Our Plan for Progress

Greysbranch Elementary

Big Rock: Academic Achievement

Our Objectives or how we will know we are successful when:
  1. Data from MAP has been reviewed and students are targeted for their area of need with a 10% increase in overall scores from one testing session to another beginning in Fall and concluding with the Spring 2015 session
  2. There is a congruent match between Lesson Activities, Learning Targets, Standards and assessments in CIITS lesson Plans.
  3. Instructional strategies, activities and questioning is rigorous congruent to the standards.
  4. We meet all KPREP targets and Goals
The measures/evidence we will use are:
  1. Available assessment data
  2. Lesson Plans
  3. Teacher Records

First 30 days action strategies: August 6-Sept.19 / Who is on Point / By When? / How Communicated?
AA- 30.1. Assign PLC and Committee groups according to GES SBDM policy 2.01G and 2.12H / Jeff Wireman / September 15 / Faculty Meetings, emails, PLC documentation form
AA-30.2 Targetstudents for RtI according to Assessment data per grade level in Reading and Math. / Principal, Teachers / September 19 / MAP reports, Data spreadsheet
AA-30.3- homereading enrichment opportunities will be provided to students. (RED Folders, Book in a Bag, Repeated Reading Fluency) / Classroom Teachers, instructional Aides / On Going / emails, faculty meetings, agenda books, parent/teacher conferences, webpages
AA-30.4- Ms. Stout will attend the Science cadre sponsered by KEDC, she will bring information to teachers / Mrs. Stout / On Going / Faculty meetings
AA-30.5- Individual goal setting completed by teachers and students using MAP RIT scores in Reading and Math, and Language Arts for fourth and fifth grades. / Teachers, Mrs. Hunt, Kim Tussey, Principal / September 19
on going / Goal setting chart
MAP reports
AA-30.6- Teachers will attend Professional Learning to implement “Do Whats” and questioning strategies. / Teachers, District staff, Principal / September 2,2014 / Email, Faculty meetings, walkthrough observations, Lesson Plans
AA-30.7- Teachers will attend Professional Learning to better implement our new writing program-Empowering writers / Teachers, Emilee McAilster, Principal / September 25,2014 / Lesson Plans, Observation
AA-30.8- Regular Education Math teachers will implement calendar math throughout the week. / Teachers / On-Going / Lesson Plans, Observation
AA-30.9-All teachers will complete lesson plans in CIITS for the content areas they teach / Teachers, Principal, District / On-Going / CIITS , walkthrough
AA-30.10- classroom teachers will teach weekly lessons using “power verbs” / Classroom teachers / ongoing / Lesson plans, observation
AA-30.11 Technology will be utilized for instruction and enrichment in academic areas (Study island, Education city, think central) / Classroom teahcers/ computer teacher / ongoing / lesson plans, outcome data
AA-30.12 Teachers will utilize Go Math series for instruction in math / math teachers, principal / ongoing / lesson plans, observation
AA-30.13 Earobics will be utilized for instruction/enrichment in reading / teachers, instructional aides / ongoing / lesson plans, outcome data
If we are not successful, we will: Training will be provided for consistency in developing LP’s in CIITS.
Follow-up training on rigor and questioning
The measures/evidence we will use are:
  1. RTI progress monitoring sheets
  2. Goal setting charts
  3. Parent sign-in sheets
  4. Emails
  5. PLC documentation forms

60 days action strategies: Sept. 20- Nov. 6 / Who is on Point? / By When? / How Communicated?
AA-60.1 Teachers will implement RTI in the areas of Reading and Math to identified students using appropriate researched or evidence based programs. / Teachers, assistants / On Going / RTI data sheets, parent conference
AA-60.2- Grade level teachers will attend Professional Learning Academies sponsered by the district / Teachers, District staff / On Going / Email, Faculty Meetings
AA-60.3- I Do, We Do, You Do will be implementeddaily in Math lesson plans as documented in CIITS. / Teachers, Principal / Ongoing / PLC documentation form
AA-60.4 Target students for RtI according to Assessment data per grade level in Reading and Math / Principal, Teachers / post evaluation / MAP reports, Data spreadsheet
AA-60.5PLC Committees will analyze 4th and 5th grade MAP, Star Reading and State Assessment to determine student performance outcomes on future assessments. / PLC Committees / ongoing / spreadsheet
AA-60.6 classroom teachers will teach weekly lessons using “power verbs” / classroom teachers / ongoing / lesson plans, observations
AA-60.7 home reading enrichment opportunities will be provided to students. (RED Folders, Book in a Bag, Repeated Readi ng Fluency) / classroom teachers, instructional aides / ongoing / emails, faculty meetings, agenda books, parent/teacher conferences, webpages
AA-60.8 Technology will be utilized for instruction and enrichment in academic areas (Study island, Education city, think central) / Teachers, computer teacher / ongoing / lesson plans, outcome data
AA-60.9 Teachers will utilize Go Math series for instruction in math / Math Teachers, principal / ongoing / lessson plans/observations
AA-60.10 Earobics will be utilized for instruction/enrichment in reading / teachers, instructional aides / ongoing / lesson plans/outcome data
AA-60.11Teachers will utilize “Do what” strategies for reading. / Teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observation
If we are not successful, we will:
90 days action strategies: Nov. 7-Dec. 19 / Who is on Point? / By When? / How Communicated?
AA-90.1 Implementation of Intermediate Science Fair. / Intermediate teachers, Ms. Stout / Dec.15 / Newsletter, email
Science Fair rubrics
AA-90.2 Implementation of technology integrated projects in Social Studies for 5th grade students. / Misty Tackett / end of 2nd nine weeks
In Progress / S.S rubrics
AA-90.3I Do, We Do, You Do will be implementeddaily in Math lesson plans as documented in CIITS. / Math Teachers, Principal / Dec. 19-OnGoing / Lesson Plans,Observations
AA-90.4- Teachers will attend district sponsored data night. / Teachers, Principal, District staff / Dec. 2 / Faculty meetings, email
AA-90.5-A Reading Fair will be offered to all students, projects will be judged, winners will participate in district competition. / Mrs. Weaver / Dec 19 / Newsletters, phone cast, memos
AA-90.6- Professional Learning will be offered in rigor and questioning. / Mr. Baker / Nov. 13 / Walkthrough and Lesson Plans
AA-90.7- Professional Learning will be offered for consistent lesson plan development in CIITS / Stacey Spears / Dec. 4 / Walkthroughs and Lesson Plans in CIITS
AA-90.8- Professional Learning for new science standard implementation. / Lee Ann Stout / 1st training 11-20-14
On-Going / Lesson Plans, Observation
AA-90.9-Target students for RtI according to Assessment data per grade level in Reading and Math / Principals, Teachers / Dec. 19 / MAP reports, Data spreadsheet
AA-90-9 Primary teachers will implement interactive writing. / Primary teachers / Ongoing / Lesson Plans, observation
AA-90-10 ELA Committee will review reading textbooks and make a recommendation to site base council for purchase. / ELA Committee / October-December / final recommendation
AA-90-11 PLC Committees will analyze MAP, Star Reading and State Assessment to determine student performance outcomes/Predictions on future assessments. / All Certified school staff/principal / November PLC meetings
On-Going / spreadsheet
AA-90-12classroom teachers will teach weekly lessons using “power verbs” / regular classroom teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
AA-90-13 I Do, We Do, You Do will be implementeddaily in Math lesson plans as documented in CIITS. / Math tehacers, principal / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
AA-90-14 home reading enrichment opportunities will be provided to students. (RED Folders, Book in a Bag, Repeated Reading Fluency) / classroom teachers, instructional aides, / ongoing / emails, faculty meetings, agenda books, parent/teacher conferences, webpages
AA-90-15 Teachers will utilize Go Math series for instruction in math / math teachers, principal / ongoing / lesson plans/observation
AA-90-16Technology will be utilized for instruction and enrichment in academic areas(Study island, Education city, think central) / Teachers, Computer teacher / ongoing / lesson plans/outcome data
AA-90-17 Earobics will be utilized for instruction/enrichment in reading for Kindergarten / teachers, instructional aides / ongoing / lesson plans/ outcome data
AA-90-18 Teachers will utilize “Do what” strategies for Math / Teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/ outcome data
AA-90-19 Teachers will utilize Before, During and After Instructional strategies for reading. / Reading teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observation
120 DAY ACTION PLAN- Jan.5-Feb.13
If we are not successful, we will:
AA-120.1 Target students for RtI according to Assessment data per grade level in Reading and Math / teachers, principal / post evaluation / MAP reports, Data spreadsheet
AA-120.2 Teachers will analyze map testing from November/december testing to plan goals and interventions for students. / Teachers / January / RTI data, student goals
AA-120.3 classroom teachers will teach using “power verbs” / Regular Classroom teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
AA-120.4 Primary teachers will implement interactive writing. / Primary teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
AA-120.5 I Do, We Do, You Do will be implementeddaily in Math lesson plans as documented in CIITS. / Math Teachers, principal / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
AA-120.6 Technology will be utilized for instruction and enrichment in academic areas (Study island, Education city, think central) / Teachers, computer teacher / ongoing / lesson plans/outcome data
AA-120.7 Teachers will utilize Go Math series for instruction in math / math teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
AA-120.8 Earobics will be utilized for instruction/enrichment in reading / teachers, instructional aides / ongoing / lesson plans/outcome data
AA-120.9 Teachers will utilize “Do what” strategies for reading. / teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
AA-120.10 Teachers will utilize “Do what” strategies for reading. / reading teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
150 day Action plan-Feb. 16-March 27
aa-150.1 classroom teachers will teach weekly lessons using “power verbs” / Regular classroom teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
AA-150.2 home reading enrichment opportunities will be provided to students. (RED Folders, Book in a Bag, Repeated Reading Fluency) / classroom teahcers, instructional aides / ongoing / emails, faculty meetings, agenda books, parent/teacher conferences, webpages
MAP reports, Data spreadsheet
AA-150.5 Technology will be utilized for instruction and enrichment in academic areas (Study island, Education city, think central) / teachers, computer teacher / ongoing / lesson plans, outcome data
AA-150.4 Teachers will utilize Go Math series for instruction in math / math teachers / ongoing / lesson plans, observations
AA-150.5 Earobics will be utilized for instruction/enrichment in reading / teachers, instructional aides / ongoing / lesson plans, outcome data
AA-150.6 Teachers will utilize “Do what” strategies for Math. / Teachers / ongoing / lesson plans, observation
AA-150.7 Reading teachers will implement “Before, during, after” reading activities. / reading teachers / ongoing / lesson plans/observations
180 day Action plan- March 30- May 8

Our Plan for Progress

Greysbranch Elementary

Name of School Big Rock: School Culture

We will know we are successfulwhen:
  1. Attendance has increased above each month of 2013-14 school year.
  2. All students receive awards for academic excellence
  3. Grandparents attend activities.
  4. Community, Parents, students and Staff are involved in GES activities.
The measures/evidence we will use are:
  1. Weekly and monthly attendance reports
  2. Sign in sheets/Stakeholder attendance
  3. Student Participation
  4. IC and District report from DPP
  5. Survey Results

First 30 days action strategies: Aug. 6-Sept. 19(and before 1st day of school) / Who is on Point / By When? / How Communicated?
SC-30.1- Backpack Program / FRC, Bellefonte / July 21 / Letter to parents
SC-30.2- Kindergarten orientation/POPS / FRC, Kindergarten teachers / July 28 / Letter
SC-30.3- Back to school open house / Principal, FRC / Aug. 5 / Phone Cast, Sign
SC- 30.4- Daily morning assembly-shoutouts and recognitions / Principal,teachers / On Going / Daily with staff and students
SC- 30.5- Weekly attendance grade winners unveiled with banner / Attendance clerk, Principal, PTO / On Going / Weekly with banner
SC- 30.6- Monthly writing, student of month, and attendance awards / FRC, teachers, principal / monthly / email, newsletter
SC-30. 7- Grand -parent day celebration / FRC, Principal, teachers / September 11 / Email, newsletter, sign in sheets.
SC-30. 8 – Monthly Perfect attendance special lunch / Attendance clerk, FRC, food service / On-going / email, memo from FRC
SC-30.9. – Brown Bag Program / FRC / 8-15-On-Going / letter to parents
SC-30.10 – Monthly SBDM meetings / Principal / Aug. 8-
Sept. 8—
ongoing monthly / Email, Newsletter, Webpage, meeting minutes
SC-30.11-Monthly PTO meetings / PTO President / Aug. 8
Ongoing monthly / Email, Newsletter, Webpage
60 days action strategies: Sept. 20-Nov. 6 / Who is on Point? / By When? / How Communicated?
SC- 60.1- Monthly PTO meetings / PTO President / Sept. 23 / Email, Newsletter, Webpage
SC-60.2- GAP meetings(Guardians as Parents) / FRC / Sept. 26 / Letter
SC- 60.1- Weekly attendance grade winners unveiled with banner / Principal, Attendance clerk / On-Going / Morning assembly
SC- 60.2- Monthly writing, student of month, and attendance awards and 9 week awards / Teachers, FRC / Oct20-24 / Newsletter, email
SC- 60.3- Daily morning assembly-shoutouts and recognitions / Principal, teachers / On-going / Daily with staff and students
SC-60.4- Fall Book Fair / Media Specialist- Ms. Weaver / Sept. 29-Oct. 2 / Phone cast, Principal email, newsletter, webpage
SC-60-5- Spirit Week activities / FRC / Sept 29-Oct 2 / Newsletter, parent letter, webcast
SC-60.6-Title I Parent Involvement meeting / Principal, FRC, food service / Oct. 9 / Parent letter, email, Newsletter, phone cast
SC-60.7- Recognition wall of Fame for Distinguished and Proficient students / Principal, FRC / Oct. 1 / email, staff meetings
SC- 60. 8– 9 weeks Perfect attendance special lunch / FRC / Oct. 28-29 / Memo to teachers
SC-60.9- P and D gold Stars for KPREP proficiency / Principal, FRC / Oct 14 / emails
SC-60.10-Attendance winner rewards party for Primary and intermediatefor 1st nine weeks / FRC / Oct 14
SC-60.11- Jump Rope for Heart / FRC / Oct. 23 / Newsletter, email, parent letter, schoolcast
SC-60.12- Family Movie Night / FRC / Oct 24 / Schoolcast, parent letter
SC-60.13- Sock-it to Cancer day- Balloon Release / FRC / Oct 28 / Parent letter, schoolcast
Sc-60.14- Wear Red for Drug awareness / FRC / Oct 30 / Letter, intercom announcement
SC-60.15-Monthly SBDM meetings / Principal / Oct. 13 / Email, Important Dates, posted Agenda
SC-60.16- Holiday Assistance Sign-up / FRC / Oct. 27 / Newsletter, Letter home, schoolcast
SC-60.17- Brown Bag Proogram / FRC / On-Going / Letter to Parent
SC-60.18- Weekly attendance winners unveiled / Principal / On-Going / Morning Assembly
90 days action strategies: Nov. 7-Dec. 19 / Who is on Point? / By When? / How Communicated?
SC-90.1- staff will participate in fall festival. Students and families will have the opportunity to interact with staff, other families, and community members throughout the evening. / Staff, PTO / Nov. 7 / Email, Newsletter, schoolcast
SC-90.2- dinner with santa: families, students, staff, and community members will have the opportunity to visit with santa, do a hands-on craft, accelerated reading activities, and enjoy a hot meal. / frc, library, staff, fbla members, and community members / Dec. 9 / Newsletter, memos, school cast, email
SC-90.3- FRC Advisory Council meeting / FRC / Nov. 13 / Email,Call
SC-90.4- November monthly awards announced during morning assembly. / FRC, Principal, teachers / Dec. 5 / Newsletter, Important dates
SC-90.5- Monthly SBDM meeting / Principal / Nov. 13 / Email, Agenda, important dates, newsletter
SC-90.6- Donuts, Juice and Coffee for Veterans / FRC, Principal / Nov. 11 / School Cast, sign in sheet
SC-90.7- Filled with Hope food drive / FRC / Nov. 17-21 / Letters, Newsletter
Intercom announcements
SC-90.8- Monthly PTO Meeting / PTO President / Nov. 20 / Newsletter, email
SC-90.9- Monthly SBDM meeting / Principal / Dec. 8 / Agenda posted, email, webpage, newsletter
SC-90.10-Brown Bag Program / FRC / On-Going / Parent letter
SC-90.11- Weekly attendance winners unveiled / Principal / On-Going / Morning Announcements
120 Day Action Plan Strategies: Jan. 5-Feb. 13 / Who is on Point? / By When / How
SC-120.1- 2nd nine weeks and Dec. Monthly awards / FRC, Principal, Teachers / Jan. 20, 2015 / Newsletter, email
SC-120.2- Monthly PTO meeting / PTO President / Jan. 15, 2015 / Newsletter, email
SC-120.3-Monthly SBDM meeting / Principal / Jan.12 / agenda, email
SC-120.4-Morning Assemblly with shoutouts and recognition / Teachers, Principal, FRC / on-going / Daily with staff and students
SC-120.5- Special Lunch for perfect attendance-2nd 9 weeks / FRC, Principal / Jan 20,2015 / message from office
SC-120.6- Brown Bag Program / FRC, Food Service, outside Donations / On-Going / Parent Letter
SC-120.7-Weekly attendance winners unveiled / Principal / On-Going / Morning announcements
150 day plan of action : Feb. 16-March 27 / Who’s on Point / By When / How communicated?
SC-150.1- KPREP recognition banquet / counselor, principal, food service / April / Newsletter, email, invitation
SC-150.2-KPREP Rally / Counselor, teachers, principal / April / Important dates calendar, email, newsletter, webpage
SC-150.3- Spring Book Fair and Family Night / Mrs. Weaver / March 2-6 / Webpage, phone cast, newsletter
180 day plan of Action: Mar. 30-May 15 / Who’s on Point? / By When? / How Communicated?
SC-180.1- End of the Year Kindergarten Program / Kindergarten Teachers / May / Newsletters, email, agenda book,
SC-180.2- End of the year 5th grade Program / 5th grade teachers / May / Newsletters, email, agenda book,
SC-180.3- End of year grade level awards programs / All Teachers, Principal / May / Newsletters, email, agenda book,

Our Plan for Progress

Greysbranch Elementary

Name of School Big Rock: Program Review

we will know we are successful when:
1. Students will be offered the opportunity to participate in various programs. Students will respond to peer performances during classroom reflection.
2.To increase the number/percentage of students scoring proficient/distinguished on the 2015 K-Prep test in Writing On Demand
3. To score Proficient in all Program Review areas
The measures/evidence we will use are:
Classroom reflection Documentation
Audience Reflection Documentation
program Reflections.
Scripts and Music for each grade level performance.
Meeting Notes
Student writing pieces
Student Participation
Program Review self assessments
First 30 days action strategies: Aug 6-Sept. 19 / Who is on Point / By When? / How Communicated?
AHPR-30.1-Constitution Day Program during morning assembly / Mr. Simmons / Sept.17 / Newsletter, lesson Plans
WPR-30.2- Implement writing plan according to SBDM policy 2.01E / Teachers / On Going / Lesson Plans, teacher feedback
PR-30.3- Program Review PLC meetings / Program Review committee / On-Going / email, staff meetings
K.3-PR.30.4- GO MATH Implemented in K-3 / teachers / on-going / lesson plans
K.3.-PR.30.5- MAP testing / teachers & Students / 3 sessions (2 completed) ON-GOING / results sent home, goal setting for students
K.3-PR.30.6- RTI (Response to intervention) / Teachers & Students / ON-GOING / Goal setting graphs
60 days action strategies: Sept. 20-Nov. 6 / Who is on Point? / By When? / How Communicated?