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Pinning Ceremony Script Spring 2008
MC Welcome and Presentation of the flags
§ Thank Families, Special Guests, Faculty
§ Please stand to honor our Country’s flag presented tonight by the
ATU ROTC unit.
MC Introduce Mr. Jess Jordan for Invocation
MC Introduce Mrs. Linda Buckholtz as Key Note Speaker
Mrs. Buckholtz entered the nursing program at the tender age of 17 and received her basic nursing education by diploma at the Warner Brown School of Nursing in El Dorado Arkansas. Upon graduating nursing school, she entered the nursing profession to practice in labor and delivery at Jefferson and later she worked as a surgical nurse. In time and now a seasoned nurse, her talents and reputation as an exceptional nurse were recognized by the hospital leadership and she continued her nursing career as a staff nurse. Now an experienced and advanced nurse, Mrs. Buckholtz was promoted as nurse manager. During this time, Mrs. Buckholtz also earned the title of Mother and raised three children with her husband. When her young family was established, she returned to the Jefferson School of Nursing as a teacher and clinical instructor for 14 years. During her teaching career at Jefferson, Mrs. Buckholtz was “hooked on teaching” so she returned to college to earn her Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree at the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff. Finally, Mrs. Buckholtz earned her Master’s Degree in Nursing at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences in Little Rock. Arkansas. She has been a faculty teacher at Arkansas Tech University and for the past 10 years. Mrs. Buckholtz has dedicated her life serving others as a nurse, teacher, peer, counselor, and a friend to the students. Ladies and Gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Mrs. Linda Buckholtz.
MC Introduce Dr. Burris for Presentation of Awards
Dr. Burris is the Professor and Chair of the ATU Nursing Department. She has earned her Doctorate degree in Teaches courses in Research and Synthesis of Clinical and Theoretical Nursing.
Dr Burris Presents Student Nurse Award
This student is hand selected by their classmates to recognize them as the nursing student to personify nursing professionalism. This student exhibited a caring demeanor towards the patient, delivered service towards the community, upheld cooperation and teamwork while supporting other students, nurses, and in delivering nursing activities. They continuously possessed a positive attitude in the clinical setting and classroom.
It is my pleasure to present this award to: Cassie Summey
Outstanding Community Nurse Award
This nurse is selected by the graduating class as the nurse that exemplifies the nursing role model. While in the clinical setting, this nursing instructor demonstrated a continuous drive to teach students the skills of nursing, challenged them to resolve the critical thinking processes, and was available to help the student to perform nursing tasks while aiding the student’s ability to learn. Long after the student has departed for home, this instructor reviewed the student’s clinical papers for accuracy, laboratory result interpretations and other nursing care priorities.
It is my pleasure to present this award to: Janet Wiley
Wilkins Academic Excellence Award
This student earned and maintained the highest grade point average throughout the BSN nursing program.
It is my pleasure to present this award to: Nakia McCutcheon
MC Introduce Cassie Summey and Annie Schaninck for Gifts to faculty secretaries
§ Mrs. Carole Horner
§ Mrs. LaDonna Snider
§ Ms. Patti Fernandez
Special Award Presentation by Cassie Summey and Annie Schaninck
MC Presents Slide Show from the Graduating Class
MC Introduces Mrs. Linda Self for Pinning Ceremony
Mrs. Self holds a Master’s Degree in Nursing, an Advanced Practice Nurse and specializes as a Critical Care Registered Nurse. She is a level 3 instructor who teaches courses in Pharmacology, Theories and Concepts III and IV.
(Faculty to explain the tradition of the pinning ceremony)
§ The tradition of the nursing pin and the ceremonial pinning originated in the 1860s at the Nightingale School of Nursing at St. Thomas Hospital in London. Having been recently awarded the Red Cross of St. George for her selfless service to the injured and dying in the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale chose to extend the honor to her most outstanding graduate nurses by presenting them each with a medal of excellence. The tradition of pinning the nurses upon graduation continues this evening with this graduating class.
Sound Start Soft Music for Pinning
Pinning by family members: Refer to List
MC Introduces Mrs. Melissa Darnell for Nightingale Pledge
Mrs. Darnell holds a Master’s Degree in Nursing, an Advanced Practice Nurse. She teaches courses in maternal-child nursing, Skills I and II, and nursing Level I and II practicum courses
FYI Background Information
(The Nightingale Pledge was composed by Lystra Gretter, an instructor of nursing at the old Harper Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, and was first used by its graduating class in the spring of 1893. It is an adaptation of the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians.)
I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to faithfully practice my profession of nursing. I will do all in my power to make and maintain the highest standards and practices of my profession.
I will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping in the practice of my calling. I will assist the physicians and other members of the health care team in their work and will devote myself to the welfare of my patients, my family, and my community.
I will endeavor to fulfill my rights and privileges as a good citizen and take my share of responsibilities in promoting the health and welfare of the community.
I will constantly endeavor to increase my knowledge and skills in nursing and to use them wisely. I will zealously seek to nurse those who are ill wherever they may be and whenever they are in need.
MC Introduces Mrs. Carol Horner for Benediction Prayer
MC Introduces Josh Slaughter for Conclusion and Invitation to the reception
Please join us at the Second Floor for cake, punch, finger foods. There is an elevator near the steps for those who may need an easy access.
File located on SNA Webpage/Pinning Ceremony Script