Florida State University Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) Submission Checklist
The following checklist should be reviewed when submitting any new protocol, 3-year protocol renewal, annual review (for USDA covered species) or significant change. While protocols, significant changes and other forms may be submitted electronically, all forms with signature pages must have the signature page with an original signature supplied in hard copy to the ACUC Secretary (MC4341). The deadline for submission to the Committee for consideration at its monthly meeting is the 1st day of the month.
_____ Completed FSU ACUC Animal Use Description Protocol Form. (Please submit the protocol form electronically to . The first page with an original signature should be submitted as a hard copy to the ACUC Secretary, MC 4341.)
_____ Completed FSU ACUC Significant Change Form or Personnel Significant Change Form. (The form may be submitted electronically to ,however the signature page with an original signature should be submitted as a hard copy to the ACUC Secretary, MC 4341.)
_____ Appendix A – Rodent Breeding (if maintaining a breeding colony of rats or mice on the protocol.
____ Appendix B – Hazardous Agents (if special animal husbandry or staff precautions are needed)
_____ Training – All personnel listed on the submission must undergo ACUC mandated training. Protocols and significant changes will not be approved until all individuals have received appropriate training. For further information on required training review the ACUC Training webpage or contact the ACUC Secretary.
_____ Medical Monitoring – All personnel listed on the submission must enroll in the FSU Vertebrate Animal Users program. Protocols and significant changes will not be approved until all individuals have been enrolled. For further information on required enrollment, view the ACUC Medical Monitoring webpage or contact the ACUC Secretary.
_____ Ensure that all permits are in hand and are current. Permit numbers must be included on the protocol form. Copies may be requested by the ACUC.