Our Ref:
Your Ref.
Strictly Private & Confidential
Dear (insert name)
Re: Outcome of Disciplinary Hearing
I write to confirm the outcome of the disciplinary hearing held on (insert day & date). The hearing was convened in accordance with section 13.5 of the organisation Disciplinary Procedure.
I chaired the panel supported by (insert name), HR Consultant. The management case was presented by (insert name), Investigating Manager, supported by (insert name), HR Consultant. You were accompanied at the hearing by (insert name), (insert name and title if appropriate)/ You declined to attend the hearing and a decision was taken to proceed with the hearing in your absence (delete as appropriate). (insert name) was also present to take notes.
(insert name(s) of witnesess) were available as witnesses.
At this hearing the panel considered the allegations that:
· (complete with details of allegations set out in management report)
The hearing was adjourned in order for the panel to make a decision based upon the evidence presented by both parties in respect of each of the allegations. Please find enclosed a copy of the notes of the meeting./A copy of the notes of the meeting will be sent to you within the next (insert number of days). (delete as appropriate)
After careful consideration of all the facts presented by both parties the panel felt that
it had no alternative but to issue you with a Final Written Warning which will remain active for a period of twenty four months.
In reaching their decision the panel considered (insert summary of the reasons for the decision)
The panel advised you that they will also be making a number of recommendations regarding supervision and allocation of work, specifically you will:
(Insert the recommendations of the panel)
A copy of the final written warning will be retained on your personal file but will be disregarded for disciplinary purposes after twenty four months from the date of this hearing. Any repetition or failure to improve in accordance with the expectations of the panel or any further disciplinary issues, may result in further disciplinary action being taken and this warning may be taken into consideration. It is expected that this warning will lead to an improvement in your employment record so that such action will not be necessary.
I am obliged to inform you that you do have the right to appeal. Appeals should be made to (insert name), Director of Human Resources within 10 working days of the date of this letter. The appeal should be made in writing and set out clearly reasons for appeal.
Yours sincerely,
Job Title
Enc: Notes of the Hearing (delete as appropriate)
cc: HR Consultant
Representative (delete as appropriate)