Alumni Intensives Teaching Fellows - 2017-2018
What is it?
The Alumni Intensives Teaching Fellows program is designed to give valuable education work experience to alumni of Casco Bay High School during Winter Intensives Week in January (the 2nd-8th this year, typically 8am-2:30, daily). This timing usually coincides with college students’ winter break.
What are the expectations?
Intensives Teaching Fellows are expected to volunteer as teaching fellows under the supervision and guidance of CBHS faculty during the course of Intensives Week. (If you can connect with your supervising teachers before Intensive Week (eg: the afternoon of December 18th), that is a bonus.)
Why would I want to do this?
-- Because I might want to teach or get into education.
-- Because I want to serve and/or give back to CBHS.
-- Because I could use some more work experience on my resume.
-- Because I have some expertise or passion for one or more of the intensives listed below.
-- Because I love intensives and want to help today’s CBHS students feel similarly.
-- Because we will have a fun and festive gathering for Intensive Fellows at week’s end (as one way of saying thanks).
Application Process:
Please return the application on the reverse to Mr. Shibles () as soon as possible and no later tha Friday, December 15th. A potential Teaching Fellow will be notified no later than December 22nd if s/he has been accepted as an Intensive Teaching Fellow for January 2018.
2017-18 Alumni Intensive Teaching Fellows Application
Current Status (Job or College):
Current Phone Number(s):
E-mail Address:
Below is the slate of Winter Intensives likely for January 2018. Please place a check next to all of the intensives for which you would feel comfortable serving as a Teaching Fellow. Please also star (*) your top two choices:
___ Songwriting
___ Documentary Skills
___ Food and Culture
___ Chemistry of Candy
___ Pottery Intensive
___ Food For Life
___ Technical Theater and Set Design
___ Snowshoeing (overnight)
___ Feature and Investigative Journalism
___ Winter Sports
___ Women’s Self Defensse
___ Learn to Swim
___ Yoga/Mindfulness
___ Deconstructing Race in the US
___ Winter Naturalist
___ Protest Music and Poetry
____ Basketball Analytics
____ Gerrymandering & Probability
Why are you qualified for this position? List your three most compelling qualifications.
Why do you want to do this? List up to three reasons.
Is there anything else we need to know?
Thanks for your interest in returning and serving at Casco Bay!
We hope to see you soon.