‘Our vision is for our children to be happy, healthy, independent learners who communicate effectively and show respect for their environment, their peers and the global community’

Monday 30th October

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you have all had a lovely half term and everyone is ready to share their half term news with their class.

Reading Books

Remember that the reading challenge will continue this term. If you listen to your child read 4 times during the week, they will become a reading champion that week. If, your child reads 4 times each week for 10 weeks, they will receive a book. We will continue to listen to your child read during the week and will continue to change their reading books twice a week.

Key Rings

Now your children are beginning to recognise the initial sounds and have started to blend, we will be sending home simple CV (consonant, vowel) and CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words on key rings for the children to blend and read. Key rings are only changed when the children can read each word consistently.

Phonics Sound Books

We will begin to teach Phase 3 phonics this term. Some of the sounds we will be learning contain two letters these are called digraphs but still make one sound, like ‘ck’. Your child will continue to bring home the sounds we have been learning that week. Please continue to practice the sounds with your child and practice letter formation of the sound. Lots of children are recognising their ‘tricky truck’ words so please continue to practice these with your child.

Show and Tell and Star of the Week.

The children have really enjoyed show and tell at the end of each day, we will continue to send the red bag home each night.

Star of the week will be given either Bertie Badger or Jasper Rabbit on Friday. Please make sure they come back to school with the book by the following Friday.

Named Wellington Boots

Remember we will be continuing to do lots of exciting things outside, even in the rain and sometimes we get muddy!

Spare clothes
We all know accidents may happen; please can you provide a spare set of clothes in case it is needed.

Named PE Kit

Our PE day is WEDNESDAY. This term we will be focusing on PE fundamental skills and preparing for our Christmas performance. Please ensure your child’s P.E. kit is always in school and named.

Parent Helpers

Those of your who have kindly volunteered to help we would like you to start in week two and we will confirm with you which days subject to your completed DBS checks.


Remember to check Tapestry regularly, to see what we have been up to at school. If you have any issues logging into or viewing any content on Tapestry, please let us know.

Team Points

This term we will be introducing team points along with the whole school. Children are awarded team points for good work in the classroom. These are celebrated in whole school assembly on a Monday. In the summer the children represent their team in our sports day.

Thank you for your continued support

Jo Lightfoot, Sarah Powell, Louise Hughes, Tracey McHale, Jeanette Turner.

Houses for Team Points
Moorhen / Golden Eye
Cailin / Toby C
Noah / Pippa
Sophia / Marco
Archie W
Mute Swan / Shelduck
Poppie S
Lily / Thomas W
Sam / Taylor F
Poppy B
Grace / Charlie C
Charlie B
Archie M