Outline and StormBrain

Satisfaction Case Study

The problem:

Ø  rapid changes by new superintendent seem to be leaving the faculty and staff feeling abused

o  redistribution of staff to needier schools

o  evaluation of principals: demoting of 30 – reassign without discussion

o  disregarded formal performance appraisal process

o  teachers fear reprisal

o  union is upset

Ø  The value of the changes == good/bad

o  When the teachers and administration are unhappy, they will do their jobs poorly (perhaps leave), the distribution of education will suffer, and children will not receive the best services the school district can provide. This will result in wide array of complaints from parents, questioning of superintendent’s methods, large cost (recruit/train new teachers/administration).

Some facts:

Ø  After the changes have all been made with blatant disregard for employees’ opinions—no discussion, etc.--, Hamm now wants to show that employees are satisfied even after all the changes and inspite of the rumors/heresay that there is great tulmult among teachers.

Ø  Asked HR to conduct “employee morale survey” in order to prove to dissidents that everything at the school is fine and dandy.


Ø  create a satisfaction survey from scratch

o  don’t know if will be valid measure

o  to do well, would take time to develop and validate the items and the scale

Ø  use validated satisfaction survey (e.g., JSS, JDI, etc.)

o  free, work is done for us, previous research shown to be valid (Citation?)

Ø  However, just getting satisfaction might not provide the whole story

o  Job Satisfaction has many different facets

§  for example, JSS measures 10

§  while some aspects may be high (e.g., coworkers) others may be low (e.g., supervision)

o  Based on previous research, low or high satisfaction may be related to perceptions

§  more negative percept of changes when psy climate is neg (Martin, Jones, & Callan, 2005)

§  supportive leadership will help satisfaction during times of change (Rafferty & Griffin, 2006) not supportive in Faultimore

o  Also, there may be other key variable of interest if Hamm really wants to know how things are among his teachers.

§  e.g., trust in organization – found to decline when changes are seen as unjust

§  intentions to remain – decreased when changes are seen as unjust

§  employees feel less obligated toward the org when unjust changes

§  Korsgaard, Sapienza, & Schweiger, 2002


Ø  Candid Plan & Discussion:

o  In order to get the most out of the survey effort, all relavent measures should be included

o  job satisfaction

o  turnover intentions

o  leadership support

Ø  Face Plan & Discussion: