Competition 2016-2017CompanyContract
The Players
Our Role - Stacey & Michelle are the official head coaches of the competition team. Our goal is to inspire each dancer to achieve their personal best through both motivation and discipline. It is our responsibility to select music, costume & provide choreography. It is our responsibility to stretch, correct & critique, warm-up and rehearse the dancer prior to the performance. Finally, it is our responsibility to enforce rules and policies provided by competitions, dance organizations and our own team.
Parent’s Role – to provide encouragement, love and support; provide a positive competitive environment; comply with the rules of studio, dance organizations and the competition team. Most important: you must absolutely trust Stacey & Michelle with all decisions pertaining to the team.Parents will not rehearse dancer(s) at competition(s). When the coach takes the dancers to rehearse, parents will remove themselves from the area.
Dancer’s Role – have a strong commitment to the team, do their personal best and comply with the rules of studio, dance organizations and the competition team.
Electing to be part of this competition team at this dancing school is your choice. If throughout the season you have questions or concerns, please direct them to Michelle.Although there are other teachers involved with the team…ALL communication must be through Michelle.
Your signature below is a testimony that you, the undersigned, have read this document and will comply with all tenof the following policies:
1. Dancer will attend the BSDCteam summer intensive. In addition, there are 3 additional summer weeks; company dancers must attend two of the three weeks.
2. Classroom attendance throughout the fall season. Dancer is permitted to miss 2weeks worth of classes. Example: If the dancer is required to be at classes on Monday & Wednesday, they will only be allowed to miss two Mondays and two Wednesdays. Sitting and observing class due to illness does not constitute an absence, however children must be without fever and vomiting for the last 24 hours. Taking additional (non-mandatory classes): For each non-mandatory hour (Ballet, Lyric, Tap & Jazz) earned the dancer will receive a half hour in their bank.
3. Dancer will be available for the rehearsal rally in January. Dancer will be available to compete from the last week in February through the first weekend in May excluding Easter weekend. *The week of April vacation is considered a potential competition weekend. Please do not plan vacations during this time. Selected competition weekends will be provided in October. Final competition schedules for each individual weekend will be provided 1 to 2 weeks before the competition. We will provide you with the information, as soon as we receive it. This season we will be attending four competitions. Please make every attempt not to schedule vacation or be absent from, class the week before a competition, as it is important for the dancers to rehearse.
4. Dancer will stretch and practice routines at home to maintain consistent progress, technique and achievement. Flexibility is essential, throughout classes we will be using hands on stretching techniques to all students. The two methods of stretching technique used are:
Static Stretching – involves holding a position that places a particular muscle or muscle group and related connective tissue in a lengthened position. A 30 second stretch making an effort to relax the muscle undergoing the stretch through breathing. Static stretching provides both a safe and effective way of improving flexibility.
PNF Stretching – (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) PNF techniques aim to neural input influencing muscle length to improve flexibility. One common version (contract and release) utilizes a contraction of the muscle followed by a relaxation during which they same muscle is passively stretched. This procedure is generally repeated three times, followed by a 30 second static stretch at the end. PNF techniques are useful for less flexible dancers who are having more difficulty improving their flexibility.
5. Solos, Duos and Trios require director approval.These routines will only be performed at regional and national competitions, selected by BSDC. The only national competition BSDC attends is DMA. See item #7 for further clarification.
6. Appropriate dress and behavior in the classroom and at workshops is expected. Hair in a bun for ALL classes, leotard and tights without cover-ups, no jewelry, gum, underwear etc. A Black sleeveless leotard will be worn on Ballet night; failure to comply will result in the child sitting out of class.
7. All choreography is the property of Back Stage Dance Center LLC. Students wishing to utilize choreography for performances (i.e. school variety shows, church talent shows etc.) must obtain authorization from the choreographer prior to the performance.
8. In the event the dancer is injured during competition season or as a consequence will not be permitted to dance, they are required to attend all of their team’s performances.
9. Any violation of any rule at any time by the dancer or the parent may result in immediate termination from the team or disciplinary action. Consequences are at the discretion of Stacey and Michelle.
10. Special guest artists will conduct classes at the studio the 3rd weekend of every month (September – February) Note: In February we may alter the chosen weekend, based on studio vacation.Of the six offered, dancers must attend 4, failure to do so will make the dancer ineligible to compete for the season. You will pay for all 6, regardless of whether or not your dancer attends (This will keep costs down).
I, the undersigned, have read this document; I agree to comply with all ten policies.
I understand failure to comply could result in the removal of the dancer from the competition team. Removal could take place at anytime throughout the season.
Parent or Legal Guardian
Parent’s Printed Name______
Dancer Agreement
- I will respect myself, other team members and teachers.
- I will not talk during class.
- I will stretch at home independently.
- I will practice my routines and other classroom material at home.
- I will wear leotard and tights to all classes without any extra garments and jewelry.
- I will wear a black sleeveless leotard on the evening of Ballet class.
- I will wear a TIGHT bun that WILL NOT FALL OUT DURING CLASS.
- I will use the restroom, before and after class not during.
- I will attend all team performances, even if I am not participating due to injury or discipline.
Dancer’s Signature: ______
Date: ______