Outreach Application 2018-2019

Objective: Montgomery United Soccer Club (MonU) provides interested and motivated youth the opportunity to play soccer at the level that fits their skill and ability. MonU strives to keep soccer affordable, so all youth have an opportunity to participate. As such, the MonU Outreach program is intended to provide opportunities for financially disadvantaged youth players to participate in MonU programs.

Privacy: All Outreach applications and financial documentation information provided will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. For the privacy of our applicants, all documentation provided will be destroyed or returned (upon request) after the MonU Outreach Committee approves or denies the request for financial aid.


  • Financial need must be demonstrated for consideration. Economic hardship will be the only factor in awarding Outreach funds.
  • No one will be disqualified from consideration because of sex, race, color, creed or religious beliefs.
  • While we try to address as much of the need as possible, Outreach amounts will be based on the number of players demonstrating need, the extent of that need and the budget available for Outreach that year.
  • Outreach awards will be reviewed and determined as follows:
  • Rec Programs: 2 weeks prior to session start date
  • Competitive Teams U8-U14: September 1
  • Competitive Teams U15 and older : November 1

Criteria and Eligibility:

To be considered you must:

  1. Complete and submit an application for Outreach.
  2. Please include any additional documentation demonstrating some form of Federal financial assistance. For example, free or reduced lunch programs, unemployment checks, or any other proof of subsidy from the Federal government will be required.
  3. Applications received after the published deadline may be considered only if funds are still available.
  4. Applications that are not filled out completely will not be considered.
  5. Applications must be filled out by the adult requesting Outreach. Applications for Outreach cannot be filled out by coaches, team managers, children or friends.
  6. All submitted financial information will be destroyed by MonU in compliance with the MonU document retention policies, unless the applicant requests their return.
  7. Any unpaid league fees from prior seasons will result in an applicant being ineligible for Outreach.
  8. Outreach recipients must complete required volunteer time. Not fulfilling the required volunteer time will make the applicant ineligible for future Outreach
  9. MonU reserves the right to request a copy of the first two pages of your last two years filed Federal Tax Returns.

After Outreach is awarded, the remaining balance of player registration and other applicable fees are to be paid in full by November 1, 2017 unless an alternate payment schedule is in place. Failure to maintain financial good standing with MonU will result in a player being ineligible to participate.Outreach is applied to Program Fees and Team Dues (there may be additional costs foruniforms and tournament travel).Your request will be reviewed by the Outreach Committee in a timely manner. Note, if a competitive player that is approved for Outreach assistance leaves MonU prior to the end of the seasonal year (unless for justifiable extenuating circumstances), then the family will be required to reimburse MonU for the amount ofOutreach received in order to be released in good standing.


Please fill out the financial aid form and return confidentially to the MonU address below:

Montgomery United Soccer Club

Attn: Outreach Committee

650 North Cannon Ave.

Lansdale, PA 19446


Montgomery United Soccer Club 2018-19Application for Financial Aid

Date: ______

Player Information:

(If applying for Financial Aid for more than one child, please list them on last page of application)

Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

Address: ______City: ______

Home Phone: ______Parent Cell Phone: ______

Email Address: ______Level Playing: ______


Parent Information:

Mother or Guardian Name: ______Phone: ______

Address if different than above: ______

Employer: ______Email: ______

Father or Guardian Name: ______Phone: ______

Address if different than above: ______

Employer: ______Email: ______

List all children in your household and whether or not they are registered with Montgomery United Soccer Club:

Name: ______Age: ______MONU Player: Yes/No/Former

Name: ______Age: ______MONU Player: Yes/No/Former

Name: ______Age: ______MONU Player: Yes/No/Former

Name: ______Age: ______MONU Player: Yes/No/Former

Do any of your children play in other sport club programs? Yes/No

If yes, please list any Financial Aid they receive there: ______


Assessment of Need:

Is your current financial situation temporary or permanent? (Please explain)______


Are you a single income or multiple income family? Single/Multiple (Please explain)


Have you completed a 2017 IRS Tax return? Yes/No

What Income Tax return was filed for 2017? ______IRS 1040 ______IRS 1040A/1040EZ

Please provide your estimated adjusted gross income for 2017: ______

Adjusted Gross Income on IRS form 1040 Line 37, 1040A-line 21 or 1040EZ-Line 1: ______

(MONU reserves the right to request a copy of the first two pages of your last two years filed Federal Tax Returns, 1099’s or W2 forms to provide total income for 2017)

In 2017 did your family or household receive benefits from anyfederal benefits programs? Yes/No

If so, what program(s): ______

Father/Stepfather’s 2017 earnings: ______

Mother/Stepmother’s 2017 earnings: ______

How many people are in your household? ______

(this includes all children, adults and adult children living in the household)

Please state your reason(s) for requesting Outreach from MonU:



How much assistance towards Club Fees are you requesting? ______

How many years has your family/players been a member of MonU? ______

Have you ever been a volunteer for MonU? ______If yes in what capacity? ______

Are you willing to volunteer for MonU? ______

If yes, what are you able to volunteer for?______

Terms of the Montgomery UnitedOutreach Policy:

The MonU Outreach Committee meets as needed to process applications. MonU reserves the right to discontinue Outreach at any time, if the information provided is inaccurate. Partial aid may be awarded based on the decision by the MonUOutreach Committee. Note: Outreach is a partial award of MonU fees; parents will continue to pay a portion of the fees based onthe amount of Outreach awarded. Fundraising opportunities provided by the club may be done to offset any additional club fees not covered by the Outreach from the club.

Additional Player Information Requesting Outreach For:

Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

Level Playing: ______


Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

Level Playing: ______


I the applicant have read and agree to the terms of the MonU Outreach Policy and any requirements outlined on thisapplication. I am requesting that (player/s) ______be grantedOutreach by MonU. Everything I have stated in this application is true. I understand that you will retain this application incompliance with the MonU document retention policies. I agree to answer questions and supply any additional information theMonU Outreach Committee requests.

We hereby request Outreach from Montgomery United Soccer Club:

______Date: ______

Mother/Guardian Signature Print Name

______Date: ______

Father/Guardian Signature Print Name

Submit your completed application along with copies of supporting documentations as stated under Criteria & Eligibility to:

Montgomery United Soccer Club

650 North Cannon Ave.

Lansdale, PA 19446

Attn: Outreach Committee