Question Bank for BCA IV Semester – VB.NET
2 marks Questions:
- Write a note on Properties Window
- Write a note on Form Designer.
- Why do you use the Form Layout Window?
- What is Immediate Window? Why it is used?
- Name any two tools from the toolbox.
- Write the differences between the txtbox tool and label tool.
- Write the differences between the combobox tool and listbox tool.
- Write a note on Form.
- Write any FOUR unique properties of form.
- Differentiate the visible and enable properties.
- Write a note on checkbox and option button tools.
- Write a note on timer tool.
- Write a note on Rich Textbox tool.
- Write a note on Got Focus and Lost Focus events.
- How do you declare constants in VB.NET?
- How do you create enumerations in VB.NET?
- Write the syntax of declaring variables and give one example for declaring variable.
- Write a note on data types available in VB.NET.
- Describe the following:
- IsArray( )
- IsDate( )
- IsDBNull( )
- IsError( )
- IsNumeric()
- IsReference( )
- How do you declare arrays in VB.NET?
- Write a note on ReDim and Preserve keywords.
- How do you write comments in VB.NET?
- Write a note on Withstatement. Give an example for using Withstatement.
- Write any two methods of System.Math namespace.
- Describe the following math methods.
- Abs
- Atn
- Cos
- Log
- Round
- Sin
- Sqr
- Write a note on On Error GoTo 0 statement
- Give an example for Finallykeyword.
- Briefly explain about Windows Forms.
- Describe IsMdiChild and IsMdiContainer properties of Forms.
- What do you mean by events?
- What do you mean by methods?
- How do you show or hide forms?
- Write a note on MsgBox function.
- Write a note on InputBox function.
- Write a note on MessageBox.Show method.
- How do you set up a startup form and why?
- Write the MDILayout enumeration values for arranging MDI child forms.
- Describe any FOUR mouse Events.
- Write any FOUR Keyboard events.
- What do you mean by the Control Class?
- Describe the multiline and passwordchar properties of textbox control.
- How do you make a textbox read only?
- How do you create textbox in code?
- Write a note on Label Control.
- How can you link the Web using Link Labels?
- Write a note on Buttons.
- Differentiate Checkboxes and Radio Buttons.
- Differentiate Textboxes and Labels
- Differentiate Panels and Group boxes.
- Write a note on FlatStyle and Image properties of Button control
- How do you add picture to a button.
- Write a note on Getting and Setting Radio Button’s State.
- Write a note on creating panels.
- Describe the items andmulticoloumn properties of a ListBox.
- Describe the sorted, and Text properties of a listbox.
- Give one example for SelectedIndexChanged property.
- Write a note on CheckedListBox class.
- Write a note on CheckedIndeces and GetItemCheckState properties of Checkedlist box.
- Write a note on clearing a combo box and getting the number of items in a combo box.
- Differentiate Listbox and combobox.
- Write about the splitters and track bars.
- Describe Date, Day, DayOfWeek, Ticks properties of DateTime Picker.
- Briefly Explain Tool Tips Icon.
- Write a note on Month Calender Controls.
- Name FOUR built in Dialog Boxes.
- Explain Menu Access Keys and Creating Menu Shortcuts.
- Four modes of List Views.
- Write a note on ToolBars.
- Write a note on ADO.NET.
- Write about Simple Data Binding and Complex Data Binding.
- Write a note SqlDataAdapter Class, OracleDataReaderclass, DataSet class, SqlDataReader Classes.
- Write a note on Listing all the records from a table using SQL.
3 marks, 4 marks, 5 marks and 6 marks
- List and explain any three mouse events in VB.NET.
- List and explain any three keyboard events in VB.NET.
- Write short note on
- The .NET Framework
- Common Language Runtime
- Describe any SIX System Namespaces.
- Explain the following parts of VBIDE.
- The toolbox
- The solution explorer
- The properties window
- Explain decision making with if...elseif...else statement with syntax and example.
- Explain decision making with Select Case statement with syntax and example.
- Explain Do Loop, For loop and While loop with syntax and example for each.
- Explain the use of For Each...Next loop.
- Write the syntax of creating Sub procedures in VB.NET . Give an example.
- Explain the scope of variables in VB.NET.
- Explain Exception handling with example.
- Explain any FIVE properties of Form.
- Write any FIVE methods of Form.
- Write any FIVE events of Form.
- How do you set Tab order for Controls?
- Explain
- Creating MDI applications
- Docking and Anchoring Controls
- Creating MDI child windows in code
- Describe
- Any TEN general properties of control objects.
- Any TEN Methods of control objects
- Any TEN Events of Control Objects
- Briefly Explain
- Text box Control
- Rich Text Boxes
- Labels and Link Labels
- Explain any THREE Properties , THREE Event and THREE Methods of Text Boxes.
- How do you create multiline, wordwrap text boxes?
- Write about SelectionLength, SelectionStart and SelectedText properties of the textbox.
- Write about HideSelection property of the text box.
- Explain about copying or getting selected text to or from the clipboard.
- Write KeyPress event to check whether user is inputting a single digit to the textbox.
- Write Five properties, FIVE methods and FIVE events of RichTextBox.
- Explain the following with examples:
- Adding bullets to Rich Text Boxes.
- Setting Text Color in RTF Boxes
- Saving and Loading RTF files from and to Rich Text Boxes.
- How do you create LinkLabel in VB.NET? Write the use of LinkLabel.
- Write procedure to set the following for the button’s click event :
- Button’s caption
- Buttons foreground and background color
- Buttons font
- How do you add controls to Group Boxes in Code?
- Explain FIVE properties, FIVE methods and FIVE events of ListBox control.
- How do you add the list of items “Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Goa, TN, AP” to a list box when you click on a button?
- Write the methods for
- Removing items from a list box
- Sorting a listbox
- Determining how many items are in a listbox
- Determining which listbox items are selected.
- Explain creating multiselect list boxes with an example.
- Write any FIVE properties, events qnd methods of checked list boxes.
- With an example explain how to add items to checked list boxes in code.
- Explain
- FIVE important properties of combobox.
- Dropdown, dropDownStyleChanged and SelectedIndexChanged events of Combobox
- Any FOUR methods of Combobox
- Explain Creating-
- Simple comboboxes
- Drop down combo boxes
- Drop-down list combo boxes
- How do you add items and remove items to / from a combo box?
- Explain
- Setting or Getting the Image in a Picture Box
- Adjusting Picture Box size to contents
- Handling picture box events
- Explain scroll bars with its important properties.
- Explain Date Time Pickers with their static properties.
- Name any FIVE methods of Date Time Pickers.
- Explain Minimum and Maximum properties and Large change and Small Change properties of Scroll Bar.
- Explain the Scroll Bar Events (Any FIVE)
- Why the Splitter controls are used? Explain Creating Splitter Control with an example.
- Write how do you handle Timer Events? Create an Alarm Clock and explain.
- Explain the following with minimum Four properties, events and methods:
- Open File Dialogs
- Save File Dialogs
- Font Dialogs
- Color Dialogs
- How do you create menus in VB.NET? Explain.
- Explain the following controls in detail
- Image Lists with ImageList ,ImageIndex, ColorDepth and ImageSize properties.
- Tree Node Class
- Status Bars
- Progress Bars
- How do you add images to Image Lists in code?
- Explain Creating List Views in Code
- Explain the following objects of ADO.NET
- Data Connection objects
- Command objects
- Data table objects
- Data relation objects
- DataRaw objects
- Data column objects
- Give one example for each of the following in SQL
- The IN clause
- The LIKE clause
- SELECT statement
- The BETWEEN clause
- The DISTINCT clause
- Explain the ways to use data binding in VB.NET applications.
- Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of OleDbConnection class.
- Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of SqlConnection class.
- Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of OracleConnection class.
- Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of OleDbCommand class.
- Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of SQLCommand class.
- Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of DbDataAdapter class.
(Practical List Programs included)