Our Ref: DP/DMB 2 July 2018

Dear Parent/Carer

Rome trip October 2018

I am writing to request further information about your child for the trip to Rome in October half term 2018, and to inform you of some slight price increases.

As I said in my initial letter, since we had to book the trip so early there was the chance that transport costs and exchange rates could change, to our detriment. Having been in touch with our tour and coach companies, the costs for each have risen a little. Subsequently I need to ask you to pay an additional £15.00 to the Finance Office by Monday 16 July 2018.

There are also a number of forms attached to this letter, and I would be grateful if you would return them as soon as possible, but no later than Monday 16 July 2018. The forms are as follows:

  • Medical form - I know that the school has a form held on file by the school, but this version is more detailed and necessary for foreign travel
  • Contact details – this is so that I can contact you if there was a problem whilst we are away
  • Hoody order form – the cost is £23.00 and a medium size one is available in the RE Office if you wish to try one to ascertain your size
  • Code of conduct – please go through this and sign it
  • Individual information - this is required by our travel company and you have already filled it in, but if any details, especially passports, have changed since you initially filled it in, please complete another copy

Please complete the forms accurately and return them to me (not the Finance Office/Student Services) in a sealed envelope with your child’s name along with Rome Trip 2018 written on it. Please contact me if any information changes between now and the commencement of the trip.

The only exception is the hoody form which should be sent to the Finance Office. Their preferred method of payment is online. Alternatively, you can pay by cash or cheque (made payable to Oaklands Catholic School).

Passport and EHIC cards

Every child must be in possession of a valid passport. Please ensure that it is up to date (try to have at least six months left at the end of entry to the foreign country – in our case this would make it April 2019), and if it needs to be renewed, that this is completed in plenty of time and the travel company form is filled in with the new details.

Every child will also need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). It is a condition of the insurance that every child is in possession of this card. Please make sure you leave plenty of time to apply for it and that if you already have one that it expires after November 2018. You can apply for an EHIC card online and it is free to obtain one -

An information evening will be held at 6pm on Wednesday 19th September in the new academic year of 2018-19 to go through the key details of the trip, at which point we will collect passports, EHIC cards and any other information that is needed.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me by email

Yours sincerely

Mrs D Palfreyman

Head of RE Department

Rome Trip – Contact Details 2018

Please fill in this form so that we can contact you if required during the trip and also if we are going to be delayed on our return. If any of your details change then please let me know.

Student Name
Address of parents whilst we are away
Names of Parents/Guardians
Home telephone number
Mobile phone number 1 and name
Mobile phone number 2 and name
Extra contact (if you wish to add)
Name and number of person to contact in case of delay

Telephone Tree

In case of delay I will organise a telephone tree. I will make one call to Mrs Oldroyd and she will then phone parent leaders who will in turn phone the small number of parents allocated to them (2 or 3) to pass the message on.

Please indicate if you would be able to perform this role (please delete as appropriate) Yes / No

Many thanks in advance for those who are willing to offer this. I will contact you nearer the trip with the list of numbers for the people to phone once I have collated the responses.

Name: ………………………………………………………..

Tutor Group: ………………………………………………..


  • Only use and sleep in your own room
  • Report any damage to your room to a member of staff so it can be recorded and reported to the hotel
  • Find the members of staff on your floor so you know where to go in case of any problems at night
  • Lock your room in the morning and leave the key with Reception
  • Be aware that we are only one group in the hotel so move around with care and consideration and don’t make lots of noise
  • Be prompt for breakfast and ensure there are no mobile phones or other devices at the table


  • Be aware of your small group leader and report to them whenever instructed.
  • Listen to your group leader and follow all instructions promptly.
  • Rome has many pickpockets. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your bag and possessions with you at all times.


  • No alcohol, tobacco, vaping devices or other illicit substances are to be purchased or used.
  • The school Behaviour Policy applies at all times and if a student’s conduct should be in breach of this, they will be dealt with in line with both the Educational Trips and Behaviour Policy.

Parental Signature: …………………………………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Parental Consent and Medical Form Rome trip

(please complete both sides and return to Mrs Palfreyman)

Personal details
Name: ………………………………………………………. …………… Form:…………………………..
Date of birth ...... Age ...... / Tick if aged 18 or over male / female
Address ......
...... Post code ......
Name of next of kin ......
Contact no:Home ...... Work ...... Mobile ......
Name and address of participant's doctor ......
Telephone no ...... NHS no (if known) ......
Consent for the visit or venture
I confirm that I have parental responsibility for ......
He/she is in good health and I consider him/her to be capable of taking part in this activity.
In the event of illness or accident, I consent to any necessary medical treatment, which might include the use of anaesthetics.
Please print name here ......
Address ......
...... Post code ......
Where water sports are part of the intended programme, please tick one of the boxes below to confirm the water capability of your child as appropriate:
My child is water competent (I confirm my child can swim 50metres in a pool or sea) / My child is water comfortable (I confirm my child has been in a pool or the sea and confirm he/she can submerge their head under the water without becoming distressed)
My child is water confident (I confirm my child can swim 25metres in a pool or sea) / My child is not water comfortable and I do not consent to their involvement in water sports

Parental Consent and Medical Form (please complete both sides)

Has the participant had any of the following?
Asthma or bronchitisYesNo
Heart conditionYesNo
Fits, fainting or blackoutsYesNo
Severe headachesYesNo
DiabetesYesNo / Allergies to any known medicationYesNo
Any other allergies, eg material, food, plastersYesNo
Other illness or disabilityYesNo
Travel sicknessYesNo
Regular medicationYesNo
If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, please give details:
...... …
If it is considered necessary, do you agree to Paracetamol being administeredYesNo
Has the participant received vaccination against Tetanus in the last 10 years?YesNo
Is the participant receiving medical or surgical treatment of any kind from
either their family doctor or hospital? YesNo
Has the participant been given specific medical advice to follow in emergencies?YesNo
If the answer to either of the last two questions is Yes, please give details here
(including name and dosage of any medicines/tablets):
Signed: …………………………………….………….. (Parent/Guardian) Date: ………………………….
I understand and accept that it is my responsibility to update the school should there be any changes to the medical information about my child.


Please return this form/make payment to the Finance Office by Monday 16 July 2018

Students have the opportunity to purchase a hoody. The Oaklands logo will be on the front left and any additional nicknames can be chosen and printed on the back. There is a choice of two colours: charcoal and burgundy.

If you wish to purchase one of these, fill in the section of the form below. The cost is £23.00 – payment can be made either online, by cash or cheque made payable to ‘Oaklands Catholic School’. Payments must go to the Finance Office and not to me. If you are paying by cash or cheque, please send the payment into the Finance Office in an envelope and write your child’s name and tutor group on the front; please write ‘Rome hoody’ on it too.

Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………..

Tutor Group: …………………………………………………………………………..

Colour: …………………………………………………………………………………

Size (circle): XS(34)S(36)M(40)L(44) XL(48)

Nickname (keep it clean!): …………………………………………………………..

A medium hoody will be available in the RE Office for students to try on and work out their size.