Output from the project

(electronic versions of the proceedings, presentations and articles are available on request)

Conference Proceedings

  • Welsh JP, Wolfe MS, Snape J, Fish L and Pearce BD. 2002. Generating and evaluating a novel genetic resource in wheat in diverse environments. In: Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM World Congress, Canada. 311.
  • Welsh, J. P. and Wolfe, M. S. (2002) The performance of variety mixtures and the potential for population breeding in organic farming systems. In ECO-PB Symposium: Organic seed production and plant breeding – strategies, problems and perspectives. Berlin.
  • Phillips, S. L. and Wolfe, M. S. (2003) Plant breeding for agricultural diversity (in press) COR/AAB/BGS conference 2004.

Wolfe, M. S. (2004). Designing Crops for Variable Environments. Paper for BCPC conference 2004.

  • Hinchsliffe, K.E. (2006) Generating and evaluating a novel genetic resource in wheat in diverse environments (poster). In: Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR, Edinburgh, 2006 pp. 47-50
  • Wolfe, M.S., Hinchsliffe, K.E., Clarke, S.M., Jones, H., Haigh, Z. (2006) Population breeding in wheat: from plot to farm. In: Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR, Edinburgh, 2006 pp. 47-50
  • Wolfe, M.S., Hinchsliffe, K.E., Clarke, S.M., Jones, H., Haigh, Z, Snape, J., Fish, L. (2006) Evolutionary breeding of wheat for low input systems. In: Organic farming and European rural development: Proceedings of the European Joint Organic Congress, 30-31 May 2006, Odense, Denmark. pp. 374-375.
  • Wolfe, M.S., Hinchsliffe, K, Haigh, Z., Jones, H. (2006) Natural selection for weed control and inter-cropping. In: 5th workshop of EWRS working group: crop weed interactions in collaboration with COST 860 working group 4 plant : plant interactions, 12-15 September 2006, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK.
  • Haigh, Z., Bertholdsson, N., Clarke, S., Jones, H. and Wolfe, M. S. (2007) Progress with variety mixtures and populations. In Varietal characteristics of cereals in different growing systems with special emphasis on below ground traits. Proceeding of the COST SUSVAR workshop. 29 May - 1 June 2007, Valence, Hungary.
  • Wolfe, M., Boyd, H. E., Clarke, S., Haigh, Z. E. L. and. Jones, H. (2008) Wheat populations: population performance and stability in organic and non-organic environments. Upcoming IFOAM conference, 18-20 June 2008, Modena, Italy.
  • Jones, H., Boyd, H.E., Clarke, S., Haigh, Z.E.L. and Wolfe, M. (2008) Wheat populations: parental performance and stability in organic and non-organic environments. Upcoming IFOAM conference, 18-20 June 2008, Modena, Italy.


  • Poster presentation at The RASE Royal Agricultural Show (29th June – 2nd July 2003). The project formed part of a poster display at the Soil Association conference, 3-5th January 2003.
  • Wolfe, M. S. (2004). Designing Crops for Variable Environments. Presentation for BCPC conference 2004.
  • Jones, H., K. Hinchsliffe, S. Pepler and M. S. Wolfe (2005). Evolutionary Breeding of Wheat for Low Input Systems. Poster for Cost 860 meeting, January 2005, Cereals Event 2005.
  • Wolfe, M. S. (2005). Developing Appropriate Cereals. Presentation at Wakelyns Open Day, Suffolk, June 2005.
  • Clarke, S. (2005). Wheat Breeding. Presentation at Elm Farm Open Day, June 2005.
  • Wolfe, M. S., H. Ostergard and I. Goldringer (2005). Crop Populations of Wheat. Presentation at SUSVAR conference, Edinburgh, July 2005.
  • Meeting attended by M.S. Wolfe, H. Jones and S.M. Clarke: COST SUSVAR workshop on cereal crop diversity: implications for production and products, 13-14 June 2006, La Besse, France.
  • Jones, H. (2006) Wheat breeding. Presentation at Wakelyns Agroforestry Open Day, 21 June 2006.
  • Jones, H. (2006) Wheat breeding. Presentation at Elm Farm Organic Research Centre Open Day, 28 June 2006
  • Wolfe, M.S. (2007) Wheat populations: buffering environmental change. Presentation to Soil Association Conference, January 2007.
  • Jones, H. (2007) Wheat breeding. Presentation at Wakelyns Agroforestry Open Day,June 2006.
  • Jones, H. (2007) Wheat breeding. Presentation at Elm Farm Organic Research Centre Open Day, June 2006
  • Jones, H. (2007) Adaptive winter wheat populations: development, genetic characterisation and application BCPC Glasgow 16 October 2007
  • Wolfe, M.S. (2007) Organic agriculture and plant breeding in a changing world. Final address to Eucarpia conference, November 2007.
  • Technical transfer event. Wheat Breeding: Diversity for Adversity, a day of presentations and discussions with various stakeholders to mark the end of the Wheat Breeding project and the beginning of the Wheat Breeding LINK project. NIAB 31 March 2008.
  • Clarke, S. (2008) Wheat breeding. Presentation at Elm Farm Organic Research Centre Open Day, 17 June 2006
  • Jones, H. (2008) Wheat breeding. Presentation at Wakelyns Agroforestry Open Day, 24 June 2008.


  • Phillips, S. L. (2003) Evolutionary plant breeding. EFRC Bulletin No. 69: 9-10.
  • Harvey, J. (2005). Seedless Gripes. In Organic Farming, Soil Association’s journal for organic agriculture and horticulture, 87, 24-25.
  • Phillips, S. L and M. S. Wolfe (2005). Centenary review: Evolutionary Plant Breeding For Low Input Systems. Journal of Agricultural Science 140, 1-10.
  • ‘Grow wheat with built-in defences’. Article in ‘Crops’ magazine, 20 May, 2006.
  • ‘Reading between the rows’. Article in ‘New Agriculturalist’ magazine and online, August 2006.
  • ‘Populations performing’ Article in ‘Bulletin’ February 2007
  • Jones H. (2006) Exciting research opportunities for Elm Farm Research Centre & Pertwood Organic Farm.
  • ‘Save our seeds’ (2007) Radio Four programme on diversity in agriculture.
  • Wheat evolving well in Hungary. Article in ORC Bulletin, August 2007.
  • Passing the taste test. Article in ORC Bulletin, August 2007.
  • Boyd, H. (2007) Top of the pops – another year of population performance. Article in ORC Bulletin, December 2007.
  • Haigh, Z. (2008) Winter wheat populations – a springboard? Article in ORC Bulletin March 2008.
  • Clarke, S. (2008) Hot from the oven – population baking test results. Article in ORC Bulletin March 2008.
