INT-007-WECC-CRT-2.2 Processing of Emergency Requests for InterchangePage 1 of 5


  1. Title: Processing of Emergency Requests- for-of Interchange (RFI)
  2. Number:INT-007-WECC-CRT-32.2
  3. Purpose:To define the processing of Emergency RFI Requests for Interchange
  4. Applicability:
  5. Functional Entities:
  6. Balancing Authority
  7. Transmission Service Provider
  8. Purchasing-Selling Entity
  9. Effective Date:September 22, 2011

B.Requirements and Measures

WR1. EachBalancingAuthority,Transmission ServiceProvider, and Purchasing-SellingEntity shallapproveaneEmergencyRFI[SB2]wheneachof thefollowingconditionsis metforaspecific transaction.

1)TheRFIauthor hasdesignatedtheRFItransactiontype asaneEmergencyRFI.

2)ThecontentoftheeEmergencyRFIis correct andmeetsall NERC,NAESB,andWECCrequirements.

3)The SinkBalancingAuthority hasapprovedtheRFI.

4)Theduration oftheRFIis two hours or less.

WM1. Each BalancingAuthority,TransmissionService Provider, and Purchasing-SellingEntitywill have evidence shall have and provide upon request evidence thateacheEmergencyRFI meeting all of the above conditions was approved as required in WR1. that met all of the conditions listed in WR1.

WR2. Each SinkBalancing Authorityshallverifythattheconditions of the eEmergency RFI condition exist s basedonanyofthefollowingactual oranticipatedconditions:

Loss ofgeneration,including potential violationoflicense requirements,regulations, or statutes thatapplyunder normal operatingconditions


Lossofresourcedueto transmissionconstraint

  • Inadequatereserves

WM2. EachSinkBalancing Authorityverifying the conditions of the Emergency RFI that requested the RFIwill have evidence shall have and provide upon request, evidence thatfor each eEmergencyConfirmed[SB3]InterchangetheRFI met atleastoneof therequirementslistedinWR2.

Evidencemay include, but is not limited to, could include, but is not limited to,operatorlogs,voicerecordings or transcripts of voicerecordings, electronic communications,computer printouts, orother equivalent evidencethatassistedthe Sink Balancing AuthorityincomplyingwithWR2.

Version History

Version / Date / Action / Change Tracking
1 / March 7, 2007 / WECC Operating Committee Approved / Initial
1 / April 25, 2007 / WECC Board of Directors Approved / Initial
1 / August 31, 2009 / Updated format / No change
2 / July 13, 2011 / WECC Operating Committee Approved / Address “emergency” verbiage; translated from Version Zero
2 / September 22, 2011 / WECC Board of Directors Approved / Developed as WECC-0056. Approved
2.1 / October 3, 2011 / Errata / “TheSinkBalancingAuthority”inWR2wasreplacedwith“Each SinkBalancingAuthority”.
TheWM2phrase,“EachSinkBalancing Authorityand eachPurchase-Selling EntitythatrequestedtheRFIshallhave andprovideuponrequestevidencethat each EmergencyConfirmedInterchange that theRFImetatleast one ofthe requirements listedinWR2.”was changed toread,“Each SinkBalancing AuthoritythatrequestedtheRFIshall haveandprovide uponrequest,evidence that foreach EmergencyConfirmed Interchangethe RFImetatleastoneof therequirementslistedinWR2.”The changewas madetoeliminatethe PSE thatwasnotmentionedin theassociatedWR2.
2.1 / September 5, 2012 / WECC Board of Directors changed designation from “CRT” to “RBP”. / Designation change
2.1 / June 25, 2014 / WECC Board of Directors changed designation from “RBP” to “CRT”. / Designation change
2.2 / January 28, 2016 / Errata / In the Applicability section, plurals were changed to singular.
2.2 / April 1, 2016 / No Change / Converted to new template
3 / Developed as WECC-0121B. TEXT


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Western Electricity Coordinating Council

[SB1]Since this only has 2 requirements, can it be consolidated in with any other INT CRTs?

[SB2]Compound Definition concern:

Emergency is a NERC defined term.

Any abnormal system condition that requires automatic or immediate manual action to prevent or limit the failure of transmission facilities or generation supply that could adversely affect the reliability of the Bulk Electric System.

RFI is a separate defined term.

A collection of data as defined in the NAESB Business Practice Standards submitted for the purpose of implementing bilateral Interchange between Balancing Authorities or an energy transfer within a single Balancing Authority.

[SB3]This creates a compound NERC defined term. Can we communicate without the compound application?