Question Bank for BCA IV Semester – VB.NET

2 marks Questions:

  1. Write a note on Properties Window
  2. Write a note on Form Designer.
  3. Why do you use the Form Layout Window?
  4. What is Immediate Window? Why it is used?
  5. Name any two tools from the toolbox.
  6. Write the differences between the txtbox tool and label tool.
  7. Write the differences between the combobox tool and listbox tool.
  8. Write a note on Form.
  9. Write any FOUR unique properties of form.
  10. Differentiate the visible and enable properties.
  11. Write a note on checkbox and option button tools.
  12. Write a note on timer tool.
  13. Write a note on Rich Textbox tool.
  14. Write a note on Got Focus and Lost Focus events.
  15. How do you declare constants in VB.NET?
  16. How do you create enumerations in VB.NET?
  17. Write the syntax of declaring variables and give one example for declaring variable.
  18. Write a note on data types available in VB.NET.
  19. Describe the following:
  20. IsArray( )
  21. IsDate( )
  22. IsDBNull( )
  23. IsError( )
  24. IsNumeric()
  25. IsReference( )
  26. How do you declare arrays in VB.NET?
  27. Write a note on ReDim and Preserve keywords.
  28. How do you write comments in VB.NET?
  29. Write a note on Withstatement. Give an example for using Withstatement.
  30. Write any two methods of System.Math namespace.
  31. Describe the following math methods.
  32. Abs
  33. Atn
  34. Cos
  35. Log
  36. Round
  37. Sin
  38. Sqr
  39. Write a note on On Error GoTo 0 statement
  40. Give an example for Finallykeyword.
  41. Briefly explain about Windows Forms.
  42. Describe IsMdiChild and IsMdiContainer properties of Forms.
  43. What do you mean by events?
  44. What do you mean by methods?
  45. How do you show or hide forms?
  46. Write a note on MsgBox function.
  47. Write a note on InputBox function.
  48. Write a note on MessageBox.Show method.
  49. How do you set up a startup form and why?
  50. Write the MDILayout enumeration values for arranging MDI child forms.
  51. Describe any FOUR mouse Events.
  52. Write any FOUR Keyboard events.
  53. What do you mean by the Control Class?
  54. Describe the multiline and passwordchar properties of textbox control.
  55. How do you make a textbox read only?
  56. How do you create textbox in code?
  57. Write a note on Label Control.
  58. How can you link the Web using Link Labels?
  59. Write a note on Buttons.
  60. Differentiate Checkboxes and Radio Buttons.
  61. Differentiate Textboxes and Labels
  62. Differentiate Panels and Group boxes.
  63. Write a note on FlatStyle and Image properties of Button control
  64. How do you add picture to a button.
  65. Write a note on Getting and Setting Radio Button’s State.
  66. Write a note on creating panels.
  67. Describe the items andmulticoloumn properties of a ListBox.
  68. Describe the sorted, and Text properties of a listbox.
  69. Give one example for SelectedIndexChanged property.
  70. Write a note on CheckedListBox class.
  71. Write a note on CheckedIndeces and GetItemCheckState properties of Checkedlist box.
  72. Write a note on clearing a combo box and getting the number of items in a combo box.
  73. Differentiate Listbox and combobox.
  74. Write about the splitters and track bars.
  75. Describe Date, Day, DayOfWeek, Ticks properties of DateTime Picker.
  76. Briefly Explain Tool Tips Icon.
  77. Write a note on Month Calender Controls.
  78. Name FOUR built in Dialog Boxes.
  79. Explain Menu Access Keys and Creating Menu Shortcuts.
  80. Four modes of List Views.
  81. Write a note on ToolBars.
  82. Write a note on ADO.NET.
  83. Write about Simple Data Binding and Complex Data Binding.
  84. Write a note SqlDataAdapter Class, OracleDataReaderclass, DataSet class, SqlDataReader Classes.
  85. Write a note on Listing all the records from a table using SQL.

3 marks, 4 marks, 5 marks and 6 marks

  1. List and explain any three mouse events in VB.NET.
  2. List and explain any three keyboard events in VB.NET.
  3. Write short note on
  4. The .NET Framework
  5. Common Language Runtime
  6. Describe any SIX System Namespaces.
  7. Explain the following parts of VBIDE.
  8. The toolbox
  9. The solution explorer
  10. The properties window
  11. Explain decision making with if...elseif...else statement with syntax and example.
  12. Explain decision making with Select Case statement with syntax and example.
  13. Explain Do Loop, For loop and While loop with syntax and example for each.
  14. Explain the use of For Each...Next loop.
  15. Write the syntax of creating Sub procedures in VB.NET . Give an example.
  16. Explain the scope of variables in VB.NET.
  17. Explain Exception handling with example.
  18. Explain any FIVE properties of Form.
  19. Write any FIVE methods of Form.
  20. Write any FIVE events of Form.
  21. How do you set Tab order for Controls?
  22. Explain
  23. Creating MDI applications
  24. Docking and Anchoring Controls
  25. Creating MDI child windows in code
  26. Describe
  27. Any TEN general properties of control objects.
  28. Any TEN Methods of control objects
  29. Any TEN Events of Control Objects
  30. Briefly Explain
  31. Text box Control
  32. Rich Text Boxes
  33. Labels and Link Labels
  34. Explain any THREE Properties , THREE Event and THREE Methods of Text Boxes.
  35. How do you create multiline, wordwrap text boxes?
  36. Write about SelectionLength, SelectionStart and SelectedText properties of the textbox.
  37. Write about HideSelection property of the text box.
  38. Explain about copying or getting selected text to or from the clipboard.
  39. Write KeyPress event to check whether user is inputting a single digit to the textbox.
  40. Write Five properties, FIVE methods and FIVE events of RichTextBox.
  41. Explain the following with examples:
  42. Adding bullets to Rich Text Boxes.
  43. Setting Text Color in RTF Boxes
  44. Saving and Loading RTF files from and to Rich Text Boxes.
  45. How do you create LinkLabel in VB.NET? Write the use of LinkLabel.
  46. Write procedure to set the following for the button’s click event :
  47. Button’s caption
  48. Buttons foreground and background color
  49. Buttons font
  50. How do you add controls to Group Boxes in Code?
  51. Explain FIVE properties, FIVE methods and FIVE events of ListBox control.
  52. How do you add the list of items “Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Goa, TN, AP” to a list box when you click on a button?
  53. Write the methods for
  54. Removing items from a list box
  55. Sorting a listbox
  56. Determining how many items are in a listbox
  57. Determining which listbox items are selected.
  58. Explain creating multiselect list boxes with an example.
  59. Write any FIVE properties, events qnd methods of checked list boxes.
  60. With an example explain how to add items to checked list boxes in code.
  61. Explain
  62. FIVE important properties of combobox.
  63. Dropdown, dropDownStyleChanged and SelectedIndexChanged events of Combobox
  64. Any FOUR methods of Combobox
  65. Explain Creating-
  66. Simple comboboxes
  67. Drop down combo boxes
  68. Drop-down list combo boxes
  69. How do you add items and remove items to / from a combo box?
  70. Explain
  71. Setting or Getting the Image in a Picture Box
  72. Adjusting Picture Box size to contents
  73. Handling picture box events
  74. Explain scroll bars with its important properties.
  75. Explain Date Time Pickers with their static properties.
  76. Name any FIVE methods of Date Time Pickers.
  77. Explain Minimum and Maximum properties and Large change and Small Change properties of Scroll Bar.
  78. Explain the Scroll Bar Events (Any FIVE)
  79. Why the Splitter controls are used? Explain Creating Splitter Control with an example.
  80. Write how do you handle Timer Events? Create an Alarm Clock and explain.
  81. Explain the following with minimum Four properties, events and methods:
  82. Open File Dialogs
  83. Save File Dialogs
  84. Font Dialogs
  85. Color Dialogs
  86. How do you create menus in VB.NET? Explain.
  87. Explain the following controls in detail
  88. Image Lists with ImageList ,ImageIndex, ColorDepth and ImageSize properties.
  89. Tree Node Class
  90. Status Bars
  91. Progress Bars
  92. How do you add images to Image Lists in code?
  93. Explain Creating List Views in Code
  94. Explain the following objects of ADO.NET
  95. Data Connection objects
  96. Command objects
  97. Data table objects
  98. Data relation objects
  99. DataRaw objects
  100. Data column objects
  101. Give one example for each of the following in SQL
  102. The IN clause
  103. The LIKE clause
  104. SELECT statement
  105. The BETWEEN clause
  106. The DISTINCT clause
  107. Explain the ways to use data binding in VB.NET applications.
  108. Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of OleDbConnection class.
  109. Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of SqlConnection class.
  110. Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of OracleConnection class.
  111. Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of OleDbCommand class.
  112. Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of SQLCommand class.
  113. Write and explain FIVE properties and FIVE methods of DbDataAdapter class.

(Practical List Programs included)