Valley School
Class: Nursery Date: Nov - Dec 2016

Our topic this ½ term is…Ourselves

We will be learning about …

/ Speaking and Listening opportunities during circle time sessions including Weekend News.
Role play in the ‘Home Corner’ acting out different roles.
Letters and sounds – to develop children’s listening skills and awareness of sounds in the environment.
Sharing stories – favourite stories and stories about our bodies, families and senses. Including ‘Guess How Much I Love You’, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, ‘My Family’.
/ Reciting some number names in sequence and recognising numbers 1 – 5.
Noticing numbers in the environment.
Noticing simple shapes and patterns in pictures.
Recognising simple patterns and tapping out simple repeated patterns and sequences.
We will also be singing familiar maths songs and rhymes in everyday play and routine.
Understanding of the World
/ Focussing on our own bodies and labelling body parts.
Looking at photographs of our families and pets and noticing how we are the same and how we are different.
Using simple ICT equipment including relevant games linked to our topic.
A focus on special times in the year including Halloween, Bonfire Night, Diwali, Remembrance Day and Christmas.
Social and Emotional Development
(PSED topic)
/ Continuing to promote independence and social skills.
Working in large groups, smaller groups and as an individual.
Sharing own experiences of what they have done each weekend during news time circles and discussing our emotions. We will look at how we can make ourselves and others feel happy and special.
Creative Development
Music / Autumn, Halloween and Bonfire Pictures.
Christmas crafts.
Drawing pictures of my family, pets and home.
Practicing cutting and sticking skills.
Continuing to engage in imaginative role play in the home corner.
Creating movement in response to music.
Food fun sessions – exploring with jelly, angel delight, cornflour, popcorn and more!
Body parts songs.
Including PE
/ Dancing in the Hall to favourite action songs.
Using P.E. equipment in the Hall including scooter boards, balance beams etc.
Hydrotherapy sessions.
OT sessions using therapy balls and cushions.
Ball pool fun.
Continuing to develop fine motor skills to help with independence with feeding and dressing e.g. fastening coats and shoes etc.

All children will be working on their either individual IEP targets, key skills or curriculum related targets during lessons.