Ell Brook Aqueduct Project Plan


Ell Brook Aqueduct

Project Plan

Waterway Recovery Group

August 2005

Site Location:

Ell Brook Aqueduct

Horsefair Lane



GL18 1QY

OS Grid Reference: SO 714 264

Site mobile phone: 07850 422157



1.1)Principles for Health and Safety

1.2)Neighbourhood risks



2.2) Subcontractors

3) Standards for Health and Safety

3.1)Essentials for construction safety

3.2)Additional standards

4)Selection Procedures


4.2)Hazardous materials

4.3)Plant and machinery

5)Site Organisation


5.2)Loading and unloading

5.3)Layout and storage areas

5.4)Electrical distribution, shared plant.

5.5)Scaffolds and formwork

5.6)Trenching and excavations

5.7)Permits to work

5.8)Site security

5.9)Welfare facilities

6)Site Rules

6.1)Emergency procedures

6.2)Accident reporting

6.3)Permits to work

6.4) General site rules

6.5)Specific site rules


7.1)Consultation with people on site

7.2)Information, training and management initiatives

7.3)Design work during construction phases

8)Monitoring and Liaison


8.2)Routine monitoring

8.3)Health and Safety File

8.4)Project review

9)Register of Competencies and Additional Contact Details

10) Individual Method Statements

11) Appendix 1 - Original H&GCT scoping document

12) Appendix 2 - Site Layout

ConstructionHealth and Safety Plan

1) General

1.1) This Plan has been prepared in conjunction with the WRG Practical Restoration Handbook (PRH) and HSG150 and should be read alongside them.

Waterway Recovery Group volunteers will work to the standards outlined below. All documents (Project Plan, PRH, HSG150, etc.) shall be freely available on site at all times. They will be stored in the flight case taken on site every day. Volunteer details (next of kin, medical details, etc.) will also be kept on site in the flight case in case of any emergency.

In addition to the points made below each task will be detailed separately with a separate risk assessment and a resulting method statement to be followed. Particular care must be paid to any comments regarding the timing of other associated works. If in doubt the SiteLeader must be consulted.

1.2) The site is crossed by a public footpath via a temporary bridge and receives visits from the public. To reduce the risk to these visitors all works must be contained within the perimeter fencing. This should be stressed during the volunteer induction.

2) Management

2.1) For the purposes of CDM the defined roles are filled by:

Client/Promoter: Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal Trust (Brian Fox 01432 358628)

Planning Supervisor: H&G Canal Trust (????)

Both c/o: 1 Holmer Hall Cottages, Roman Road, Hereford HR4 9QH

Principle Contractor: Waterway Recovery Group (Tom Cutting 07855 806764)

WRG, 3 Norfolk Court, Norfolk Road, Rickmansworth, WD3 1LT (01923 711114)

Subcontractors: None

2.2) No subcontractors are expected at this stage.

3) Standards for Health and Safety

3.1) All work will be carried out to the standards described in the method statements.

The Site Leader shall assess any volunteers competence before assigning them to a job.

Careful attention will be paid to the ratio of volunteers to supervisor for each task.

Form F10 is not required by the local HSE office. Any other safety signage arising from the Method Statements will be displayed at the entrance to the site.

A register of volunteers competent to inspect or assess various items will be kept with the Project Plan.

All WRG volunteers will only be allowed to enter site once they have completed an induction comprising of:

reading of the WRG “Volunteers Health and Safety Guide”.

the WRG safety video.

a site specific talk from the Site Leader outlining the management structure, on site hazards, emergency procedures to be followed and any other information required to work safely.

signing a form saying they agree to abide by the site leaders instructions at all times.

Where appropriate "toolbox talks" will also be given to improve the safe operation of the site.

All documents (Project Plan, PRH, HSG150, etc.) shall be freely available on site at all times.

3.2) The PRH will be available on site.

4) Selection Procedures

4.1) There are no subcontractors expected at this stage.

4.2) Specific training will be given to all volunteers before they come into contact with any hazardous materials. All COSHH data sheets will be available in the PRH and only materials specified in the Project Plan can be used. All necessary PPE will be available.

Materials will be stored in the adjacent Canal Trust Compound.

Fuel will be stored safely in the Compound. Petrol and Diesel for small items will be stored in a suitable container 5 gallons max. Diesel for the excavator will be available in a main storage tank.

4.3) WRG Driver Authorisation scheme will operate at all site on times and only when authorised and requested by the Site Leader will plant and equipment be used.

Banksman and hi-viz vests will be used when vehicles are moving along the towpath or in restricted areas.

All fuelling will be done via funnels from approved containers.

5) Site Organisation

5.1)Clear passage for walkers along the towpath should be maintained as far as is practical. If it is necessary to use plant on the towpath or Bailey Bridge, banksmen will attend both sides of the plant to assist walkers in safely passing through the work site.A low voltage electrical supply is known to run up the towpath to the adjacent lock cottage. No fences should be moved or removed without consulting the Site Leader. An emergency WRG vehicle will be available in the car park at all times while work is undertaken.

5.2)Areas of unloading - at all times the highway must be kept clear therefore it will most likely take place within the adjacent compound. Any unloading will either be done manually or by the transports lifting equipment. This must be supervised by a competent person.

5.3)Materials (inc. Cement and Lime powder) will be stored in the site compound. Fuel will be stored safely in the compound. Petrol for the stone saws and generator and diesel for the mixer will be stored in a suitable container 5 gallons max. Bricks and masonry (old and new) will be stored safely on pallets within the fenced area of the site. At all times the site will be kept tidy.

5.4)110v power for lighting below the arch of the aqueduct will be supplied by a hired in generator if the WRG generator is not available by the start of the camp.

5.5)A custom made steel former is being erected by the H&G canal trust prior to the start of the camp. This is to be inspected prior to starting work each day by a competent person. Scaffolding platforms are being erected to provide access to the work area. These shall be inspected prior to starting work each day. A record of both inspections shall be maintained on site.

5.6)Only localised excavation is anticipated in the areas of rebuilding to provide sufficient working space. H and S requirements will be dealt with in the appropriate method statement. Should any excavations be required on the towpath to investigate a leak in the pound above the lock if time allows, a CAT scan will be undertaken before any of these excavations are started.

5.7)Permits to work will not be required.

5.8)The majority of the site will be fenced off by permanent fences (see Appendix 2). This will enclose all additional dangers due to the ongoing works. This fencing must not be modified in any way without the Site Leaders permission. All volunteers will be briefed to contact the Site Leader if a visitor arrives on site. Gates will be secured when not supervised.

5.9)Welfare facilities will comprise: a rented portable toilet to be provided by H&G canal trust for the duration of the camps. Caravans and a mess tent will be available on site for rest, shelter, refreshments and washing down. All of these will be kept clean. Additionally hand wipes will be available on site. Drinking water will be taken on site every day.

5.10)Domestic waste will be taken away from site and disposed of at the accommodation. Disposal of arisings and excavated spoil is dealt with in each method statement.

6 Site Rules (to be communicated to all persons on site and read in conjunction with the Method Statements)

6.1) An 'on site' register will be kept with the project plan for both volunteers and visitors.

In the event of an accident or emergency the Site Leader should be informed immediately. All work on site should be stopped and all volunteers should assemble at the mess tent. If necessary emergency services and/or the Environment Agency should be summoned. Only once the situation has been inspected and agreed safe by the Site Leader should work recommence.

Name / Location / Telephone
Fire / Gloucester/Ledbury/Newent / 999
Police / Gloucester/Ledbuy / 999
Ambulance/Hospital / Gloucestershire Royal Hospital – Accident & Emergency Unit, Great Western Road, Gloucester / 999
Doctor's surgery / The Holts Health Centre
Watery Lane
Newent / 01531 820689
Site First Aider / Register to kept on site

There is no intention to light fires on site.

First Aid First Aid provision on site will include:

one HSE First Aid Kit for up to 50 employees

additional eyewash facilities

welfare kit.

Particular care will be given to sunburn and dehydration.

6.2) The HSE accident book and the WRG RIDDOR form should be completed for any appropriate accident or incident.

6.3) No activities will require a permit to work. All activities will be continually supervised by the Task Leader appointed by the Site Leader.

6.4) General Site Rules

PPE: The entire site will be designated a “hard hat” site. Other PPE will be determined by the Risk Assessment/Method Statement for each task.

Each volunteer will be issued with appropriate PPE comprising:

a safety helmet to BS 5240

a 'WRG standard PPE pack' comprising:

eye protection to BS2092

hearing protection to BS 5108

disposable respiration to EN149

suitable gloves

High-viz waistcoats will be distributed as necessary. Other/additional supplies will be available on site

Access/site conditions: The work areas on site must be kept well strimmed at all times particularly around rough surfaces or steep drops. It is proposed to complete all strimming by hand.

No fences should be moved or removed without consulting the Site Leader.

Beware access to and from the road and car park - see comments in “Specific Hazards” above.

In the event of a major change in site conditions due to weather all jobs should be reassessed by the Site Leader.

All vehicles must be parked in the compound, not on site.

The Ell Brook is subject to flash flooding, and during or immediately after heavy rain no work is to take place in the river channel including the arch barrel repairs.

The public route along the towpath is to be kept clear as far as practically possible. If plant must be used on the towpath, banksmen both sides will be required to prevent hazard to the public.

Lifting and handling

This is dealt with in each job specification. However care should be taken to ensure the repetitive effects of handling on contiguous jobs do not build up to be a problem.

6.5) Specific site hazards/rules

  1. Road alongside the site, although the traffic is not fast it should be regarded as a significant hazard. This road should not be obstructed. All manoeuvres involving the highway should be supervised by a competent person and all personnel involved should wear hi-vis jackets.
  2. Work is required both above and below the barrel of the aqueduct. Work is to be phased such that no persons are working in the river channel when either demolition or excavation are being carried out overhead.
  3. The downstream spandrel wall is considered to be unstable. No work is to be carried out within the river channel close to the downstream end of the aqueduct until this wall is removed.
  4. There is a below ground low voltage power supply line alongside the canal – this is to be located and spray marked prior to any excavation and all plant operators must be informed of its location before they operate any plant.
  5. Poor quality masonry - almost all of the walls are poor quality and there is a very significant risk from falling de-laminated, damaged masonry. Because of this steel toe caps, hard hats and gloves are mandatory for many tasks as outlined in the Method Statements.
  6. The towpath is a public footpath and is in use by the visiting public. All volunteers must be aware of this and ensure that they contain all works within safety fencing and that no hazard is presented to the public.
  7. Steep drops - these exist in several places on site. All volunteers should be specifically warned to be aware of edges and edges to be clearly marked with lamp irons and hazard tape or other suitable marking.
  8. Working in/close to mud will be necessary in the river channel. This does not poses a significant risk so long as solo work is not permitted.

No other hazards are known.

7) Communications

7.1) All land is owned by the H&G Canal Trust. Any communications with adjoining landowners, etc. are to be undertaken via H&GCT wherever possible. As part of the normal Camp procedures the leaders will ask for feedback from the volunteers on, amongst other things, Health and Safety.

7.2) No person will be allowed to work on site without having had a full induction as described in section 3.1). All volunteers will read the relevant Method Statements before undertaking a task. Additionally toolbox talks will be given on an as required basis.

7.3) Any incomplete design work will be identified in the relevant Method Statement. This design work will only be implemented once it has been communicated to, and agreed by, the planning supervisor and the design leader. No other design work will occur.

8) Monitoring and Liaison

8.1) Any areas of concern identified during the works will be communicated to the Planning Supervisor and Client's Representative as soon as is possible.

9.2) Work will be continually supervised by a task leader and regularly reviewed by the leaders.

9.3) This project plan together with a electronic photo record of the works undertaken will be provide to H&GCT after the Canal Camp. All volunteers will be encouraged to record any significant events and discoveries.

9.4) The project will be reviewed on a daily basis.

9) Register of Competencies

Name / Road manoeuvres / Scaffold Inspection / Comments
Tom Cutting / Yes / Yes
Dave Bradford / Yes
Ed Walker / Yes / Yes
Liz Wilson / Yes / Yes
James Butler / Yes

Additional Contact Details:

Incident Contact Centre

This will deal with any reportable H&S incident and direct your report to all the relevant authorities

0845 3009923

Environment Agency Tewksbury


Landownership: H&GCT

Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal Trust

Brian Fox

Tel: 01432 358628


Buildbase GBS 01989 720900

Ross Road, Newent.

Plant Hire: Jewson Hire,

Volunteer Accommodation

Dymock Village Hall

Grid Ref. SO 700311

Job Ref:1.1.1

Job Description: Site preparation

Location: Site

Risk Assessment/Safety measures to be taken(see also Section 7 in the Project Plan and consult the Practical Restoration Handbook for further guidance) :

The site area is to be strimmed by hand maintaining safe distances between volunteers and working in teams - one strimming, one collecting with a pitchfork or keb. Particular care is to be taken near drops and edges.

Mandatory PPE: Hard hat, Safety Footwear, Gloves.

Schedule/Timing: Must occur before any other work starts.

Personnel requirements: No specific requirements

Equipment needed: Billhooks, Slashers, rakes.

Materials: None

Details: Site Rules, Hard Hat sign, etc to be displayed at site entrance.

Work in progress notes:

H&GCT will have aggregate delivered to set up mixer station on the edge of the towpath ready for the start to the camp.

Job Ref:1.1.2

Job Description: Demolition of existing stonework

Location: Downstream parapet

Risk Assessment/Safety measures to be taken(see also Section 7 in the Project Plan and consult the Practical Restoration Handbook for further guidance) :

The parapet is to be accessed from a scaffold to be erected by H&GCT prior to the start of the camp. This scaffold is to be inspected and signed off prior to the commencement of work each day. The parapet to be demolished is built of rough cut limestone lumps in lime mortar and is considered to be possibly unstable.

The walls are to be demolished stone by stone using bolster chisels and lump hammers, with the stone reserved for use in rebuilding the walls. Risk of flying fragments of mortar or stone hence safety goggles required throughout. At all times particular attention should be taken to the risk of falling/loose masonry. Scaffoldng to be kept clear of possible trip hazards (stone etc.).

Mandatory PPE: Hard hat, Safety footwear, gloves, goggles.

Schedule/Timing: Parapet must be demolished before any work takes place in the river channel at the downstream end of the aqueduct.

Personnel requirements: 3-4 volunteers.

Equipment needed: Bolsters, lump hammers, wrecking bars, buckets for transport of stone.Spirit level to check verticality of remaining wall.

Materials: None

Details: The entire downstream parapet is to be removed back to sound vertical masonry. Stones to be set aside for cleaning and reuse elsewhere in the project.

Work in progress notes:

Job Ref:1.1.3

Job Description: Excavation of clay overburden

Location: Aqueduct and tail of House Lock

Risk Assessment/Safety measures to be taken(see also Section 7 in the Project Plan and consult the Practical Restoration Handbook for further guidance) : Manual handling of clay from the work areas to a suitable tip presents a risk of strains, slips and falls. However there appear to be no possible solutions using the excavators. To be assessed once on site by the site leader.

The areas of masonry to be extended are currently overlain by up to 2m heght of clay standing as a vertical face. This is to be battered back to provide safe access to the work area. At all times particular attention should be taken to the risk of dislodging loose masonry and no work shall take place below any faces being excavated.