GrantsPlus Program

Outcomes Measurement Plan Guidelines

Setting up an Outcomes Measurement Plan as you develop a program helps focus your team on the essential goals you hope to achieve. The plan does not need to be complex or overly scientific, but does need to track the outcomes (change in behavior, situation or condition) that matter most to reach your goal.

A good Outcomes Measurement Plan contains these elements:

Goal – How would you define success or positive impact for your program?


·  “Congregation members will improve their physical health.”

·  “Older adults will be less isolated and better connected to a supportive community.”

·  “High school students will improve academically and be better prepared for college.”

Activities – What specific activities or services will you offer? How will the people whom your program serves participate? (Samples in the chart below)

Measures – What types of measures will demonstrate that the desired outcome has been reached? (Samples in the chart below)

Outcomes – What changes in behavior or conditions do you expect from your program? These outcomes are the 3-5 changes that matter most for reaching your goal. (Samples in the chart below)

Note that your goal, outcomes, and measures do not dictate the specific activities for the program. This allows for flexibility in the activities you use to achieve your outcomes. If you find an activity is not meeting the outcomes effectively or efficiently, you can make changes or adjustments. Outcomes should focus on the result you want to see, not the activities you use to reach that result.

Please complete the form on page 3 to describe the outcomes measurement plan for the proposed project. Grant recipients will use this outcomes measurement plan to report the impact of their programs in Annual and Final Reports to Wheat Ridge.

Upload the form using the online proposal at:

Questions related to the outcomes measurement plan should be directed to .

© 2015 Wheat Ridge Ministries

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Sample Outcomes Measurement Plan

SAMPLE Successful Transition Program
Goal: We want to aid successful transitions of ex-offenders from prison to life in the community.
Activities / Measures / Outcomes
Transition preparation classes / # of classes attended
Rate of recidivism (Reports from prison officials) / Decrease recidivism rates in non-violent ex-offenders who participate in program
Job placement service including
weekly/monthly check-ins / # of participants placed
Length of placement / Increase successful job placements
Housing placement service / # of participants placed
Length of placement / Increase successful housing placements
Weekly mentor program meetings / # of meetings attended / Increase positive relationships with mentors

GrantsPlus Program

Outcomes Measurement Plan

Outline your evaluation plan for the proposed project in this form.

Upload this form using the online proposal at

Proposed Project Title
Activities / Measures / Outcomes

© 2015 Wheat Ridge Ministries

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