Competition Overview
This WorldSkills UK competition focuses on all the essential requirements for a successful career in media make-up.
Competitors will be expected to demonstrate their skills as make-up artists within dynamic media environments. The competition tests creativity, technician skills, consultative and communication skills.
Competitors must display one or more highly creative finished products that demonstrate knowledge of current fashion trends, make-up and costume design.
The competition is organised by the Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) and supported by industry partners.
Core Competencies
Core competencies and standards for WorldSkills UK Skills Competitions activities / Qualifier / UK Final / Team UKCompetency / General Appearance and Professional demeanour / / / N/A
Standards / The candidate will be expected to: -
- Present a neat, clean appearance appropriate for a mek-up artist no jewellery must be worn
- Work in a professional manner throughout
Competency / Well-presented Artistic Mood Board / / / N/A
Standards / The Mood Board should be an accurate representation of the results the candidate is trying to achieve within the confines of the theme specified
Competency / Client Care and effective interaction with client / / / N/A
Standards / The candidate should demonstrate a caring respectful manner to their model throughout the competition
Competency / Safe working practices / / / N/A
Standards / The Candidate should ensure: -
- All equipment is clean, hygienic and in good working order, electrical equipment has proof of PAT testing where required
- Products are clearly labelled and used throughout
- Safe working practices are observed throughout
- Waste is disposed of as it occurs
- Work station is neat and tidy
Competency / Ability to achieve a high level of skill and dexterity / / / N/A
Standards / It is expected the candidate will have a level of technical ability to achieve the desired results required and at a standard acceptable to Industry.
Competency / Ability to work Tidily / / / N/A
Standards / Candidates should ensure that: -
- Work area is safe for both model and competitor
- General neatness is maintained throughout
- All waste is disposed of as it occurs
- Area is cleaned and products packed away at the end of the competition
Competency / Time Management / / / N/A
Standards / The candidate should schedule the work to maximise efficiency with a minimum of disruption and will start and finish on time
Note: Core Competencies are tested, identified and measured as recognition of the competition level and duration. The severity of the marking schedule is regulated in relation to the National Final standard as follows:
Heats 50%
- National Final 100%
General Instructions
Regional Heats
The Theme for the Regional Heat is ‘Environment’which is open to the individual candidate’s interpretation. A Mood Board must be presented to the judges at the commencement of the competition which should adequately reflect the interpretation of the theme and the finished result the candidate wishes to achieve.
The competition covers Head, Neck and Shoulders only and candidates should allow time to style and finish the hair within the 1 hour 30mins. Preparation for the hair only includes basic rollers and any plaiting or other work must be done in competition time.
Stage 2
The top 8 scoring throughout the country will be invited to compete at the National Finals at the NEC in November 2017 where the theme will be ‘Future’.
Notification of the final 8 will be sent after all the Regional Competitions are complete and Worldskills UK has quality assured the results.
Who can enter?
- Any student/apprentice/working Make-up artist that is working towards or has completed within the last year a recognised qualification for either Media Make-up or Beauty Therapy Make-up.
How many competitors can enter from each organisation?
A maximum of 2 competitors per organisation per location
Those ineligible to compete are: -
- Previous Gold Medal Winners
- Previous Squad UK and Team UK Worldskills members (those who have received Worldskills training)
- Current Worldskills UK Squad members
Practice & Preparation
- Prepare using the online tools available at:
- Where possible practice the tasks you don’t use in your everyday work or course.
- Speak to your employer or lecturer to ask for help with learning or equipment where needed.
Marking Criteria
Criterion ID / Description / Max. MarksA / Presentation / 4
B / Health & Safety / 6
C / Application Technique / 50
D / Dramatic Impact / 20
E / Overall effect / 20
Total Marks / 100.00
Task Breakdown
- Artistic Mood Board presented well
- Neat and clean appearance appropriate for a Make-up Artist
- Work in a professional manner throughout
Health & Safety:
- Equipment is clean and hygienic and used correctly with appropriate PAT testing on any electrical items
- Products are labelled and used correctly
- Work station is neat and tidy and waste disposed of
Application Technique:
- Appropriate techniques are used for the finished result
- Make-up is applied correctly and neatly to achieve the desired effect
- Tools and equipment are used correctly
Dramatic Impact and Overall Effect:
- Interpretation was innovative/imaginative and gave immediate visual impact
- Finished result was applicable to the theme