Outcomes List
Increased knowledge/awareness about hauora and how this contributes to student achievement / Changes in the behaviour of groups within the school and/or school communityA shift in attitudes/thinking about the importance of hauora / Improved student and or families/whānau health and wellbeing
Gained /improved/ new skills/tools/ideas to address hauora / Increase in student attendance/participation
New practices adopted that had an impact on hauora / Increase in student retention
Increase in student and whānau agency / Increase in student engagement
School policies changed and adopted / Increase in student achievement
Positive changes in the school physical environment / None
Positive changes in the school, cultural, social and spiritual environment / Don’t know
A positive change in circumstance/(s) in the school community / Other
Evidence of Outcomes
Example 1
Before: / 75% Māori students achieving below national average in Reading and Maths. Māori students were also over represented in NZCER survey as reporting their whānau do not feel welcome at school.Action: / Engaging target group of Māori parents in learning relationships, based on Mutukaroa and professional learning for teachers (ALiM)
After: / Accelerated progress of target group- with 95% of the target group achieving accelerated progress (1 years progress in last 15 weeks in Maths and Literacy) 95% of Māori parents report that they feel welcome and their expertise is valued by the school.
Example 2
Before: / Dental records show 75% of students in the school required fillings in 2015 due to tooth decay. 45% of absences were due to tooth ache and interrupted student learning.Action: / Student led inquiry and actions identified that water only and healthy food policies needed to be designed and implemented. This also included students fundraising with parents to put in place water coolers throughout the school and changing what is offered at sports, staff and school celebrations.
After: / In 2016 dental records showed only 10% of the students required filings. No absences have been due to tooth ache and the school now has a 98% attendance rate.
Example 3
Before: / School roll fell by 50% in 2015 and an attendance rate of 75% that fell to 60% in winter.90% of school roll ( all Māori) achieving below National Standards. The level of access to health services by whānau was limited due to the distance of the services and the lack of transport for families.Action: / New principal engaged students and their whānau and community in identifying a graduate student profile, a local curriculum that built on the community’s strengths and expertise and improved access to health services for whānau with development of a health hub.
After: / In 2016 school roll has risen by 80%,whānau and community engaged and contribute to delivery of curriculum, 95% of whānau use health hub, student attendance at 95% and accelerated progress ( 2 years progress in reading and maths in the last 6 months)