ICT Training

Patient Administration System

Outpatient Functions
for Ward Clerks

<OP2 >

Version 1

ICT Training

Outpatients Referrals and Waiting Lists - VN1.2


ICT Training


1. Information Governance 1-1

2. Appointment Enquiry <APE> 3-1

3. Telephone Book Appointment <TBA> 4-1

4. Outpatient Referral <ORE> 5-1

5. Revise Appointment Details <REA> 6-1

6. Delete Outpatient Referral <DOR> 7-1

7. Delete Appointment <DAP> 8-1

8. Cancel Appointment <CAP> 9-1

9. Cancel and Rebook Appointment <CAB> 10-1

10. Reinstate Cancelled Appointment <RCA> 11-1

11. Clinic Enquiry <CEQ> 12-1

12. Clinic Booking Summary <CBK> 13-1

13. Fault Reporting 14-1

14. Help with using PAS 15-1

15. ICT Training Candidate Appeals Procedure 16-1

ICT Training Contents

OP2 Outpatient Function for Ward Clerks v1


ICT Training

1.  Information Governance

Information Governance (IG) sits alongside the other governance initiatives of clinical, research and corporate governance. Information Governance is to do with the way the NHS handles information about patients/clients and employees, in particular, personal and sensitive information. It provides a framework to bring together all of the requirements, standards and best practice that apply to the handling of personal information.

Information Governance includes the following standards and requirements:

·  Information Quality Assurance

·  The NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice

·  Information Security

·  The Data Protection Act 1998

·  Records Management

·  The Freedom of Information Act 2000

·  Caldicott Report December 1997

1.1.  What can you do to make IG a success?

1.1.1.  Keep personal information secure

Ensure confidential information is not unlawfully or inappropriately accessed. Comply with the Trust ICT security policy and Staff Code of Confidentiality. Do not share your password with others. Ensure you "log out" once you have finished using the computer. Do not leave manual records unattended. Lock rooms and cupboards where personal information is stored.

1.1.2.  Keep personal information confidential

Only disclose personal information to those who legitimately need to know to carry out their role. Do not discuss personal information about your patients/clients/staff in corridors, lifts or the canteen

1.1.3.  Ensure that the information you use is obtained fairly

Inform patients/clients of the reason their information is being collected. Organisational compliance with the Data Protection Act depends on employees acting in accordance with the law. The Act states information is obtained lawfully and fairly if individuals are informed of the reason their information is required, what will generally be done with that information and who the information is likely to be shared with.

1.1.4.  Make sure the information you use is accurate

Check personal information with the patient. Information quality is an important part of IG. There is little point putting procedures in place to protect personal information if the information is inaccurate.

1.1.5.  Only use information for the purpose for which it was given

Use the information in an ethical way. Personal information which was given for one purpose e.g. hospital treatment, should not be used for a totally separate purpose e.g. research, unless the patient consents to the new purpose.

1.1.6.  Share personal information appropriately and lawfully

Obtain patient consent before sharing their information with others e.g. referral to another agency such as, social services.

1.1.7.  Comply with the law

The Trust has policies and procedures in place which comply with the law and do not breach patient/client rights. If you comply with these policies and procedures you are unlikely to break the law.

Written by PHT Information Governance Manager, Nov 05


ICT Training

OP2 Outpatient Function for Ward Clerks v1


ICT Training


To ensure that the Patient Administration System (PAS) contains up to date particulars of all patients being treated, staff must verify with patients their personal details. This should be undertaken when the patient is arriving at the hospital on admission or when attending for an outpatient clinic or other types of appointment.

The types of details we must verify are those within the Patient Master Index (PMI) function within PAS and covers the following items:

·  Patient Forename, Surname and Title

·  Date of Birth

·  NHS Number (If not one shown on screen)

·  Address and Postcode

·  Telephone Number – Home and Work numbers

·  Name and Practice Address of GP

·  Religion

·  Marital Status

·  Next of Kin

·  Ethnic Group

·  Military No (If applicable)

By checking the above details with the patient, we are ensuring the following:

* PAS contains the latest details for all our patients.

* Mistakes or “old” details can be amended.

* Information relating to the patient’s well-being, such as Religion and Ethnic Group, can be used in patient care.

* Emergency contact details for relatives are up to date.

In some circumstances it will be difficult to verify the details highlighted above as the patient may not be coherent at time of arrival (eg emergency admission, A&E, etc). However, it is important that at the earliest opportunity, the details are verified and amended accordingly.

Important – If details are amended, please remember to print a new set of labels, remove and destroy any incorrect labels from casenotes. We must not retain any labels that do not contain current details.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Prepared by: Michael Martin, ICT

Date of Issue: 16th January 2003

Review Date: March 2007

Version No: V1.2


ICT Training

OP2 Outpatient Function for Ward Clerks v1


ICT Training

3.  Appointment Enquiry <APE>

This function will allow you to view what appointments have been made for your patient.

1.  Select: APE>

2.  Search for and select your patient , press <RETURN>

Screen will display:

The screen will show ALL appointments made for your patient.

Numbers will display only against the clinic appointments you have access to book.

Status: Codes will appear here , see page 3 for explanation.

Department: Outpatient.

Date: Day: Time:

Clinic: Appt With: Clinic code/Consultant patient booked for.

Type: Type of appointment booked eg: FU = Follow Up.

By: Rev: Displays User I.D. of person who booked/revised appt.

If you wish to view the ‘details’ of an appointment, select appointment number.

Screen will display:

Details made at time of booking will now show.

If you have selected a Cancelled Appointment e.g.: CNC P, CNC H, press <RETURN>.

A second screen will appear showing cancellation details.

3.1.  Status Codes:

ATT Patient Attended appointment

CND Patient Cancelled on the day

CND R Patient Cancelled on the day, appointment Rebooked

DNA Patient did not attend

DNA R Patient did not attend, appointment Rebooked

DNA G Patient did not attend, GP letter sent

CNC P Appointment Cancelled by patient

CNC PR Appointment Cancelled by patient, Rebooked

CNC H Appointment Cancelled by hospital

CNC HR Appointment Cancelled by hospital, Rebooked.


ICT Training

Ward Follow Up Appointments (Nov 2008)


ICT Training

4.  Telephone Book Appointment TBA

This function is generally used to process Ward Follow up Appointments.

In this function the appointment is selected before selecting the patient. Once the patient has been selected the Select Episode screen is displayed. Look carefully through the list to see if an Outpatient Episode for this present appointment is available. For instance, if a patient was seen in Outpatients before being put on an Inpatient Waiting List prior to admission there will be an appropriate episode for selection.

If an episode is selected the screen will go to the Selected Appointment Details screen. The appointment type if the patient has previously attended this clinic will be WFU – Ward Follow Up.

If an episode is not selected the subsequent screens will allow the creation of an Outpatient Referral and then go to the Selected Appointment Details screen. The appointment type will be NWF – New Ward Follow Up.

If these codes are not on the clinic template do not search the diary with an appointment type. On the Selected Appointment Details screen enter the correct appointment type. If this is done when you next view the details in Clinic Booking Summary – CBK you will see a minus figure.

4.1.  Outpatient Appointment Details

Enter the details of the appointment required.

  1. Clinic: Enter the clinic code or press F9 (Superhelp) to search.
  2. Doctor: Auto populates with the Consultant code associated with the clinic. Else, press F9 (Superhelp) to search.
  3. Appt Type: Enter the code for the Appointment Type required if known or press F9 (Superhelp) to search. E.g. NEW = New Appointment, FU = Follow Up appointment.
    If this field is completed only timeslots for this appointment type will be offered.
  4. Urgent?: If available enter Y for Yes or N for No.
  5. Day: OPTIONAL. If the appointment is required on a specific day of the week enter the code or press F9 (Superhelp) to search. Only dates for that day will be offered.
  6. From Time: OPTIONAL. If the appointment is required at a specific time enter the From and/or To times. Only appointments within these parameters will be offered.
  7. To Time: As From Time.
  8. Date/Time: Complete with either:

·  F = First available

·  050706 = Specified date

·  #W = # Weeks

·  #M = # Months

·  12M = One year

4.2.  Doctor Session Select

A list of possible dates available will appear on screen.

  1. Check in the first column marked Fre (Free) to find out if there is a free appointment.
  2. If you had not specified the appointment type on the previous screen Appointment Details check in the remaining Fre columns on the right of the screen to find out if there is a free appointment for the type required.
  3. Select date when there is a free appointment by moving highlighted bar to date required or type in selection number from left hand side of screen.
  4. If there is no appointment available or you have searched incorrectly type B and Enter to return to the previous screen. (B = Back)

4.3.  Doctor Timeslot Display

A list of possible appointment slots will appear on screen.

1.  First check in the last column marked Fre (Free) on the right hand edge of the screen to find out if there is a free appointment slot.

2.  If you had not specified the appointment type on the previous screen Appointment Details check in the remaining Fre columns in the centre of the screen to find out if there is a free appointment for the type required.

3.  Select timeslot when there is a free appointment by moving highlighted bar to time required or type in selection number from left hand side of screen.

4.  If there is no appointment available or you have searched incorrectly type B and Enter to return to the previous screen. (B = Back)

NOTES: To view patients already booked to the selected clinic enter V for view at Select command. This will display Casenote number, surname and forename of patients below each timeslot booked.

4.4.  Patient Selection Details Screen

Patient Selection Details screen – showing recommended search details.

You are advised to search for your patient, in the first instance, using the function PMI List – LIS (see PMI Basic manual).

At the Patient Selection Details screen you can then type in the letter L in any of the first 5 fields (boxes) to recall the “Last” patient you were viewing.

If you have not already searched for your patient, use the recommended search procedure to locate them.

4.4.1.  Recommended search procedure

Enter the patient’s:

1.  Surname

2.  Initial of their forename

3.  Date of Birth

4.  Sex

If you have already identified the patient’s correct Casenote number for use in this Episode you can use the Casenote number to locate the patient.

4.5.  Basic Details Screen

The Basic Details screen displays the patient’s identification numbers, name, date of birth, age, address details and comments.

ALWAYS check to confirm that you have the right patient by checking these details.

Basic Details screen

  1. Do you wish to revise the following? This prompt on the screen allows you to edit any details displayed on the screen. If required enter Y for Yes and update the details (see PMI Add and Revise manual).
    If no updates are required leave the prompt as No and progress to the next screen.


Military patients

a. The address details shown on this screen must be their base address, never their domestic address.

b. The Military Patient Administration Centre address must be entered in the Postal line on this screen. Any letters printed from PAS will have the MPAC address on them and must be sent to MPAC who will liaise with the patient.


Alecto Block

Fort Blockhouse

Haslar Road

PO12 2AA

4.6.  Display Appointments

Displayed in the top half of the screen are all the activities normally viewed in Appointment Enquiry – APE, (see PMI Basic manual).

  1. Display more appointments? Defaults to NO. If YES is selected all the outpatient waiting list and appointment activities can be displayed by pressing Enter.

4.7.  Select Episode Screen

The Select Episode screen displays a list of all the patient’s Episodes of treatment within the Trusts that use this PAS (see PMI Basic manual).

Only Outpatient Registrations (OP REG) for your specialities will be selectable using the sequence number in the left hand column.