Discover Day
Additional Activities on Offer
To help you navigate the information please see pages for reference.
Times / Activities / Capacity for each session unless otherwise stated / Suggested section / Location:10am, 11am, 12pm, 2pm,
3pm, 4pm / Expedition film
A 40-minute documentary of the journey of 14 women who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean on a scientific research mission to make the unseen seen – from the plastics in our oceans to the toxics in our bodies.
- Note this is exclusively for Girlguiding LaSER members / 130 / Guides & The Senior Section / Lecture Theatre
National Maritime Museum
10am, 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 3pm / Female Explorers workshop
Activities based on three female explorers, American aviation pioneerAmelia Earhart, American marine biologist, explorer, and author Sylvia Earle, and Pocahontas.
Note exclusive for Girlguiding LaSER members / 30 / 5 -13yrs / Sammy Ofer Wing Foyer
National Maritime Museum
Every ½hr from 10:00am / Great Map App
Embark on a voyage of discovery across the seven seas in a fun adventure at the National Maritime Museum. As the Captain of your ship, the open seas and unknown lands lay ahead of you. Travel far and explore wide – the world is vast. You’ll gain a crew, find wonderful objects and meet exotic creatures, as you traverse the globe and rise to the rank of Great Explorer. – Note this is also available to general public, although 10 tablets available exclusively for Girlguiding LaSER members / 10 every 30mins / 5 -10yrs
Rainbows & Brownies / Great Map
National Maritime Museum
Turn up & do - collect from Girlguiding LaSER marshals / Self-Guided trails
Highlights trail - Rainbows
Look at some of the highlights of the Museum's collection.
Story Ship trail - Brownies
Fill your 'story ship' with things you need for your journey.
Nelson's Ship in a Bottle trail - Guides
Think about an object that you would like to take home.
Treasure Ahoy! trail
What treasures can you find around the Museum? Make the treasure chest and draw your favorites inside
. / 5 - 7yrs
7 – 11 yrs
10 – 14 yrs.
All ages / Propeller Area near the Lecture theatre
National Maritime Museum
Turn up & do - collect from Girlguiding LaSER marshals / Children’s Gallery
- Note this is also available to the general public / Max capacity of galleries 70 persons / All Hands Gallery - 6-12yrs
Ahoy Gallery - Rainbows
Turn up, queue & participate
10am – 12:30pm
1pm – 4:15pm / RSPB
- Note this is exclusively for Girlguiding LaSER members (you will also gain a badge!) / 30mins ‘slots’ / All sections / Crooms Hill
The Royal Park
Saturday only
Turn up, queue & participate
10am – 12:30pm
1pm – 4:15pm / Royal Astronomical Society - make constellation telescopes / 15mins ‘slots’ / All sections / If dry - Crooms Hill
The Royal Park -
If wet – the Colonnades
Turn up, queue & participate only by pre- collected lanyards from & as directed by Girlguiding LaSER marshals
10am -3:00pm / Painted Hall – Self-led visit for accompanied groups with returnable resources
- Note this is also available to the general public / 50 accompanied
Girlguiding LaSER members at a time / All sections / Collect lanyards from Painted Hall Colonnades
Old Royal Naval College
Turn up, queue & do - collect from Girlguiding LaSER marshals 10am – 5pm / Self-led trails of the Old Royal Naval College grounds
- Note grounds also available to the general public / Up to 30 members at a time / All sections / Mews School, Visitor Centre
Outside the Painted Hall
Old Royal Naval College
Turn up,
queue & participate as directed by Girlguiding LaSER marshals
10am – 5pm / Discover Greenwich
- Note this is also available to the general public / Up to 50 accompanied members at a time / All sections / Visitor Centre
Distances between Venues
To assist in your planning the table below shows approximate distances between venues (for more information on walking routes go to
You may find it helpful to highlight your ticketed event and add the time, this may then help you decide which other venues and the order in which to visit.
The Royal Observatory (Planetarium)NB access via steep hill
SE10 8XJ / National Maritime Museum
SE10 9NF / Cutty Sark
SE10 9HT / The Old Royal Naval College
(Painted Hall / Discover Greenwich)
SE10 9NN / Greenwich Pier (Thames Clipper) / Crooms Hill (RSPB)
The Royal Observatory (Planetarium)
NB access via steep hill
SE10 8XJ / X / 0.4miles/ 650m / 0.6miles/
950m / 0.6miles/950m / 0.7miles/
1100m / 0.3miles/
National Maritime Museum
SE10 9NF / 0.4miles/ 650m / X / 0.3miles/
500m / 0.3miles/
500m / 0.4miles/ 650m / 0.3miles/
Cutty Sark
SE10 9HT / 0.6miles/
950m / 0.3miles/
500m / X / 0.1miles/160m / 0.1miles/160m / 0.5miles/
The Old Royal Naval College (Painted
Hall / Discover Greenwich)
SE10 9NN / 0.6miles/950m / 0.3miles/
500m / 0.1miles/
160m / X / 0.2miles/300m / 0.5miles/
Greenwich Pier (Thames Clipper) / 0.7miles/
1100m / 0.4miles/ 650m / 0.1miles/
160m / 0.2miles/300m / X / 0.5miles/
Crooms Hill (RSPB) 10am – / 0.3miles/
500m / 0.3miles/
500m / 0.5miles/
800m / 0.5miles/
800m / 0.5miles/
800m / X