Unified Budget...... 8,145.00

Pre-K Program...... 25.00

Wesley Glen...... 295.00

Music Fund...... 80.00

Missions...... 101.00

Endowment Fund...... 300.00

Goodwill Class……….…………..50.00


Sunday School ...... 158

Early Morning Worship...... 63

The Link...... 78

Morning Worship...... 186

Total Worship...... 327

Our Guests

Sarah Armstrong; Sunny Herren; John and Charlotte Chism; Lynda Gantt.

UMW Game Day

Monday, Sept. 30th

12:00 – 4:00

Cost - $10

See any UMW member for tickets or call Susan at the church for more info.


Usher-in-Chief: Bob Gilstrap

Usher-in-Chief Emeritus: Ben Moon

Ushers: 8:30: CPT Harold Hill

Park Simpson

11:00: CPT Steve Smith

Don Vining

John Bray, Tommy Hudson, Reggie Kelley, Sid Griffith, Bob Draughon, Jack Watkins, Fred Wise, Jon Ezzell, Bill Bussey

Greeters: 8:15: Suzanne Supple

Greeters: 9:30: Lynn Ezzell, Melanie Grayson, Sue Pope, Sarah Crawford, Ed Annable

Greeters: 10:40 Gloria Willett, Louie Willett, Melanie Grayson, Lynn Ezzell, Pam Gilstrap, Sue Pope, Sarah Crawford, Ed Annable

Offering Trustees: Don Davidson, Cliff Livingston

Altar Guild: Carolyn Holland, Beverly Schlitzkus

Visitor Visitation: Shirley Moon

UMW Flower Delivery: Morning Doves

UMW Mission Focus: Sojourners

Men of Courage: Team 7: Scott McCranie, Ron Senger, Ed Annable, Kerry Mess

Acolytes: 8:30 Emma Mattocks

11:00 Avery Bolin, Kyle Bolin

Children’s Church:

11:00 Children’s Church

Nursery 2 & 3: Beth Parr, Carson Jones

Pre-K-3rd Grades:Holly & Gusty Walker, Gwen Sass, Chip Walker

Glory Kids Supper: Claire and Cyle Mims

9:45 Volunteer: Shannan Gatewood
11:00 Volunteer: Shannan Gatewood
If you will need childcare for choir, please call Shannan Gatewood at 706-718-9536


Shoeboxes will be available in all 3 worship services on Sunday, October 6th. Please take as many boxes as you will fill. Wynnton’s goal this year is

300 boxes.


God’s Love is Powerful!

“Backpacks of Grace” Mission

September Items—

Microwavable Meals

(found in the rice/soup aisle)

NON-refrigerated milk boxes

Drop off items in the bin outside the Coffee/Donut area.

*We’re in need of a “hand truck”

to load/unloadour backpacks.

If you haveoneto donate,please

call Gwen.Thank you!*

The Basement News

IT ALL STARTS TODAY! Flood the Basement starts today and we are so excited about what God has planned for us over the next 8 weeks! Middle school starts at 5pm and high school starts at 6pm. See you all there!


To Nancy Hood in the death of her husband, Ken Hood, of Columbus, GA on September 22, 2013.


To Elizabeth Pitts in the death of her brother, Maj. (Ret.) David Harp of Ashburn, GA. on September 19, 2013.


September 29: 3 John, Ezra 7-8,

Psalm 94

October 1: Revelation 1, Nehemiah 1-2, Psalm 96

October 2: Revelation 2, Nehemiah 3, Psalm 97

October 3: Revelation 3, Nehemiah 4, Psalm 98

October 4: Revelation 4, Nehemiah 5:1-7:3, Psalm 99

October 5: Revelation 5, Nehemiah 7:4-8:12, Psalm 100


*given in memory of Brian Gordy by Ann Barbaree Smith; Lisa & Sid Griffith; Marguerite & Robert Murdock.

*given in memory of Patsy Fuller by Chad Kerstetter.

*given in memory of Jean Williams by Betty Garrett; Sharon & Larry White; Linell & David Pringle; Ann Barbaree Smith; Suzanne Taylor; Beth & Larry Hendrickson.

*given in memory of Travis Brooks by Sarah Butler;

*given in memory of Larry Carr by Joan Carswell; Sharon & Bruce Berreth; Betty Garrett; Wylene & Morris Loeb.

We have a mission-minded confirmation class and youth group who are inviting you to participate with them in supporting the 4th Annual Run for Jeremy on Saturday, October 5th at Harris County High School in Hamilton. We will be walking and running in memory of Don Stephens. If we have 10 or more walkers/runners on Mr. Don’s Team, the cost will be $15. Deadline to register for the team is September 25 –Entry forms are available from Lisa Stephens and Beth Parr. You can register online individually after the 25th; however, the cost will be $25 ($30 on race day). The confirmation class will also be taking orders as well for a t-shirt that is designed specifically in memory of Don. You can order one of these by talking to one of the confirmands, Beth Parr, or Lisa Stephens. We’ll have a table before and after 11:00 church. You can also email Beth at . All money will support ALS research through the Emory ALS Center.

Bishop’s Hour

The 2013 Bishop’s Hour with our Bishop James King will be Sunday, October 13, at 7:00 p.m. This event will be live streamed. The Columbus District will gather at St. Luke Ministry Center for the live broadcast. All Wynnton leaders and church member are invited to come.

District United Methodist Men

On Thursday, October 10, at 6:00 p.m. the new District UMM will be meeting at St. Paul UMC. Mr. Larry Price, our SEJ President of the UMM, will be our inspirational speaker. Cost for supper is $10.00. Make your reservation by calling our church office by Wednesday, Oct. 2. Call Frank Parr or J Grantham for more details.


29 Mary Carmen Brooks, A.J. Cason, Marianne Fuentes, Heather Lipp, Jennifer Therrien

30 Linda McLendon

1 Theresa Boyd, Genie Huff, Frances Miller, Carolyn Wilkes

2 Joanne Cole, Helen Fuller, Bobbie Vining, Mitchell White

3 Sid Griffith, III, Jean McGlamry, Anne Spell

4 Sandi Carpenter, Doug Crawford, Jr. Nikki Graham, Michael Mashburn, Hallie Taylor, Jack Watkins

5 Bob Gilstrap, Patti Kelly, Suzanne Levine, Hannah McComb, Steve Smith, Mark Thomason, Jr.

Wynnton Family

Words can not adequately express my gratitude and appreciation for every act of sympathy you have shown me and my family during this very difficult time. God bless each of you,

Teresa Dorminey



$12 A FLAT

Mixed Yellow or Purple & White

A table will be set up before SS.

Deadline to order is Sept. 29. Delivery is Oct. 20th on the Fellowship Hall porch.


◘ James Hartman

◘ Marsh Bolin

◘ David Cook

◘ Guillermo Cornavaca

◘ Dallas Powell II