Mission and Theory of Action / Sow
Strategic Priorities / Nurture
Success Criteria / Discern
Discipleship / Mission:
If we learn about our faith and how Jesus lived His life, then we will try our best to live and love as He did.
Theory of Action:
If we learn from Jesus' message and strive to live as He did, then we will grow in our understanding of how God calls us to live throughout life's journey. / Our daily life at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys C.S. will reflect how we value and understand our faith as an important part of ourselves and our community. /
- Our "Walking Forward Together" theme will be understood and evident in all classrooms throughout the year.
- We will celebrate our faith together and form positive relationships through participation in Mass, prayer services, sacraments, and The Edge Program with our parish.
- We as teachers, will participate in professional and personal faith development opportunities throughout the year.
2. Reports to Catholic School Council
3. Information shared by Faith Life Representative
4. SIPSAW Team walk with feedback provided
5. District Support Process / -Classrooms will have prayer tables, reflect faith initiatives, prepare for sacraments andprepare for monthly Mass
- Shared learning at staff meetings (Faith Life Rep./others)
As a whole school community, we will work together to learn, in environments that are safe, caring, respectful, inclusive and healthy. /
- We will build our classroom communities by learning about and understanding each other through Circles (restorative or inquiry-based).
- When we make mistakes, we will take action and make things right.
- We will promote a positive safe school climate and the feeling of belonging through partnerships between classroom communities (i.e., Buddies, Peer Helpers).
- We will incorporate the Zones of Regulation to assist students in regulating their behaviour
- We will link home, school, parish and the school board (i.e., Aboriginal Studies) to develop a better understanding of our global communities.
- Peer helper schedule/tracking
Students, staff and parents will continue to develop a good understanding of the Catholic Graduate Expectations across all divisions. Our understanding will be evident through our actions. /
- We will highlight CGEs as part of our learning goals as appropriate. (I.e. EOCCC learning resources)
- We will actively live our faith by reaching out and helping people in our community. (I.e. United Way, Terry Fox Foundation, food drives, Christmas Craft Sale, Lenten initiatives).
- Learning goals linked to CGEs.
- Documentation of events (pictures, reflections).
SMB Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being 2016-2017
Mission and Theory of Action / Sow
Strategic Priorities / Nurture
Success Criteria / Discern
Scholarship / Mission:
Our thinking, learning and achievement will increase as we inspire and nurture engaging and innovative classroom communities where we can all build to improve our skills.
Theory of Action:
If, through student and teacher inquiry, we build and grow our knowledge of how we learn best, then our thinking, learning, achievement and well-being will ultimately increase. / We will continue to use inquiry and cooperative learning that is engaging and relevant, connected to the world around us to achieve our learning goals (literacy and numeracy). /
- We will have visible learning goals accessible to students.
- We will see evidence of self-selected student inquiry both inside and outside the classroom.
- We will form strong community partnerships (i.e.; fire department, police, church, parents).
2. Staff meetings
3. Informal Divisional meetings
4. Math PLCs (K-3)
5. District Support Process / - Student work trails in classrooms/divisions
- Comprehensive Literacy Assessments (PM Benchmarks, CASI)
We will effectively use a variety of technology to document and capture student thinking and learning over time (i.e., Fresh Grade, Padlet, iPads, cameras). /
- We will document our learning using Fresh Grade
- We will access OneDrive-collaboration between teacher/teacher; student/student; teacher/student.
- We will adhere to responsible use of PED (personal electronic device) to enhance learning and document thinking.
- We will plan for authentic and purposeful use of technology at point of instruction.
- We will utilize Keyboarding Without Tears program
We will provide flexible learning environments that promote diverse approaches to learning (e.g., tables, desks, tent, computers, learning commons, Peace Garden). /
- We will design classrooms that provide a variety of settings that will reflect the learning needs of our students (comfortable seating, low lighting, high tables, small group collaborative spaces).
- Focus Groups
- Professional
Development Feedback
We will use the RMS (Revised Math Strategy) alongside our SAT and the schools 2 Math Learning Partners for student improvement /
- We will honour a 60-minute uninterrupted math block.
- We will have cross classroom flexible groupings based on PRIME data (Intermediate division).
- We will use of the counting continuum (K-4).
- We will use of resources provided to the schools (Super Source, Marian Small, Vande Walle, Guides to effective Math)
- Exit Cards
- Peer/Self Assessments
- EQAO Data
SMB Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being 2016-2017
Mission and Theory of Action / Sow
Strategic Priorities / Nurture
Success Criteria / Discern
Stewardship / Mission:
As a community of learners created in the image of God, we will be responsible for our environment and God’s creation through our daily choices.
Theory of Action:
If we model and teach responsible and accountable practices, and the call to care for all of God’s creation, then we will grow as responsible citizens who respect the environment and contribute to the common good. / We will support the learning and caring for God’s gift of creation through programming in, about and for the environment. /
- We will have nature focused activities such asWalking Wednesday, Fresh Air Friday and student-led inquiries (Kindergarten).
- We will develop a better understanding of the experiences of First Nations, Metis and Inuit histories, cultures and perspectives through the Arts literacy-based activities and History inquiries.
- Our school Eco team will create video(s) and in-class presentations in completing our Platinum pledge.
2. District Support Process
3. Learning Walks / - Continued us of Student Eco Trails
- Ontario Eco School Guidelines: participation and certification
- Monitoring Checklist: Becoming a PeaceQuest School
- Pictures on Stewardship boards (Documentation)
We will promote communities of belonging where all are invited and included.
We will continue to promotebuilding healthy relationships. /
- We will continue to build community and understanding of global citizenship through the use of Circles, Roots of Empathy Program (Grade 3 and Kindergarten), Fun Friends Program (Grade 1 and 2 classes) along with being a PeaceQuest
We will continue to putour Faith into Action. /
- We will work with our learning buddies (reading, writing, working together on all subjects and inquiries)
- Our Grade 8 girls will participate in "Fresh Air Friday" with the Kindergartens
- Our Eco Committee will train younger students how to recycle and compost properly.
- Our Peer monitors/helpers will continue to work with students to resolve conflicts peacefully during recess
- Our Platinum Pledge Year projects will reflect inquiry-based learning that connects us to our greater community
-School web site: news features