Creation Methods

Create the Software Pattern


This guide will expand upon the “Associated Software” section of the Software Asset form, which will help you normalize the Software information that is imported from SCCM into SCSM. It will cover how to use the Software naming pattern, Version pattern, Exclusion pattern, and Bundles.

  1. Install Asset Management & Asset Import apps
  2. Turn on Asset Inventory for HW Assets in SCCM
  3. Create SCCM Connector
  4. Verify Computers are displayed in Configuration Items > Computers > All Computers
  5. Verify Software is displayed in Configuration Items > Software > All Software
  6. Download the “Asset Import CSV File Creator” spreadsheet:

Software Assets can be created manually or if you have an existing list of software you are tracking manually or exported from another system, you can start with Software Asset creation process by importing that list. You will still need to add the software and version pattern to normalize the OOB Software Configuration Item into that Software Asset. The Software Asset Update workflow in the Asset Management app settings just updates the license status, purchase count, install count, and last update date after you have configured the Software Asset.

Choose your Creation Method:

  1. Manual Creation
  2. Create the SW Assets in the Service Manager Console
  3. Create the SW Assets one by one
  4. If you do not have an existing list of all the SW Assets you manager
  1. Asset Import Connector
  2. Create the SW Assets using the Asset Import app
  3. Create multiple SW Asset at one time. You will have to enter four required fields.
  4. If you have an extensive list or you are currently tracking SW Assets in another system
  5. Default values are filled into the csv spreadsheet. Copy them for all the SW Assets you are going to create, or enter your own default values. The software and version pattern will be entered after the asset is created.

Configuring the Software Pattern

  1. Open 2 instances of the Service Manager console
  2. Navigate to Configuration items > Software > All Software
  1. Navigate to Configuration Items > Asset Management > Software Assets > All Software Assets
  1. In the OOB Software view filter, type in a very broad name for the software asset you are going to track (Adobe)
  2. Evaluate the different naming conventions for the specific SW asset you are going to create
  1. In the Cireson instance, Create or open the associated software asset
  1. Fill out the following fields:
  2. “Software Pattern” - type “%” the name of the software “%” (%Acrobat%) The percent symbol works as a wildcard
  3. Warning Threshold Used % - 90% or whatever value you choose
  4. Purchase count – Enter a default value (10) or the actual value if you know it at this time
  5. Select “OK” to save and close the form
  1. Select the software asset you just created and Select “Update Software Asset” in the tasks section
  1. You should now see some values for “Installed Count” and “Available Count” for your software asset
  1. View what software was included from your software pattern
  2. Open the SW Asset
  3. Select the “Related Assets” tab
  4. View the items in the “Related Software items”
  5. You will more than likely see items that cover multiple SW Assets and some items that may not be actual install instances, such as Updates or Tools
  1. Narrow down your SW Asset
  2. Decide what software asset you are going to create and add more details to the software pattern

(Acrobat Standard%)

  1. Enter the major version in the Version Pattern (10%)
  2. Update and view the Related Software items again
  3. If it only displays the line items that are actual install instances of the Software, you are done.
  1. Add Exclusion Patterns
  2. If there are items in the Related Software window that are not an actual install instance of the licensed software, enter the value that you want to exclude (%Tools%)
  1. Create Bundles
  2. If you need multiple exclusion patterns or software patterns to narrow the related assets into one line item, create a Bundle.
  3. If you are only entering multiple exclusion patterns, you just enter the same software pattern, but different exclusion patterns to remove all the unwanted software names.

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