Effective Date of June 1, 2001

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Board Policy DEE (LOCAL) specifies that prior approval for all travel must be obtained before any expenses are incurred, including any prepaid expenses. This procedure details steps necessary in planning a trip out of the San Antonio Metropolitan area, obtaining approval, making reservations for transportation and lodging, and receiving reimbursement or advance for approved expenses.


1.An employee’s supervisor shall approve in writing all travel plans for any employee prior to the finalization of any such plans committing the employee and the District (i.e., principals will be approved by their supervisors, teachers and school staff will be approved by principals, department personnel will be approved by department heads, etc.).

a.To gain written approval, the employee shall submit a Trip Authorization Form [BUS-1R] to the supervisor.

(1)The employee shall complete all preliminary information on the form, including the purpose of the travel and the dates. Cost for meals shall reflect the actual amount in accordance with allowable daily per diem. Lodging expense should be as accurate as possible but should not include State Hotel Occupancy Taxes, which should not be charged to school district staff within the State of Texas. City Hotel Occupancy Taxes must be paid. Lodging cost incurred outside of the State of Texas should include amounts due for all taxes to be incurred.

(2)The supervisor shall ensure that any funds which are to be used are available and are appropriate for the travel purpose. The proposed budget code must be entered on the authorization form as required.

b.If the funds for the proposed travel are from the school/department’s local budget, then the employee’s immediate supervisor is the only individual who must give written approval. However, if the funds for the proposed travel are from federal funds or any grant, then the principal/department head shall confer with the Federal Program Director to ensure that the expenditure is in compliance with the program guidelines.

c.Only those Trip Authorization Forms [BUS-1R] with budget codes and appropriate signatures are considered complete and give authorization for the employee to proceed with plans including transportation reservations, etc.

d.If signature approval from the appropriate supervisor is not obtained prior to making financial commitments, the employee will not be reimbursed for any travel expenses.


After approval has been granted, the employee shall make arrangements for transportation and lodging.


a.The employee may investigate various rates with different travel agencies, but it is preferable that the employee make reservations with the travel agency used by the District. By using the District agency, the employee may have the fare charged to the District account and pay the fare by completing a Reimbursement and Advance Request Form [AB-17] with the appropriate budget code and the supervisor's signature. The tickets will be given to the employee when the following documents are submitted to the Finance Office:

(1)The completed and signed Reimbursement and Advance Request form [AB-


(2)The completed and signed Trip AuthorizationForm [BUS-1R];

(3)Copies of supporting documentation about the trip (e.g., brochure about a conference noting the dates, location, and other information).

b.Only employees who have been approved for travel shall have air fare reserved and tickets issued to the District: in no circumstances shall family members or other non-employees have tickets reserved and issued through the District. If an employee has a family member accompany him/her, the employee must book that travel independently of the District and pay the agency directly.

c.If the employee wishes to make reservations through any agency other than the agency used by the District, the employee shall contact the Finance department prior to making the arrangements for the travel.

d.If the employee is traveling by car, the employee will be reimbursed for mileage in accordance with State Mileage Guidelines as explained in the section of this policy on TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT/ADVANCE TO EMPLOYEES.

  1. Lodging: The employee shall make the reservations for lodging, and then choose one of these

methods for paying the lodging expenses.

a.After obtaining the total price for the stay, the employee may submit a Trip Authorization Form [BUS-1R] according to the directions in TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT/ADVANCE TO EMPLOYEES. The employee then may receive an advance to cover the lodging and meals.

  1. Or, the employee may pay for the lodging and obtain reimbursement with proper receipts upon his/her return to work.
  2. Lodging costs can also be paid by using the Purchasing Card.
  3. Lodging is reimbursable based on actual allowable expenses. In-State Federal Guidelines restrict the funding amount to $70.00 per day. Local Funding will be required for the amount in excess of the $70.00 (e.g. Actual Lodging expense is 100.00 Federal Funding may be used to fund $70.00. Local funding is required for the remaining $30.00). Federal Funding for Out-of-State lodging is limited to allowable rate as published in State Guidelines. Excess of Allowable rate must be funded with Local Funds. Refer to the Travel Guidelines for detail information.
  4. Employees shall use the Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate [FORM C20-A] when registering in Texas. The District will not reimburse hotel/motel tax spent by employees within Texas.

3. Meals:

  1. Mealswill bereimbursed on a per diem basis. The meal allowance is detailed on the Travel Guidelines. Allowable per diem amount is based on the departure and arrival time.
  2. Students who are participating in an approved school activity and are traveling as representatives of their school with approved school staff and are approved for meals shall be provided up to $7.00 for each meal, not to exceed $21.00 per student for three meals in one day.


1.If an employee cannot make the planned trip and airline reservations have been made and tickets purchased, the employee shall explain the extenuating circumstances preventing completion of the trip in a memo addressed to his/her immediate supervisor. Since the supervisor previously had approved the travel plans, the supervisor shall sign the memo to acknowledge awareness of the situation. The employee and the supervisor shall keep copies of the memo.

2.The employee shall return the tickets to the Assoc. Supt. of Finance along with a copy of the memo with the supervisor's signature.

3.Personnel in the Finance Department shall return the unused tickets for credit. However, not all tickets are refundable, and the District may lose the funds that paid for the tickets. For this reason, supervisors shall emphasize during the planning process the importance of completing any trips after reservations have been made.


Travel expenses, whether reimbursement after the travel or cash advance before the travel, require use of an AB-17 form (Reimbursement and Advance Request form) as well as the Trip Authorization Form [BUS-1R] with other documentation as required.


1.The principal/department head shall approve all travel advances. Employees shall gain approval prior to their departure from the principal/ department head for travel for which they are expecting reimbursement.


1.Only travel-related expenses shall be allowed for reimbursement with proper original itemized receipts. Expenses for which no receipts are available (such as parking meters, tolls and bus fares etc.) may be included up to $10.00 per destination. Personal expenses (such as movie rental) will not be reimbursed.

2.Seminar materials that may be purchased are limited to supply items that are a part of the conference and are a required item.

3.The District will reimburse an employee for one phone call home per day. The cost of the phone call shall not exceed $5.00 per day.


1.In addition to completing the AB-17, the employee shall also complete a Travel Worksheet noting the actual expenses and attach copy of the previously approved Trip Authorization Form [BUS-1R].

2.The employee shall accurately complete, sign, and date the Travel Worksheet .

3.The principal/department head shall sign both the AB-17 and the Travel Worksheet to authorize payment to the employee. The budget code from which funds will be drawn is required on both forms.

4.The AB-17 and the Travel Worksheet should be submitted within five working days of the employee’s return date. The following supporting documentation must be included.

a.All original receipts are to be identified and taped to a blank letter-size page for verification of expenditures;

b.Copies of brochures, announcements of conferences, etc. should be attached.

  1. If the expenditure is to be made from Federal funds, the entire packet including the two forms and the supporting documentation must be sent to the Director of Federal Programs for signature on the AB-17 noting approval of the expenditure.


  1. In addition to completing an AB-17, the employee must complete and attach a Travel Worksheet noting the actual expenses. Sections I through V of the Trip Authorization Form [BUS-1R] must also be completed and the information transferred to the Travel Worksheet.
  2. The employee must then complete items 2 through 5 of Travel Guidelines as listed above in section titled “TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT –WHEN ADVANCE RECEIVED.


1.The Finance Department shall issue a travel advance for only those out-of-town trips that entail an overnight stay: day trips to a destination outside the metropolitan area with a return home on the same day do not qualify for an advance.

2.Employees who wish to receive a travel advance for an approved trip must complete a Trip Authorization Form [BUS-1R] and a Reimbursement and Advance Request form [AB-17].

3.The Finance Department must receive the AB-17 and copy of the BUS-1R form not less than fifteen workdays prior to the expected trip departure date. Travel advance requests that are received more than fifteen (15) workdays prior to the departure date will not be processed for payment until the Friday before the departure date.

4.Employees who have requested and received a travel advance must submit a completed Travel Worksheet with appropriate receipts within five (5) workdays of their return date:

5.Employees who have received a travel advance in excess of their anticipated expenses must remit the amount due to the District by check or money order. Do not submit cash through the pony mail. The check or money order along with receipts should be attached to your Travel Worksheet and submitted to the Finance Office. Employees who received a travel advance that did not cover all approved expenses should submit receipts and their Travel Worksheet for reimbursement.

6.Reimbursement and Advance Request forms [AB-17] and the Trip Authorization Form [BUS-1R] shall be submitted to the Finance Department for processing and subsequent routing to the Accounts Payable Department.

Exception: Special-funding requirements may require that approval be obtained from a department head prior to submission to the Finance Department. These instructions will be provided on an individual basis.


1.Checks that are issued to employees may not be picked up at the Accounts Payable Department. Checks to employees for travel advances and/or reimbursements will be sent to the campus location and/or department to which the employee is assigned.

2.The Accounts Payable Department shall make all advances and reimbursements to employees for travel and related expenses.

3.AB-17s received in the Finance Dept. on Monday will normally be processed for payment on Friday of that week. If the workweek does not include five workdays, the payment will normally be made the following week on the next scheduled payment date. For example, if Thursday or Friday is not scheduled workdays due to a holiday, the vendor payment date will normally be the subsequent week.

4.Payments are not made during Spring Break or the Winter Holiday.

5.Schools and departments shall give the following responses to inquiries from employees regarding payment:

a. Employees should be advised that a payment authorization has been initiated and will be processed within 2-3 work weeks.

b.If the payment authorization has not been initiated the employee should be advised why the authorization has been delayed. The employee should be provided information as to when the authorization is to be made to Accounts Payable. The employee should be provided a reasonable expectation of when to expect payment.

Attachments – 2 additional pages:

EXHIBIT C20-EX-A: Travel Guidelines

See these INDEX references for related procedures:AB-17 reimbursement

FORM C20-A: Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate

References: Board Policy DEE (LOCAL)

Questions regarding this procedure should be addressed to the Finance Department , 141 Lavaca Street, San Antonio, Texas 78210-1095/ (210) 299-5577.