Drusilla Pearson Barnett (updated 11/06/11) 07/12/1755 – 05/04/1845

5th Generation

1st – Oscar William Newton 1903 – 1960 / Doris Vivian Brown 1904 - 1996

2nd – Ray William Newton 1856 – 1932 / Harriett “Hattie” Elizabeth Smith ca 1863- 1937

3rd - Charles Austin Smith 1823 – bef 1900 / Pathenia Hitt ca 1825 - ca 1864

4th - Holman R. Smith 1783 – 1855 / Elizabeth Willis 1789 - 1868

5th - Richard Willis 1744 – 1837 / Drusilla Pearson Barnett 1755 - 1845

Drusilla/Drucilla Pearson Barnett was born on 07/12/1755 in St. James Parish, Goochland County, Virginia, Colonies, and died May 4, 1845 in Spartanburg, South Carolina. She was the daughter of Joseph Barnett (10/1731 Goochland, VA, Colonies) and Lucy Wade (09/01/1729 Goochland Co, VA Colonies.) According to Joseph and Lucy Barnett’s family Bible, Drusilla was their first born child.

In 1774, when she was 19 years old, she married Richard Willis, Sr. (02/25/1744-12/25/1837) in Spartanburg, SC. Richard was the son of William Willis and Elizabeth Davis.

They lived on Kelso/Kelsey Creek that merged with Fairforest Creek, Spartanburg, SC, on a plantation. This is close to the spot where the ambush of the loyalist took place at the battle of Cedar Spring on July 12, 1780. The surprised Loyalist fled to Gowen’s Fort.

By 1775, Richard was serving as a solider against the Redcoats in the Revolutionary War. He returned home off and on while the war was raging and by the end of the war in 1783, Richard was home to stay.

Drusilla and Richard had a number of children over a 21-year period of time. Drusilla was 20 when their first child was born and 41 when the last child was born. All their children were born in Spartanburg County, SC

1. John Willis (09/18/1775 – 10/1/1835) d in Spartanburg, SC. m on 11/21/1799 to Martha Patsy Smith (11/21/1799 – 07/03/1851) 2. Martha Willis (03/30/1777 – 07/30/1856) d SC. M John J. Thomas 3. William Willis (09/23/1779 – ca 1825 Simpson Co, KY) 4. Richard Willis (03/20/1783 – 11/16/1816 Charleston C., SC 5. Mary G. Willis (05/21/1785 – 10/12/1851 Calhoun, Gordon Co., GA m. Benjamin Roebuck. Buried in Cass Co., GA. 6. Elizabeth Willis 08/21/1789 – 01/23/1868 Spartanburg, SC. M. Holman Smith.

7. Joseph Willis (03/29/1792 – 05/19/1843) Coffee Co, TN. 8. Edward Hampton Willis (04/06/1794 – 09/29/1849 Spartanburg Co) m.

CatherineRoebuck, daughter of George Roebuck and Levina Bobo. 9.Sterling Willis (10/19/1796 – 07/20/1879 Spartanburg SC. M. Cynthia Brewton.

1800 – Drusilla Richard and Drusilla bought and sold a number of pieces of property and plantations in Spartanburg County during their lives. (See husband, Richard Willis’ record for copies of many of the sales.)

State of South Carolina I William Smith one of the
Spartanburg District Justices of the quorum for said District is hereby certified unto all whom it may concern that DRUSILLA WILLIS the wife of the within named RICHARD WILLIS did this day appear before me and upon being previously and separately Examined by me did declare that she does fully voluntarily and without any dread or fear of any person or persons whomsoever renounce release and forever relinquish unto the within named Joseph Wade his heirs and assigns all his interest and Estate and also all her right and claim of Dower of in or to all and Singular the premises within mentioned and released given under my hand and Seal the first day of February 1800.
Wm. Smith SEAL DRUCILLA X (her mark)WILLIS

Religion - Drusilla and family had their membership in several different Baptist Churches over their lives, including the Cedar Spring Baptist Church in Spartanburg Co, SC, and the Friendship Baptist Church, Pauline SC. Two of Drusilla’s brothers were Baptist ministers.

Drusilla and Richard were among the first settlers to the Spartanburg, SC area. Most of the early settlers in the area had come from Virginia and North Carolina. They were primarily veterans of the Revolution and their families. The first census of Spartanburg District in 1790, shows that all the neighbors were farmers or plantation owners

There were a few country stores in those days, and these were supplied by “Wagoner’s.” The people of the area worked vigorously to get the railroad to run through. When it came, it caused a rapid growth of businesses.

1837 – Drusilla’s husband dies

When Drusilla’s husband died in 1837, they had left a will deeding all their property over to their two sons, Edward and Sterling, including their plantation and 592 acres, slaves, stock, cash, personal and farming property. The two sons were to support Drusilla during her life time. However, the other children contested this will and there was a compromise that divided the property between all the children after the death of Drusilla

1846 - Drusilla died nine years later on May 4, 1846. She is buried in Woodruff, Spartanburg County, SC. She and Richard may be buried at the Old Unity Baptist Church Cemetery that has not been maintained for many years. It is possible that she was buried in the Barnett Cemetery, Camp Croft, Spartanburg, SC.

Old Unity Baptist Church Cemetery

Sources: 1. Blankenstein’s Homepage - http://pages.prodigy.net/blankenstein/RichardWillis.htm

2. The Soulis, Miller, Roberts, Claussen, Willis, Best and a lot of others Site

3. Foster-Barnett Bible Records THE BARNETT FAMILY BIBLE RECORD

4, Wikepedia