 -0.44792
C 1.53949 -1.20840 0.68039
C 0.76142 1.41360 -0.44791
C -1.53950 1.20841 0.68039
C -2.23162 -0.97262 -0.40837
C 2.35884 -0.55625 -0.44367
C 2.23162 0.97262 -0.40837
C -2.35884 0.55625 -0.44367
H 0.38145 1.12826 1.62958
H -0.38145 -1.12826 1.62958
H -0.33638 -1.15155 -1.42338
H -0.69372 -2.50475 -0.36863
H 1.60322 -2.30058 0.61183
H 1.98852 -0.93276 1.64340
H 0.69373 2.50475 -0.36862
H 0.33638 1.15156 -1.42338
H -1.60322 2.30058 0.61182
H -1.98852 0.93276 1.64340
H -2.78311 -1.41991 -1.24218
H -2.69692 -1.35164 0.51131
H 2.02068 -0.92710 -1.41872
H 3.40979 -0.85093 -0.35344
H 2.69693 1.35164 0.51130
H 2.78310 1.41991 -1.24219
H -3.40978 0.85093 -0.35344
H -2.02068 0.92709 -1.41872
Table S5. Electronic reaction energies for all methods considered using the cc-pVTZ basis set.
Refa / HFPBE / HFLYP / PBE / PBE0 / BP86 / B3LYP / BLYP / BHHLYP / HFH1 / 9.81 / 4.55 / 4.79 / 4.31 / 4.25 / 3.16 / 2.35 / 1.52 / 3.00 / 0.11
H2 / 9.56 / 5.35 / 5.63 / 5.39 / 5.28 / 4.45 / 3.91 / 3.33 / 4.36 / 2.29
H3 / 11.25 / 5.68 / 5.88 / 5.10 / 5.12 / 3.88 / 3.06 / 2.11 / 3.84 / 0.98
H4 / 8.93 / 4.45 / 4.71 / 4.44 / 4.34 / 3.45 / 2.82 / 2.17 / 3.31 / 0.96
H5 / 8.65 / 5.40 / 5.64 / 5.40 / 5.33 / 4.67 / 4.34 / 3.91 / 4.70 / 3.30
H6 / 10.83 / 6.73 / 7.03 / 6.71 / 6.63 / 5.81 / 5.38 / 4.83 / 5.83 / 4.08
H7 / 12.85 / 6.72 / 7.07 / 6.51 / 6.42 / 5.16 / 4.36 / 3.44 / 5.08 / 2.03
H8 / 11.77 / 6.68 / 7.01 / 6.63 / 6.53 / 5.50 / 4.89 / 4.18 / 5.46 / 3.07
H9 / 13.40 / 6.81 / 7.07 / 6.14 / 6.17 / 4.74 / 3.84 / 2.76 / 4.74 / 1.53
H10 / 10.83 / 4.24 / 4.47 / 4.14 / 4.01 / 2.77 / 1.68 / 0.71 / 2.39 / -1.33
H11 / 12.82 / 4.97 / 5.13 / 4.15 / 4.18 / 2.53 / 1.23 / -0.09 / 2.29 / -1.99
H12 / 12.01 / 4.97 / 5.14 / 4.52 / 4.47 / 3.04 / 1.85 / 0.69 / 2.71 / -1.24
H13 / 11.09 / 5.67 / 5.98 / 5.75 / 5.61 / 4.58 / 3.83 / 3.09 / 4.38 / 1.61
H14 / 10.02 / 4.24 / 4.49 / 4.48 / 4.28 / 3.29 / 2.38 / 1.63 / 2.88 / -0.28
H15 / 14.78 / 4.07 / 4.00 / 2.47 / 2.64 / 0.38 / -1.62 / -3.52 / -0.09 / -6.08
R1 / 2.34 / -1.37 / -2.81 / 0.19 / -0.19 / 0.53 / -0.84 / -0.38 / -1.57 / -2.02
R2 / 10.54 / 7.00 / 5.98 / 6.66 / 6.69 / 6.73 / 5.55 / 5.33 / 5.59 / 4.57
R3 / 6.29 / 1.27 / -0.12 / 2.66 / 2.30 / 2.70 / 1.19 / 1.43 / 0.65 / -0.36
R4 / 14.78 / 9.65 / 8.66 / 9.26 / 9.27 / 9.00 / 7.56 / 7.11 / 7.78 / 5.99
R5 / 10.52 / 3.07 / 1.68 / 3.83 / 3.59 / 3.41 / 1.56 / 1.31 / 1.44 / -0.68
R6 / 10.03 / 3.63 / 2.30 / 4.96 / 4.58 / 4.70 / 3.02 / 3.06 / 2.63 / 1.05
R7 / 8.93 / 1.91 / 0.54 / 2.93 / 2.63 / 2.58 / 0.76 / 0.62 / 0.53 / -1.43
R8 / 10.39 / 3.80 / 2.46 / 5.15 / 4.76 / 4.82 / 3.05 / 3.02 / 2.69 / 0.83
R9 / 9.73 / 3.26 / 1.95 / 4.62 / 4.23 / 4.37 / 2.69 / 2.74 / 2.29 / 0.73
R10 / 19.01 / 7.86 / 5.26 / 8.48 / 8.19 / 8.26 / 4.99 / 4.62 / 4.78 / 1.57
R11 / 9.51 / -2.85 / -4.65 / -1.71 / -2.19 / -1.84 / -5.15 / -5.53 / -5.36 / -10.01
R12 / 15.02 / 4.00 / 1.92 / 5.58 / 5.06 / 5.46 / 2.48 / 2.40 / 2.01 / -1.09
R13 / 25.89 / 16.82 / 14.61 / 15.89 / 15.98 / 15.76 / 12.99 / 12.26 / 13.26 / 10.38
R14 / 23.23 / 13.50 / 11.32 / 15.90 / 12.37 / 12.03 / 9.28 / 8.44 / 9.69 / 6.70
R15 / 27.72 / 15.80 / 13.70 / 14.54 / 14.64 / 13.93 / 10.83 / 9.70 / 11.44 / 7.33
R16 / 25.21 / 15.25 / 14.50 / 14.88 / 14.78 / 13.67 / 11.67 / 10.61 / 12.34 / 8.47
C1 / 27.55 / 17.22 / 12.71 / 15.01 / 15.46 / 15.77 / 11.79 / 11.19 / 11.82 / 9.83
C2 / 39.45 / 24.54 / 20.02 / 22.37 / 22.70 / 22.26 / 17.41 / 16.20 / 17.85 / 13.46
C3 / 32.31 / 16.57 / 11.70 / 14.44 / 14.74 / 14.39 / 9.01 / 7.72 / 9.40 / 3.89
C4 / 51.29 / 31.62 / 27.12 / 28.18 / 28.76 / 27.18 / 21.81 / 19.73 / 23.07 / 16.90
C5 / 47.04 / 29.33 / 21.43 / 25.86 / 26.56 / 27.29 / 20.48 / 19.64 / 20.34 / 17.24
paracyclophane / 58.50 / 77.47 / 81.54 / 69.36 / 71.85 / 70.59 / 76.83 / 75.95 / 79.38 / 89.20
anthracene / -9.00 / -21.65 / -6.32 / 14.14 / 5.51 / 19.60 / 24.87 / 35.38 / 14.94 / 20.66
C14H30 / 2.20 / 5.98 / 5.80 / 6.13 / 6.16 / 6.96 / 7.34 / 7.92 / 6.95 / 8.94
octane / -1.90 / 3.13 / 3.98 / 5.72 / 5.19 / 6.80 / 8.49 / 10.05 / 7.22 / 11.43
undecane / 9.40 / 17.97 / 19.89 / 21.10 / 20.65 / 22.90 / 26.81 / 29.25 / 25.08 / 34.23
C22H46 / -3.90 / 9.29 / 7.38 / 12.46 / 11.96 / 15.99 / 17.16 / 20.49 / 14.40 / 23.79
a CCSD(T)/CBS for chains (H), rings (R) and cages (C), see above and from ref. [4] for the reactions of the IDHC test set.
Table S5. continued
Ref / rPW86-VV09 / revPBE-vdw-DF-04 / LC-S-VV09 / LC-S-vdW-DF-04 / MCY2 / MCY3 / LC-BLYP / CAMB3LYP / rCAMB3LYPH1 / 9.81 / 6.49 / 6.65 / 11.33 / 13.83 / 1.63 / 7.30 / 8.72 / 4.64 / 7.11
H2 / 9.56 / 7.30 / 7.38 / 11.10 / 12.77 / 3.43 / 7.69 / 8.74 / 5.67 / 7.51
H3 / 11.25 / 7.71 / 7.77 / 13.13 / 15.61 / 2.37 / 8.45 / 9.98 / 5.62 / 8.32
H4 / 8.93 / 6.63 / 6.50 / 10.54 / 12.27 / 2.26 / 6.89 / 8.05 / 4.72 / 6.71
H5 / 8.65 / 6.98 / 7.06 / 9.97 / 11.10 / 4.15 / 7.37 / 8.09 / 5.83 / 7.16
H6 / 10.83 / 8.77 / 8.73 / 12.52 / 13.80 / 5.19 / 9.14 / 10.01 / 7.14 / 8.88
H7 / 12.85 / 9.64 / 9.45 / 15.15 / 17.44 / 3.60 / 9.96 / 11.54 / 6.99 / 9.75
H8 / 11.77 / 9.12 / 9.16 / 13.71 / 15.62 / 4.41 / 9.54 / 10.75 / 7.11 / 9.30
H9 / 13.40 / 9.58 / 9.56 / 15.75 / 18.46 / 3.13 / 10.12 / 11.81 / 6.80 / 9.91
H10 / 10.83 / 7.20 / 6.92 / 12.79 / 15.45 / 0.84 / 7.69 / 9.38 / 4.43 / 7.38
H11 / 12.82 / 8.10 / 7.79 / 15.27 / 18.62 / 0.31 / 8.78 / 10.90 / 4.79 / 8.53
H12 / 12.01 / 8.02 / 7.61 / 14.48 / 17.32 / 0.97 / 8.45 / 10.36 / 4.91 / 8.21
H13 / 11.09 / 8.43 / 8.24 / 13.09 / 15.05 / 3.12 / 8.62 / 9.95 / 6.02 / 8.37
H14 / 10.02 / 7.54 / 6.98 / 12.17 / 14.01 / 1.69 / 7.38 / 8.80 / 4.67 / 7.09
H15 / 14.78 / 7.91 / 7.24 / 17.82 / 22.40 / -2.83 / 8.99 / 11.87 / 3.36 / 8.60
R1 / 2.34 / 1.66 / 1.55 / 4.39 / 2.67 / -0.11 / 0.65 / 0.25 / -0.51 / -0.36
R2 / 10.54 / 9.23 / 8.80 / 14.04 / 13.49 / 5.97 / 9.07 / 8.88 / 6.76 / 8.00
R3 / 6.29 / 5.06 / 4.74 / 9.27 / 7.79 / 1.85 / 4.00 / 3.93 / 2.17 / 2.95
R4 / 14.78 / 12.61 / 12.07 / 18.96 / 18.86 / 7.80 / 12.51 / 12.70 / 9.43 / 11.37
R5 / 10.52 / 8.01 / 7.29 / 14.59 / 13.80 / 2.04 / 6.84 / 7.41 / 3.78 / 5.75
R6 / 10.03 / 8.35 / 7.91 / 13.93 / 12.75 / 3.61 / 7.11 / 7.39 / 4.62 / 6.01
R7 / 8.93 / 7.04 / 6.28 / 13.02 / 12.04 / 1.23 / 5.46 / 5.95 / 2.72 / 4.41
R8 / 10.39 / 8.60 / 8.14 / 14.42 / 13.45 / 3.39 / 7.27 / 7.64 / 4.64 / 6.19
R9 / 9.73 / 8.12 / 7.68 / 13.61 / 12.42 / 3.28 / 6.78 / 7.05 / 4.30 / 5.68
R10 / 19.01 / 16.25 / 14.16 / 27.05 / 24.77 / 5.99 / 13.57 / 13.76 / 8.25 / 11.26
R11 / 9.51 / 8.48 / 4.70 / 17.71 / 15.49 / -4.21 / 4.32 / 4.76 / -1.42 / 1.83
R12 / 15.02 / 13.40 / 11.13 / 22.42 / 19.91 / 3.60 / 10.19 / 10.26 / 5.42 / 7.88
R13 / 25.89 / 22.85 / 20.98 / 34.16 / 32.69 / 13.83 / 21.73 / 21.60 / 16.20 / 19.37
R14 / 23.23 / 22.85 / 20.98 / 32.03 / 30.31 / 10.43 / 18.58 / 18.60 / 12.97 / 16.28
R15 / 27.72 / 24.22 / 21.67 / 37.13 / 36.21 / 11.81 / 22.06 / 22.55 / 15.48 / 19.56
R16 / 25.21 / 21.29 / 20.35 / 31.52 / 32.62 / 11.51 / 20.74 / 21.80 / 15.41 / 19.22
C1 / 27.55 / 24.85 / 21.48 / 39.64 / 34.49 / 14.31 / 22.06 / 20.87 / 15.54 / 18.65
C2 / 39.45 / 34.66 / 30.61 / 53.96 / 49.76 / 19.14 / 31.31 / 31.18 / 22.38 / 27.76
C3 / 32.31 / 27.35 / 22.48 / 46.41 / 42.25 / 10.74 / 23.58 / 23.61 / 14.31 / 19.84
C4 / 51.29 / 44.80 / 40.08 / 68.62 / 65.39 / 23.69 / 40.64 / 41.65 / 29.64 / 36.91
C5 / 47.04 / 44.30 / 36.77 / 68.82 / 57.71 / 25.23 / 37.44 / 35.09 / 26.67 / 31.48
cyclophane / 58.50 / 59.61 / 57.99 / 53.97 / 51.12 / 77.55 / 69.00 / 67.60 / 74.44 / 72.20
anthracene / -9.00 / 22.43 / 13.29 / -33.18 / -42.09 / 94.46 / -9.92 / -12.08 / 7.64 / -9.19
C14H30 / 2.20 / 3.34 / 3.74 / 2.06 / 0.49 / 8.82 / 5.46 / 4.45 / 6.57 / 5.18
octane / -1.90 / 4.10 / 4.21 / -3.00 / -6.63 / 9.22 / 1.44 / -0.39 / 5.20 / 1.67
undecane / 9.40 / 17.31 / 18.47 / 6.44 / 0.24 / 28.48 / 14.39 / 11.12 / 21.35 / 15.20
C22H46 / -3.90 / 3.94 / 6.76 / -3.39 / -10.98 / 20.79 / 6.83 / 2.43 / 11.75 / 5.88
Table S5. continued
Ref / M06-2X / LC-PBE / LC-ωPBE / LC-ωPBEh / LC-BLYP / HSE06 / SVWN5 / B97-D / B2PLYP-DH1 / 9.81 / 8.36 / 6.76 / 4.81 / 4.41 / 6.94 / 4.32 / 11.01 / 9.52 / 10.00
H2 / 9.56 / 8.16 / 7.13 / 5.62 / 5.36 / 7.39 / 5.32 / 10.33 / 9.30 / 9.66
H3 / 11.25 / 9.73 / 8.00 / 5.90 / 5.33 / 8.12 / 5.21 / 12.15 / 10.79 / 11.43
H4 / 8.93 / 7.59 / 6.34 / 4.74 / 4.46 / 6.56 / 4.47 / 9.96 / 8.90 / 9.14
H5 / 8.65 / 7.39 / 6.76 / 5.58 / 5.40 / 7.00 / 5.45 / 9.15 / 8.30 / 8.61
H6 / 10.83 / 9.22 / 8.42 / 6.95 / 6.72 / 8.71 / 6.77 / 11.39 / 10.47 / 10.83
H7 / 12.85 / 10.96 / 9.25 / 7.05 / 6.60 / 9.55 / 6.53 / 13.97 / 12.69 / 13.15
H8 / 11.77 / 10.01 / 8.80 / 6.98 / 6.66 / 9.11 / 6.64 / 12.63 / 11.45 / 11.87
H9 / 13.40 / 11.44 / 9.48 / 7.08 / 6.44 / 9.66 / 6.36 / 14.31 / 12.96 / 13.61
H10 / 10.83 / 8.93 / 6.94 / 4.63 / 4.18 / 7.11 / 4.17 / 12.36 / 10.75 / 11.17
H11 / 12.82 / 10.79 / 8.14 / 5.30 / 4.52 / 8.18 / 4.36 / 14.22 / 12.62 / 13.27
H12 / 12.01 / 10.18 / 7.89 / 5.33 / 4.69 / 7.95 / 4.52 / 13.41 / 12.07 / 12.49
H13 / 11.09 / 9.32 / 7.92 / 6.03 / 5.71 / 8.19 / 5.68 / 12.17 / 11.04 / 11.32
H14 / 10.02 / 8.13 / 6.61 / 4.68 / 4.39 / 6.83 / 4.38 / 11.28 / 10.32 / 10.47
H15 / 14.78 / 12.27 / 8.33 / 4.47 / 3.22 / 8.04 / 2.92 / 16.45 / 14.33 / 15.35
R1 / 2.34 / 0.13 / 0.63 / 0.62 / 0.50 / -0.52 / -0.42 / 0.32 / 1.21 / 1.22
R2 / 10.54 / 8.66 / 9.04 / 7.84 / 7.25 / 8.05 / 6.55 / 9.70 / 9.71 / 10.20
R3 / 6.29 / 3.52 / 3.86 / 3.30 / 3.04 / 2.75 / 2.10 / 4.46 / 5.00 / 5.24
R4 / 14.78 / 12.29 / 12.36 / 10.55 / 9.86 / 11.37 / 9.09 / 14.15 / 13.74 / 14.48
R5 / 10.52 / 7.17 / 6.55 / 5.15 / 4.51 / 5.38 / 3.46 / 8.60 / 9.08 / 9.68
R6 / 10.03 / 6.64 / 6.82 / 5.73 / 5.35 / 5.75 / 4.40 / 8.34 / 8.61 / 9.11
R7 / 8.93 / 5.83 / 5.26 / 4.07 / 3.51 / 4.10 / 2.47 / 7.13 / 7.79 / 8.19
R8 / 10.39 / 7.07 / 7.09 / 5.90 / 5.50 / 6.00 / 4.50 / 8.84 / 9.11 / 9.51
R9 / 9.73 / 6.31 / 6.44 / 5.36 / 5.00 / 5.39 / 4.07 / 8.00 / 8.31 / 8.84
R10 / 19.01 / 13.56 / 13.22 / 10.80 / 9.63 / 10.85 / 7.88 / 15.86 / 17.25 / 18.15
R11 / 9.51 / 5.10 / 2.50 / -0.03 / -0.92 / 0.87 / -1.94 / 7.77 / 10.81 / 10.17
R12 / 15.02 / 9.83 / 9.08 / 7.04 / 6.31 / 7.30 / 4.94 / 12.27 / 14.22 / 14.40
R13 / 25.89 / 21.12 / 21.53 / 18.49 / 17.14 / 19.33 / 15.64 / 23.82 / 24.21 / 25.39
R14 / 23.23 / 18.54 / 18.24 / 15.27 / 13.74 / 16.03 / 12.33 / 20.92 / 22.19 / 23.09
R15 / 27.72 / 22.18 / 21.37 / 17.64 / 16.02 / 19.25 / 14.83 / 26.07 / 26.25 / 27.35
R16 / 25.21 / 20.77 / 19.79 / 16.46 / 15.49 / 19.03 / 14.77 / 24.86 / 24.15 / 25.05
C1 / 27.55 / 20.48 / 22.91 / 19.97 / 17.65 / 18.49 / 14.95 / 21.91 / 24.25 / 26.40
C2 / 39.45 / 30.69 / 32.09 / 27.44 / 24.82 / 27.59 / 21.71 / 34.09 / 35.90 / 38.78
C3 / 32.31 / 23.53 / 24.30 / 19.70 / 17.01 / 19.44 / 13.81 / 27.26 / 29.68 / 31.95
C4 / 51.29 / 40.72 / 40.86 / 34.41 / 31.23 / 36.30 / 28.43 / 45.94 / 47.29 / 51.01
C5 / 47.04 / 34.24 / 38.81 / 34.07 / 30.25 / 31.07 / 25.66 / 36.67 / 41.85 / 45.48
paracyclophane / 58.50 / 61.66 / 70.96 / 71.69 / 71.17 / 73.67 / 71.69 / 59.66 / 58.10 / 59.20
anthracene / -9.00 / -3.67 / -25.44 / -16.17 / -3.48 / -10.60 / 8.02 / -11.13 / 7.63 / -5.26
C14H30 / 2.20 / 3.18 / 5.29 / 5.94 / 6.09 / 5.21 / 6.18 / 2.73 / 1.73 / 2.63
octane / -1.90 / -1.57 / 0.77 / 3.39 / 4.59 / 1.93 / 5.13 / -3.69 / -1.43 / -2.43
undecane / 9.40 / 8.58 / 13.71 / 18.04 / 19.68 / 16.07 / 20.50 / 3.94 / 7.03 / 6.14
C22H46 / -3.90 / -1.14 / 7.09 / 11.31 / 12.25 / 6.10 / 12.29 / -4.91 / -4.44 / -2.96
Table S5. continued
Ref / PBE-dDXDM / PBE0-dDXDM / BP86-dDXDM / B3LYP-dDXDM / BLYP-dDXDM / B2LYP-dDXDM / BHHLYP-dDXDM / HF-dDXDMH1 / 9.81 / 11.07 / 10.70 / 10.16 / 10.23 / 9.62 / 9.74 / 10.09 / 8.29
H2 / 9.56 / 10.97 / 10.65 / 10.11 / 10.04 / 9.26 / 9.49 / 9.94 / 7.67
H3 / 11.25 / 12.99 / 12.58 / 12.19 / 12.23 / 11.15 / 11.67 / 12.38 / 9.13
H4 / 8.93 / 10.16 / 9.80 / 9.39 / 9.24 / 9.21 / 9.27 / 9.40 / 8.25
H5 / 8.65 / 9.58 / 9.39 / 8.85 / 8.84 / 8.14 / 8.48 / 8.82 / 7.19
H6 / 10.83 / 11.97 / 11.72 / 11.07 / 11.06 / 10.23 / 10.63 / 11.04 / 9.08
H7 / 12.85 / 14.68 / 14.25 / 13.51 / 13.43 / 12.28 / 12.69 / 13.30 / 10.22
H8 / 11.77 / 13.30 / 12.95 / 12.27 / 12.22 / 11.27 / 11.62 / 12.13 / 9.53
H9 / 13.40 / 15.39 / 14.93 / 14.43 / 14.45 / 13.10 / 13.80 / 14.27 / 10.75
H10 / 10.83 / 12.35 / 11.82 / 11.41 / 11.49 / 11.10 / 10.99 / 11.21 / 9.76
H11 / 12.82 / 14.34 / 13.82 / 13.31 / 13.49 / 12.71 / 12.97 / 13.25 / 10.93
H12 / 12.01 / 13.77 / 13.22 / 12.82 / 13.04 / 12.41 / 12.51 / 12.74 / 10.79
H13 / 11.09 / 12.62 / 12.19 / 11.67 / 11.76 / 11.19 / 11.27 / 11.57 / 9.76
H14 / 10.02 / 11.57 / 11.04 / 10.72 / 10.77 / 10.42 / 10.24 / 10.48 / 8.87
H15 / 14.78 / 16.18 / 15.52 / 15.11 / 15.39 / 14.46 / 14.73 / 14.98 / 12.57
R1 / 2.34 / 3.38 / 2.94 / 3.56 / 2.17 / 2.20 / 1.26 / 1.17 / -0.35
R2 / 10.54 / 12.27 / 11.99 / 12.65 / 12.34 / 12.67 / 12.25 / 11.58 / 12.63
R3 / 6.29 / 7.74 / 7.22 / 7.69 / 6.34 / 6.06 / 5.33 / 5.34 / 3.18
R4 / 14.78 / 16.80 / 16.43 / 16.85 / 16.38 / 16.25 / 16.02 / 15.64 / 15.41
R5 / 10.52 / 12.56 / 11.88 / 12.40 / 11.26 / 10.64 / 10.20 / 10.15 / 7.35
R6 / 10.03 / 12.04 / 11.39 / 11.76 / 10.46 / 10.02 / 9.34 / 9.39 / 6.79
R7 / 8.93 / 10.81 / 10.11 / 10.75 / 9.88 / 10.01 / 9.14 / 8.69 / 7.83
R8 / 10.39 / 12.27 / 11.61 / 11.97 / 10.76 / 10.46 / 9.70 / 9.69 / 7.50
R9 / 9.73 / 11.75 / 11.07 / 11.51 / 10.26 / 9.92 / 9.19 / 9.15 / 6.97
R10 / 19.01 / 21.93 / 20.93 / 22.38 / 20.76 / 21.01 / 19.75 / 18.89 / 18.17
R11 / 9.51 / 13.18 / 11.73 / 14.29 / 13.61 / 15.37 / 12.98 / 11.27 / 13.43
R12 / 15.02 / 18.01 / 16.85 / 18.45 / 17.00 / 17.58 / 15.91 / 15.03 / 14.41
R13 / 25.89 / 28.97 / 28.33 / 29.57 / 28.71 / 28.96 / 28.39 / 27.28 / 28.57
R14 / 23.23 / 28.92 / 25.40 / 26.89 / 26.41 / 27.16 / 26.43 / 24.92 / 27.49
R15 / 27.72 / 31.06 / 30.22 / 31.58 / 31.10 / 31.72 / 30.93 / 29.47 / 31.68
R16 / 25.21 / 28.26 / 27.56 / 27.58 / 27.24 / 26.68 / 26.59 / 26.36 / 25.08
C1 / 27.55 / 30.47 / 29.98 / 32.20 / 30.70 / 31.63 / 30.63 / 28.47 / 32.34
C2 / 39.45 / 43.70 / 42.79 / 44.82 / 42.76 / 42.52 / 41.89 / 40.37 / 40.78
C3 / 32.31 / 35.91 / 34.87 / 37.46 / 35.65 / 36.75 / 35.09 / 32.97 / 36.03
C4 / 51.29 / 55.63 / 54.63 / 56.23 / 54.11 / 52.61 / 53.03 / 51.86 / 50.42
C5 / 47.04 / 50.74 / 49.86 / 54.08 / 51.58 / 53.84 / 51.82 / 47.76 / 55.84
paracyclophane / 58.50 / 57.61 / 61.28 / 56.25 / 58.03 / 52.80 / 60.09 / 62.67 / 59.81
anthracene / -9.00 / -3.25 / -10.52 / -0.90 / -0.78 / 4.91 / -7.90 / -8.26 / -16.24
C14H30 / 2.20 / 2.27 / 2.64 / 2.59 / 2.18 / 1.88 / 2.15 / 2.32 / 1.84
octane / -1.90 / -2.02 / -1.85 / -1.94 / -2.01 / -1.95 / -1.92 / -1.79 / -1.92
undecane / 9.40 / 8.26 / 8.86 / 8.39 / 8.96 / 8.71 / 9.54 / 9.56 / 9.41
C22H46 / -3.90 / -2.42 / -1.77 / -0.92 / -2.98 / -2.76 / -3.27 / -3.80 / -3.29
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