Minutes, October 10, 2016

Outreach and Service Committee

Trinity Clifton

Attending: Don Scott(Chairperson); Roger Gordon; Sylvia Gunn; Shirley MacDonald; Bernice Bell; Basil Ikede; Evelyn Jenkins; Valerie Downe;

Regrets: Mary Chandler; Alison Gordon; Wilma MacLean; Rev. Greg Davis; Jane Farquhason.

Call to order: Don opened the meeting with a prayer.

Approval of agenda: (Valerie/ Harry): Agenda approved.

Approval of Minutes of Sep 12, 2016: (Basil/ Bernice). Approved.

Update on Family in Guelph: Harry had nothing further to report.

Update on Abduhuli family: A 42y old man (Fayed), a 34 y old woman (Mehe) with 9 children, ages ranging from 7 months to 17y old. Harry reported that the oldest boy (12) had been to the IWK and diagnosed with a chronic hereditary blood condition. One boy (5) has limited arm mobility due to a birth injury. He has an appointment at the IWK. Harry is trying to get approval for him to be bussed to Birchwood School. The math capability of the girls in the family is weak so computer programs have been acquired to help them.

Family of Four: Another blended family, including a 62y old woman, her son, his wife and child. The son has not yet passed his security clearance.We have accepted government's offer to accept another family if one is found for us. If the original family of 4 is eventually approved for coming to Canada, they will be moved to the government sponsored stream.

Possible additional family: This would be a re-unification initiative, involving the Interfaith Group paying the entire costs. A family in Charlottetown wishes us to sponsor relatives of a man who is living here--his wife and three children. Fundraising would be needed. More details to be provided at an upcoming workshop sponsored by the Newcomers' Association. This case still pending.

Meeting with Minister Tina Mundy. Several members of the committee met with the Minister. General impression was positive. Committee members were impressed with the Minister's openness and willingness to work together with other departments on the poverty file. The committee decided that Don would prepare a letter for committee's approval, thanking her for seeing us and inquiring as to her willingness to meet with us again. Don will ask Council to request that Presbytery, via Basil, also write a letter to the Minister reinforcing our appreciation. A third letter to be sent to all 4 MPs by the O & S committee supporting the Premier's stance that PEI be considered for a B.I.G. project.

Affirming congregation: Valerie reported that an Action Plan for 2017 has been drafted. A workshop on "Welcoming Spaces" is to be held Oct 11. The social justice book club will meet on Nov 9 at 7 p.m. to discuss the book about an aboriginal person, Wen Jack. The Maritime Conference has asked Trinity to help other congregations who are interested in following the affirming path. A booklet is being prepared.

Joint project with St. Paul's re Aboriginal people: This committee has decided to continue. Another member from Trinity is still needed.

Prince St. school: Rev. Greg to talk to Emily about preparing the Christmas dinner as Heidi is not available. Date: Thurs. Dec 15 (snow date Fri. Dec 16). It was suggested that a notice be placed in the bulletin asking people to donate Sobey's gift cards to defray costs for the dinner.

Unit 7: Sylvia advised that a Halloween lunch is being planned for Mon Oct 31 with ham and scalloped potatoes as the entree. A list will be sent out asking for committee members to help out. Dec 5 has been tentatively set as the date for the Christmas dinner for Unit 7.

Minute for Mission: The committee felt that Don had done an excellent job i ptreparing a speech to be read out at a congregational service emphasizing the work that we do supporting the residents of Unit 7. Sylvia volunteered to read it out.

Community Preserves Program: Valerie advised that Jayne Farquhason is involved in a food training course and that she feels it could inter-connect with our Prince St school existing program. The committee looks forward to learning more about this.

Closing prayer: Evelyn gave the closing prayer.

Roger Gordon


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