GOOD Morning Staff and Students

Today is


Here are your morning ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Please stand for the pledge of allegiance. (PAUSE)

The following colleges/universities will visit Wheaton High School to speak with interested juniors and seniors:

Please see Mrs. Hammond Davis in the College and Career Center in Room 1003 for a pass to attend.

Need a good laugh after the Presidential election? Come out to see Wheaton Drama Club’s Fall Comedy, The Election, about a high school presidential election that goes completely haywire. Tickets are $7 for students—bring your friends and family out for tons of laughter at one of our four shows: November 17th, 18th, and 19th at 7, and Saturday November 19th at 2PM!”

Come meet artist Carlos E. Garcia, a Modern Abstract Artist–Thursday, November 17 room 1210 after school. Carlos E. Garcia has lived in Rockville since 1991, he trained at Montgomery College Rockville Campus, the Yellow Barn Studio and the University of Maryland College Park. His abstract artwork is primarily concerned with various combinations of colors and shapes. Carlos is currently exhibiting artwork throughout Montgomery County and is a member of the Latino Art League of Greater Washington, DC.

The International Club meets on Wednesdays at lunch in room 2111. We will be electing our new officers at our next meeting on November 16th. See you then!

Attention swim and dive team, we will be having our first practice today in Mr. Helbergs room, room 3100, at 2:45. We will be going over forms, practice, gear, and much more. Please be

Attention all gymnast, if you are confused and looking for a winter sport at Wheaton that your skills fit into then look no further than the dive team. The Wheaton Dive team is still looking for members for the 2017 season. If you are interested, see Mr. Helberg in room 3100 for more information."

Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Cross Country team to an end of a successful season. The boys team finished in 11th place at the State Championships this past Saturday, missing the top 10 by one point. Jason Scott received All-State honors with his 14th place finish. The girls finished in 19th place with Gelila Hailemariam and Lauryn Bachman leading them with top 60 performances.

Anyone interested in Indoor Track and Field need to have all paperwork turned into Coach Trumbull in room 2009 by Wednesday in order to compete this season.

Attention all boys and girls trying out for JV or Varsity Basketball, tryouts are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. JV tryouts for both girls and boys 3-5 pm and Varsity for boys and girls 5-7 pm all three days. You cannot tryout unless permission forms and physicals are signed.

Female Student-Athlete of the Week is Gelila Hailemariam (Cross Country) (Class of 2017) for placing 57th out of 154 runners at the State Cross Country Meet this past Saturday at Hereford HS.

Male Student-Athlete of the Week is Jason Scott (Cross Country) (Class of 2017) for placing 14th out of 195 runners at the State Cross Country Meet this past Saturday at Hereford HS.

CollegeTracks Seniors, are you interested in teaching? Apply for the Education Matters Scholarship and enter to win $5,000. The deadline is November 30. Come to CollegeTracks to start your application.

CollegeTracks Seniors, are some of your schools requesting the CSS Profile? Come to CollegeTracks to for help and to get started

CollegeTracks Seniors- If you are applying to any colleges with a December 1st application deadline, attend today’s afterschool workshop in Room 1007.

If you need SSL HOURS please join the green team in room 3211 at 12:20 every Tuesday. New members are needed.

Students who are working on their HSA Bridge Project for NSL or Biology should report to room 3012 on their assigned day during period 1. See Mr Bergoffen for more details.

Attention prospective Knights lacrosse players: there will be an important, mandatory meeting for Boys Lacrosse during the second half of lunch on Thursday, November 17 in Coach Gelling’s room, 2123. You will meet the coaches and learn about requirements for making the team and pre-season training.

The SGA is sponsoring a canned food drive. Bring in any non-perishables, pasta, soup, beans, etc. All donations will go to the Manna Food Bank, and if we raise enough as a school, there could be a prize! So bring your non-perishables to the cafeteria in the mornings until the 23rd.

Attention seniors – Ms. Schreckengost has a few remaining t-shirts if you are still interested in purchasing a senior t-shirt. There a few smalls and larges left. They are $25 each. Please see Ms. Schreckengost in room 3602 if you are interested.

Students, do you want to practice for the SAT, ACT, and AP Exams? If so, go to the public library website and click on the “For You” tab at the top of the screen and then click on “Teens”. Then click on the “Getting Ready for College” tab. You must have a library card to use all the free online practice tests. Please see Ms. Brown in the media center if you need assistance

The yearbook is now on sale for $70. Over half of the pre-ordered books have been sold, so reserve your copy today before they're gone! Log onto or see Ms. Brandon in 1413D during lunch or after school.

Interested in cars, robots and community service? Come to the NSBE meeting on Fridays in Room 31 09.

1. All Seniors who would like SAT prep, the sign up is on Mrs. Polischeck's door-room 1000W... the November and December tests are quickly approaching.....

2. Buy your piece of history!!! The Honor Society is selling bricks from the old Wheaton High School for $10.00 supplies are limited!!!

3. The national honor society is also selling brick pavers for one of the walkways around new Wheaton... watch the Wheaton website for more info!!!

The Wellness Center provides Sports Physicals and medical appointments if needed. The procedure for setting up an appointment is to get a Wellness Center packet that needs to be filled out by a parent/guardian, bring the completed packet back into the Wellness Center, and then sign up for an appointment. Any other questions or any students that need the packet to sign up please go to the Wellness Center.

Anyone interested in story writing, sports reporting, the morning announcements and working for our TV and Video production Club, see Mr. Gallagher in the TV Studio - room 11 07C, during lunch or after school.


TODAY is an ALL period DAY