Review of College Based

Established Centers, Institutes, or Bureaus

At The University of Tennessee

Name of center:

Center Director:


Mailing address:

Telephone number:

FAX number:

E-mail address:

Date Established:

Indicate below the kind of center and the percentage in each category.

%____Research center

%____Education center

%____Service center

Approval Signatures (and dates):


Center Director Date College DeanDate

This center has been reviewed and a copy of the review is attached. Requests for clarifications of the decision concerning this application should be made in writing to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of Research, 1534 White Avenue.

The following decision has been made:

___Full center approval for five years

___Center to be disbanded


Assoc. Vice ChancellorDate

Recommended Guidelines for Submission of Material for Review of Center Accomplishments


Centers will be assessed every five years, and should provide information for the past five years only. The information requested below may be provided in the form of annual reports or internal review documents, when available. Please label your materials according to the section numbers below and include an Executive Summary at the beginning summarizing the material contain within and with brief information on the center’s purpose, memberships (faculty, departments, college) clients/audience served, major accomplishments, and plans for the future. The 1-page Center summary form (item #8 in the appendix) is also to be filled out and included in the Review report (after the report cover page).

This review document (in electronic form) should NOT exceed 50 pages and should include summary CVs of leadership (director, key faculty) as part of the page limit. The review process is not an assessment of individual faculty productivity but a review of center activity: reports should concentrate on listing/describing scholarly and other work enabled by the center. Research Centers and directors should note that delayed reports make the review process more burdensome. The Centers Review Committee may take the completeness and timeliness of a report into consideration when conducting their review of a unit.

Purpose of center review

  1. To assess and foster accountability.
  2. To give feedback to centers for self-evaluation.
  3. To give feedback to central administration/college on performance of centers that are partially supported financially by central administration or college.
  4. To recognize centers that are active and growing in order to justify future expansion or support.
  5. To recognize and to justify the need for and/or acquisition of resources that could be shared among several faculty members or departments or centers.
  6. To assess the appropriate utilization of resources, if applicable. For centers of interdisciplinary nature, this would include inclusiveness of participating members across departments/colleges/universities if applicable.

Classification of centers

1. Education, research, service or combination thereof.

2. Lines of Reporting (chain of command, central admin, college, or department).

3. Mode of Funding

  1. Standalone/independent
  2. Partial support from UTK internal unit(s) and/or external organization(s)
  3. Expectation of matching dollars to be generated by the center?

Submission of Materials

Every center will submit a set of common materials to cover items 1-3, 7, and 8 below; and depending on the self-chosen center classification category, centers will submit additional applicable material for one or more items from 4-6, as listed below. Each center is also to submit a listing of faculty, staff and students supported financially by the center.

  1. Describe the purpose of your Center
  1. Infrastructure
  • To whom does the center director report? Do you meet regularly?
  • List faculty and staff and/or students supported by the center (through E or R account funds) over the last three years for new centers, and five years for established centers. Also submit lists of center personnel (faculty, staff, and students), % time effort, along with the responsible accounts (e.g. R or E account numbers). If applicable, describe the interdisciplinary nature of the personnel involved center-sponsored projects and activities.
  • List visiting scientists, lecturers, and faculties sponsored by the center.
  • How are center activities evaluated by the administrative head/body?
  • List the type and number of people who provided volunteer time and services to the center.
  • Have adequate library facilities been available for the conduct of center activities?
  • Have the necessary equipment and facilities been available for the conduct of center activities? If not, state equipment that is necessary and their intended use. Suggest other faculty, department, or labs that may also have a need of such equipment.
  • Is adequate space available for the conduct of center activities? Where is the space located and how large is the space? If not, explain additional need for space.
  1. Scholarship
  • List invited presentations made as a result of the center’s activities.
  • List articles or manuscripts in refereed publications; do not include those in preparation, but do include those in-press.
  • List any patent applications submitted or awarded.
  • List any technology licensed/transferred to a start-up company via venture capitals.
  • List any other presentations.
  • List the approximate number and the capacity under which graduate and/or undergraduate students participate in center-sponsored activities.
  • List programs developed and/or services provided for internal and external audiences.
  1. Outreach
  • List presentations or activities involving community-based organizations.
  • List publications developed and distributed to non-technical audiences.
  • List collaborations or connections that were initiated between individuals and institutions as a result of center activities or interests (especially collaborations not mentioned in publications or presentations under Scholarship).
  1. Service
  • Who are the participating members of your center? Faculty, staff, undergraduate/graduate students?
  • What type of service does your center provide?
  • To whom are the services provided?
  • How often are the services provided and by whom (what type of personnel)?
  • How does the center publicize its service mission to the community?
  • Do the clients pay for the service rendered? What proportion of cost is recovered this way?
  • Do the service activities also have a research component? If so, please explain.
  • List related activities such as public presentations or workshops.
  • List any collaborations initiated or developed with other organizations as a result of performing the services.
  1. Future Directions

What are planned for the next five years? (List projected activities, personnel, new areas of interest, new collaborations etc.).

  1. Resource acquisition
  • List submissions for external funding, including dollar amounts, dates, and agencies. See Note below.
  • Specify faculty members (including their academic departments or units) involved in these submissions for external funding. See Note below.
  • List successful submissions (i.e., awards) by agency and by faculty/discipline. See Note below.
  • List external or internal support from public or private sources, including dollar amounts, dates, durations, and agencies.
  • List in-kind contributions acquired to support center activities.

Note: Provided by the Office of Research upon request.

  1. Appendix:
  1. Center or Institute Supplementary Information.